After Liu Cong completed all this series of tasks, he stretched lazily on his seat.

"Gu~" Liu Cong's stomach had already begun to growl.

Liu Cong turned on his phone and looked at the time and found that it was already half past one in the afternoon.

"I don't know if there is any food in the cafeteria."

"No matter what, let's go take a look first!"

So, Liu Cong picked up the clothes on the bed, put them on and went out.

After arriving at the canteen, Liu Cong was more pleased that there were still several windows in the canteen open.

Liu Cong ordered a spicy hot pot and then found a seat to sit down.

After eating, it was already afternoon.

After Liu Cong put the plates together, he left the canteen.

When Liu Cong passed a pavilion, he glanced inside from the corner of his eye.

Jiang Wanying was found holding a computer and typing on the keyboard.

Liu Cong was curious, so he quietly walked forward and found that Jiang Wanying was typing code on the computer.

And these codes are what Liu Cong left after he invaded the official website of the United States just now.

This code is not a strange thing, it was left behind by Liu Cong on purpose.

Therefore, as long as you are proficient in hacking technology, you can get it with a little bit of tricks.

"Are you looking at the code?"

This sudden sound startled Jiang Wanying, who was concentrating on reading the code.

Jiang Wanying turned around and saw Liu Cong, her face filled with blame.

"Can't you say hello when you come?"

"Is it so mysterious?"

Seeing that Jiang Wanying was so frightened, Liu Cong scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't consider this."

After Jiang Wanying saw Liu Cong apologizing to her, she stopped arguing with Liu Cong.

Afterwards, Jiang Wanying pointed at the computer screen and looked seriously at Liu Cong, who was standing beside her.

"Did you do this?"

Liu Cong pretended to be stunned for a moment, then looked at the computer.

In order not to make Jiang Wanying suspicious, Liu Cong deliberately flipped down and then pretended to be shocked.

"Whoever made this code is absolutely perfect."

Liu Cong gave a thumbs up to the computer, then turned to look at Jiang Wanying.

"You made this up, you can do it!"

Jiang Wanying remained silent, then walked to the computer again and sat down.

"These few lines of code are the same as what you told me at noon."

"How do you explain this?"

"And you didn't eat anything after hearing about it at noon."

"Don't you have something on your mind?"

Liu Cong scratched his hair and couldn't think of an explanation for a while.

"Are you acquiescing by remaining silent?" Jiang Wanying asked.

Liu Cong waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no, no, I'm just wondering who programmed this code."

Jiang Wanying rolled her eyes at Liu Cong with a look of disbelief.

However, until evidence is found, Jiang Wanying cannot guarantee that it was Liu Cong who invaded the US official website this time.

"Well, I have classes in the afternoon."

"I'll leave first."

Liu Cong just wanted to run away for any reason.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Wanying looked doubtful, "Today is Wednesday, aren't there any classes in the afternoon?"

After being reminded by Jiang Wanying, Liu Cong realized that he was in the same class as Jiang Wanying.


"Well, I signed up for a martial arts class outside."

"Just think of it as exercise."

Liu Cong stretched his arms and waved his hand.

"Well, I'm going to be too late, so I'll leave first."

"We will discuss this topic again when we have the opportunity."

After finishing speaking, Liu Cong immediately dodged.

America, a conference room.


"What do you guys do?"

"We in the United States have top hackers and computer talents!"

"Just now, we were actually invaded by an unknown hacker from China!"

"Tell me, where should we put this face!"

At this time, the middle-aged man was holding a glass in his hand and looked very angry.

At the end of the sentence, he slammed the glass in his hand to the ground, shocking everyone present.

"Paul, has the hacker's address been found now?"

The middle-aged man stared sharply at the young man in his thirties sitting at the end of the conference table.

"Reply to the chief."

"Currently... not yet!" The young man named Paul stuttered.

The middle-aged man became even more angry after hearing this.

His palms kept tapping the table.


"Are you people who work hard?"

"If you don't find this person for me today, you guys will stop doing this!"

Paul was so frightened that he nodded repeatedly, and even the people present nodded along with him.

"Also, various departments."

"Listen to me now!"

"After the President's decision, we in the United States will now implement a comprehensive blockade of China's technology."

"Strike them gradually until they surrender."

"Have you heard from various departments?"

The chief almost shouted these words.

"The Department of Defense is listening!"

“The Department of Energy is listening!”

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs is listening!"

“The Ministry of Agriculture is listening!”


For a time, people in the conference room stood up and swore an oath to the chief.

Seeing how indignant everyone was, the chief's expression looked slightly better.

"that's all!"

"The meeting is over!"

"Leave the Ministry of Defense here!"


China, Ministry of National Defense.

Many senior officials were gathered around a round table, looking at the valuable information that Liu Cong privately sent to the Ministry of National Defense.

"Chief, do you think the United States really has such ambitions?"

"According to the introduction in this document, it will be two years later."

"Then our country and neighboring countries will be in danger."

"We have never seen many of the weapons in their information."

"This old man is really well hidden."

A middle-aged man in his forties next to the chief couldn't help but gasped when he saw this information.

This information not only introduces some aviation weapons of the United States.

There are also a large number of biological weapons and new types of nuclear weapons.

If the combat plan here really succeeds, it will be a devastating blow to the world.

It’s not just China.

"Chief, what should we do now?"

Everyone present looked nervous.

"Yes, Chief!"

The chief may have been annoyed by this group of people, so he waved his hand to signal everyone to quiet down.

"Everyone, stop arguing."

"I think everyone doesn't want to see this happen."

"But based on past urine behavior in the United States, 90% of this information is true."

"So, we need to be fully prepared before this happens."

The chief pretended to be calm and soothed everyone's hearts, but in fact, he was already panicking inside.

"The top priority is to find this great benefactor who saved China."

"Our country should give strong support to such talents!"

"We must ensure that he has enough food and clothing for the rest of his life!"

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