In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 162: Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are.

Liu Cong frowned after hearing the news.

"Why didn't I see it reported in the news?" Liu Cong asked.

"In order not to cause panic among people, this matter did not appear in the news media."

"With the attitude of the Americans, they are likely to attack the official website of the Ministry of National Defense of my country soon."

Liu Cong frowned even more when he heard this.

"Well, you go to eat alone, I won't go."

After Liu Cong said hello to Jiang Wanying, he left without looking back.

And he walked in a hurry. By the time Jiang Wanying came to her senses, Liu Cong was already ten meters away.

"Hey! I haven't eaten yet!"

"Where are you going!" Jiang Wanying shouted loudly to Liu Cong.

"There is something very important."

Liu Cong waved his hand and then quickly disappeared from Jiang Wanying's sight.

Liu Cong returned to the apartment and couldn't wait to open the computer on the table.

Then quickly boot up and enter your password.

When Liu Cong opened the Huaxia official website, it was exactly what Jiang Wanying said.

At this time, the official website of Huaxia cannot be accessed at all, and it keeps showing reloading.

At this time, Liu Cong realized that what Jiang Wanying said just now was true.

Then, Liu Cong couldn't wait to open other official websites of Huaxia and found that they could still be opened.

As a result, Liu Cong secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, not all of them have been captured yet."

With that said, Liu Cong visited Huaxia's official website again.

I found that it was still in the loading state just like before.

Chinese defense department,

"Leader, the United States is attacking the official website of our Ministry of National Defense."

"Their purpose is probably to steal our important information."

A young man in light blue clothes, sweating profusely, ran to the middle-aged man and reported to him.

The middle-aged man frowned even more tightly at this time, and slapped his right hand on the table.

"What do they want to do now?"

"Want to rebel?"

"Forget about attacking China's official website, now they are planning to attack our Ministry of National Defense."

The middle-aged man can be said to be furious.

"Leader, this large-scale hacker attack may be related to the photolithography machine."

"A few days ago, the United States sent representatives to negotiate, but they were rejected by our side." The young man said to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man nodded.

"Well, I know about this."

"I have never seen a country more shameless than the United States."

"Pass it on to me."

"This time I will use all my strength to defend it, and everyone in our department who knows computers will be included."

This time it can be said that the defense sector has taken the risk.

"Leader, this is bad!"

"Our place is going to be hacked!"

"Same here!"

"So are we!"

Everyone in the hall looked very nervous, even a little desperate.

Although they still have Hongke's support behind them, the disparity in strength between the two parties is too great.

Huaqing University Apartment,

Liu Cong, who was still maintaining the Huaxia official website alone, received a reminder that the national defense website had been compromised.

At the moment, Liu Cong couldn't control anything.

Immediately drop what you are doing to maintain the national defense website.

"Isn't there anything the country can do about this group of people?"

"Did the system predict everything in advance and allow me to obtain this skill?"

"Am I really the guardian of China selected by the system?"

At this time, countless unanswerable questions burst into Liu Cong's mind.

At this time, Liu Cong couldn't think much anymore and just started doing it.

"You sewer rats, if I don't treat you today, you really think there are no people in China!"

"Come on!"

Liu Cong couldn't care less at this time and directly entered the official website of the Ministry of National Defense through some means.

"Oops, someone stole the source code!"

In the lobby of the Ministry of National Defense, a young man shouted.

Hearing what the young man said, everyone in the hall became tense at this moment.

Are we willing to give up by just welcoming failure?

Should the spirit hidden in our bones just be discarded?

In the face of the oppression of the United States, can we easily lower our heads and let others enslave us?


The backbone of the Chinese people will always be straight, and we will never give in to evil forces!

Soon, everyone started to cheer up again.

"No matter what happens today, we cannot fail in this cyber battle."

"Hold on!"

At the scene, everyone got excited again and kept typing on the keyboard in front of the computer.

Liu Cong in the Huaqing University apartment was currently studying the logic of the code.


"I finally understand what's going on!"

"Don't you like to play aggression? I will make you walk around without food today!"

Then, Liu Cong's fingers tapped quickly on the computer keyboard.

Soon, the computer of the first hacker in the United States was hacked by Liu Cong.

The American hacker, thousands of kilometers away, looked at his hacked computer with question marks on his face.




The United States kept getting more and more angry, and then opened another computer next to it and prepared to invade the Chinese official website again.

However, how could Liu Cong, who was far away in China, let these thugs succeed.

If there was one, there would be two. Soon, all the computers of hackers in the United States were hacked by Liu Cong.

When they invaded the Huaxia official website again, only nine Chinese fonts written in red fonts popped up on the Huaxia official website, with English annotations below.

"Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

When everyone saw these words, they were all dumbfounded.

At this time, in the lobby of the Ministry of Defense.

Everyone stared at the computer screen excitedly. Although they had thousands of words to say, they really couldn't say anything.


"Anyone who offends China will be punished no matter how far away he is!"

Many people couldn't help crying when they stared at these words on the computer screen.

However, this is not over yet.

Liu Cong did not intend to let the United States go just like this.

"You just attacked us, China."

"Now it's my turn to attack you!"

At this time, Liu Cong took out the computer that his father gave him when he was in junior college from the computer bag hanging on the side.

When two computers were placed in front of Liu Cong at the same time, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise a charming arc.

Immediately afterwards,

Liu Cong started typing codes on the computer.

As for the Americans thousands of miles away, they were just angry about the failure just now.

But little did they know that a greater danger would be waiting for them.

(When I wrote this, the author suffered from secondary disease, haha. If you like this book, don’t forget to give it a five-star review. It’s still available today. Please wait patiently.)

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