In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 163: Relying on his own strength to capture the official website of the United States

Liu Cong's hands were typing on the keyboard faster and faster, to the point where his hands were creating afterimages.

At this time, he was like the reincarnation of the God of War.

Who said keyboard warriors can't contribute to the motherland? Liu Cong is determined to prove it to everyone today.

About fifteen minutes later, all the code on Liu Cong's side had been edited.

The moment Liu Cong pressed the compile button, his whole body was filled with murderous aura.

"Don't you, the United States, like to play such insidious tricks?"

"I will also let you taste the paralysis of the national official website today."

Later, Liu Cong quietly logged into a small, unknown official website in the United States.

Then put the compiled code, which is only a few KB, directly on the official website.

Liu Cong's other computer also operated in the same way.

Then, Liu Cong sat quietly in front of the computer, waiting for the next good thing to happen.

At this time, in the Hongke Alliance group.

It has completely exploded.

Little Transparent Five Hundred: Did you just watch it? A Chinese hacker single-handedly hacked the computers of all American hackers.

Not coming back in autumn: Is there anyone in this circle who doesn’t know about this?

Swim Circle: From now on, this is the role model I am pursuing.

At this time, a girl with a mushroom head in the Huaqing University cafeteria was eating while paying attention to the information in the group.

Yes, this girl is Jiang Wanying.

When he knew that the national official website was saved by one person's own opinions, he thought of that person on the spot.

Moreover, this person just taught himself how to hack into the official website, and he succeeded.

"Is it him?" Jiang Wanying said to herself.

After hesitating for a while, she typed on the keyboard of her mobile phone.

Mushroom-headed girl: I seem to know this person. Just now he helped me hack the largest shopping website in the United States.

When Jiang Wanying said these words, the crowd of several hundred people instantly exploded.

Territory: Mushroom Head, are you telling the truth? Do you really know this person?

Don’t like coriander: I remember you are an undergraduate student at Huaqing University, right? You said that the mysterious person is also from your school.


For a time, everyone had a lot of questions to ask.

And Jiang Wanying could only answer everyone's questions one by one.

Just when everyone was chatting happily, another big news came one after another.

This news this time shocked all the fans in the group.

Group leader: Stop chatting and go take a look.

All official websites in the United States, including the official website of the Department of Defense, were hacked by a person named Descendants of the Dragon.

At this moment, the whole group was shocked.

Even the Hongke bosses who usually don't talk about it are raising question marks one after another at this moment.

For a time, the group was in a state of panic.

Jiang Wanying, who had not finished her meal, quickly opened her laptop in the cafeteria after hearing what the group leader said.

When he saw Descendants of the Dragon written on any American official website, he was still full of disbelief.

However, we have to accept this fact.


At this time, the Hacker Alliance group had completely exploded.


"Why is this happening! How can this virus be so powerful?"

At this time, all the American hackers were staring in disbelief at the four shining golden characters of "Descendants of the Dragon."

Even though they couldn't read Chinese, they still felt a sense of oppression on the screen.

In the lobby of the U.S. Department of Defense,

A middle-aged man in his fifties was frowning and staring at the big screen.


"Hasn't this person's information been found out yet? What do you do for food?"

"Check it for me quickly? Find out the IP address for me."

For a moment, everyone in the hall looked extremely nervous.

On the side, John faced the oppression of his leader, with beads of sweat streaming down his face.

"Sir Bob, this person's IP address is in the Department of Defense of the United States."

As soon as these words came out, Chief Bob became angry instantly.


"Is there a mole here?"

With that said, Chief Bob pointed the finger at the only Chinese American present.

When everyone in the hall turned their eyes towards the Chinese American, the Chinese American panicked instantly.

He quickly stood up and explained: "Sir Bob, please believe me. I will always be loyal to the United States."

"I am an American national and I will not betray my motherland."

As he said this, the American-Chinese raised his right hand and swore to God.

"I swear to God, if I..."

When everyone saw that this American-Chinese man swore so viciously, they all dropped their guard.

"Sir Bob, I don't think this matter was caused by our internal staff. Someone must have changed the IP address on purpose."

At this time, someone in the crowd said.

Everyone also expressed their agreement.

"Well, what we need to solve right now is to quickly restore the operation of the official website."

"Also, you must find this person for me!"

"No matter what method we use, we must find this person!"



Liu Cong sat on the computer, and the smile on his lips became even brighter.

"not enough!"

"Don't you want to steal our information? Then I will retaliate in kind!"

Just do it, Liu Cong started operating it directly on the computer.

Major official websites in the United States have been hacked. This is when they are weak. Stealing national secrets is simply a piece of cake for Liu Cong.

Soon after, Liu Cong anonymously sent a confidential document to the country.

All IP addresses and traces of this file have been wiped clean.

Therefore, the United States does not yet know that its important information has been stolen by someone from China.

And they are still gathering all hackers to repair the official website.

China, Ministry of National Defense.

A mysterious document was sent to the Ministry of Defense's mailbox.

"Leader! There is an email here, with dozens of G's in it. The sender is the descendant of the dragon!"

A young man squatted next to the computer and said excitedly.

"What? The descendant of the dragon? Click it quickly!"

With that said, the young man downloaded the file directly without any nonsense.

After about three minutes, all the files have been downloaded.

The moment the young man clicked on the file, others were stunned.

I saw that all the documents, large and small, were in English, and there were pictures of various spacecraft and parts on them.

The young people were a little at a loss when they saw this.

"Leader! This document seems to be from the United States!"


After hearing what the young man said, the middle-aged man walked up to the young man in two or three steps, and then controlled the mouse himself.

After a while, the middle-aged man was completely dumbfounded.



"This is actually super secret information from the United States!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present exploded.

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