Time moved forward a few days,

These days, Huaxia Huaxia is not having an easy time.

The reason is that the United States has fully implemented sanctions against China.

This includes heavy industry, finance, iron ore, import, etc.

These actions of Lao Mi instantly caused panic among the Chinese people.

The stock market fell from the original 3852 to the current 3165.

Some wealthy Chinese people even transferred their money to foreign banks.

It can be said that some Chinese rat turds are not optimistic about the country's development.

If everyone knew about the conspiracy brewing in the United States, it would probably cause even greater panic.

However, the super secret document Liu Cong sent to the country has been classified as a super secret document by the country.

At this time, Liu Cong was lying on the bed in the Huaqing University apartment, scrolling through his mobile phone.

In the past few days, news about the entertainment industry has been completely unavailable.

What replaced them were all major international and domestic events.

"Is the situation really that serious?"

"Why does this old rice look so ugly?"

"If you can't eat it yourself, why don't you let others eat it?"

Liu Cong became more and more angry because of Lao Mi's sanctions, which has caused many foreign-funded companies to withdraw from the Chinese market.

However, what surprised Liu Cong was that the Chinese people were exceptionally united.

Someone even made up a slogan online.

If you want to buy, buy a Warwick mobile phone. If you want to eat, buy Baixiang instant noodles. If you want to wear, buy Lanxinerke.

If you are Chinese, you must support domestic products. The foreign products you buy today will become cannonballs fired at you tomorrow.

At this time, Liu Cong's cell phone rang.

"Hey! Boss Li, what's going on!"

After Liu Cong answered the phone, he was a little surprised because he had not been in contact with Li Zhihua for a long time.

"Boss, we have big news!"

"What's the good news?" Liu Cong asked.

"Boss, you'd better come over and let's talk in detail."

"Our company has grown stronger these days while you are away."

Hearing Li Zhihua's reminder on the other end of the phone, Liu Cong realized that he hadn't been to the company for a long time.

It just so happens that today is the weekend, and Liu Cong is not too busy.

So Liu Cong quickly got up from the bed, picked up his coat, and hurried out.

After dozens of minutes,

Liu Cong drove to his bearing company and learned the lesson from last time.

This time Liu Cong specially got an employee card. After the guard saw Liu Cong's identity, he let Liu Cong in directly.

After entering the company, Liu Cong parked his car in his own exclusive parking space.

Even though Liu Cong hadn't been to the company for a long time, there was no car parked in his parking space.

When Liu Cong entered Li Zhihua's office, Li Zhihua had already made tea for Liu Cong.

After seeing Liu Cong come in, Li Zhihua immediately stood up from the leather sofa to greet him.

"Boss, you are finally here. I haven't seen you for a month or two. I miss you very much."

Seeing Li Zhihua's enthusiasm, Liu Cong also smiled.

"Boss Li, you can do this!"

"It's been a while since I last saw you. The office has become so high-end."

Li Zhihua smiled sheepishly.

"This is all thanks to you, boss. If it weren't for you, I would probably be in debt by now."

"Where can I live such a comfortable life?"

It can be seen that Li Zhihua thanked Liu Cong from the bottom of his heart.

"It's serious. All we can say is help each other."

"By the way, why did you call me here today?"

"I originally planned to find you in the past two days, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to find me."

With that said, Liu Cong took the initiative to walk to the leather sofa and slowly sat down, then picked up the tea Li Zhihua made for himself and started drinking it.

"There are two pieces of good news. Which one do you want to hear?"

Liu Cong raised his head and looked at Li Zhihua in surprise.

"Two, which two?"

"Just talk about the little one first."

Li Zhihua smiled and said: "The small thing is that our company currently has eight workshops."

"Monthly sales have now reached 700 million, and net profit has reached a terrifying more than 300 million."

After hearing Li Zhihua's words, Liu Cong suddenly raised his head.

"So much, and it's only been a few months!"

After seeing Liu Cong's expression, Li Zhihua took out a large pile of contracts from the cabinet behind him and handed them to Liu Cong.

"Boss, take a look."

After Liu Cong took over these contracts, he read them attentively.

These are all orders and contracts, including large state-owned enterprises and small private companies.

Liu Cong did not expect that his company would receive so many orders in such a short period of time.

"Boss, these are all companies that have cooperated with us for a long time."

"Because of the current influence from the United States, our future orders will only be more, not less."

"Moreover, the company is already planning to expand, and our output will be higher and higher soon."

Li Zhihua clenched his fists excitedly.

Once, Li Zhihua thought that he would never be able to carry forward the family business left by his father in his lifetime.

However, Liu Cong's arrival completely revived the family business left by his father, and he thanked Liu Cong from the bottom of his heart.

"What about the second good thing?" Liu Cong asked curiously.

"This second thing is related to the future development of the company."

“After all the approvals from above, our company’s listing qualification has been approved.”

"So, this listing contract still needs your approval."

After speaking, Li Zhihua took out another document from the safe next to him.

"Boss, I have prepared this document."

"You take a look first. If you're not satisfied, I'll arrange for someone else to change it."

After Liu Cong took the document, he wrote it clearly in black and white.

Once a company is listed, it means it can be traded on the exchange, and investors can also buy the company's shares.

"Well, I think it's quite reasonable."

"It's written very clearly in black and white, so let's do it."

With that said, Liu Cong picked up the black pen on the table and signed the listing contract directly.

"Boss Li, our company has gradually become formalized."

"Therefore, employees' welfare benefits must not be bad."

"I'm still saying the same thing."

"The 20% of the shares must be distributed to all employees."

Regarding this matter, Li Zhihua certainly did not dare to neglect it and immediately assured Liu Cong.

"Boss, I will make sure the arrangements are in place so that you can rest assured about your shares."

“Every employee who has been with our company for more than a year can enjoy everything.”

Hearing what Li Zhihua said, Liu Cong nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, Boss Li, I will leave all the company's affairs to you."

"I will have less and less time to come to the company in the future."

With that said, Liu Cong picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea.

Li Zhihua was a little confused, "Boss, are you going to make new moves?"

Liu Cong turned his head to look at Li Zhihua, and then slowly put down the teacup.

"Yes, I plan to make new moves."

"So, I want financial support from the company."

Li Zhihua nodded and said, "Boss, how much do you want?"

"We currently still have 800 million in funds in our company's account. As long as the expansion of the company's factory buildings is not delayed, you can use the company's funds as you wish."

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