Peking University of Science and Technology.

Teacher Liu opened WeChat and dialed Liu Cong’s number.

At this time, Liu Cong here saw a call from Teacher Liu from Peking University of Science and Technology, and thought he was being asked to go to their school to upgrade to a bachelor's degree, so he answered the WeChat call without thinking.

"Hey, classmate Liu Cong, I have something to ask you."

"Didn't you take first place in this national vocational skills competition? As usual, you have a chance to challenge any of the top three undergraduate groups. Do you want to participate in the next competition with the undergraduate group?" Teacher Liu's voice came from the other end of the phone.

This phone call made Liu Cong surprised and happy. Originally, Liu Cong was worried about where to sign up for this project, but he didn't expect that the call from the other end came directly.

How could Liu Cong let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so easily, and then immediately agreed to Teacher Liu.

Teacher Liu was a little surprised when he heard that Liu Cong agreed so happily, because in previous years there were friendship projects between undergraduates and junior college students, but without exception they all gave up.

Teacher Liu originally called Liu Cong today with the attitude of giving it a try. In fact, his real purpose was to ask Liu Cong if he had made any preparations to study in their school from a junior college to a bachelor's degree.

Unexpectedly, Liu Cong agreed after calling him casually to talk to him.

Hearing that Liu Cong agreed without hesitation, Teacher Liu did not talk about the next topic. He planned to put the matter aside for now and wait until Liu Cong finished the competition before asking him.

"Well, it's good for young people to try and make more mistakes. At least they can give themselves a lot of experience." Teacher Liu said to Liu Cong.

"Teacher Liu, please take the initiative to sign up for me." Liu Cong said politely.

"You're welcome. I will take the initiative to help you contact the school over there. The premise is which school you want to compete with." Teacher Liu explained to Liu Cong on the other end of the phone.

"Teacher Liu, are there any teams from Huaqing University in the top three?" Liu Cong asked curiously.

"Yes, Huaqing University is the first place in this national undergraduate skills competition."

"You don't want to compete with students from Huaqing University, do you?" Teacher Liu reacted and said in shock on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, Teacher Liu." Liu Cong said calmly.

"Student Liu Cong, don't say I didn't tell you in advance. Once you are going to compete with Huaqing University, the situation at the competition will be shown live on the official Douyin account of Huaqing University. If you If you make a fool of yourself, everyone watching the live broadcast will know it."

Liu Cong was a little surprised by what Teacher Liu said. Liu Cong didn't expect there would be a live broadcast, but it didn't matter. Liu Cong could still accept this kind of public appearance.

Liu Cong still wanted to challenge him for the 100,000 yuan. With Dr. Liu Cong's level, at least he wouldn't lose so badly.

"I know, Teacher Liu, I have decided to compete with Huaqing University, so I'll just trouble you, Teacher Liu."

After hanging up the phone, Teacher Liu here shook his head helplessly. Although he admitted that Liu Cong was outstanding, he was nothing compared to outstanding students like Huaqing University.

It is almost impossible for Liu Cong to win this game in Teacher Liu's eyes, not to mention that it is their home court, so it is inevitable that some information about the game will be revealed, and Liu Cong is still alone.

Finally, the teacher dialed the contact number of Huaqing University.

"What? The first place in the specialist group of the National Vocational Skills Competition wants to challenge us." The teacher who answered the phone at Huaqing said in disbelief.

Afterwards, the two exchanged a few words on the phone and hung up.

At this time, in the office of Huaqing University, a teacher told another teacher the news he had just received.

"Old Wang, are you kidding me? A junior college student wants to challenge our undergraduate group for first place?" the teacher said in disbelief.

"Yes, Lao Zhang, maybe he wants to come to our Huaqing University to visit. After all, our school is not something that just a junior college student can come in casually."

"And he's the only one competing."

Hearing what Lao Wang said, Lao Zhang on the side nodded knowingly.

"That's for sure. One person is more powerful than a hammer, but being able to get first place in the specialist group still shows that he has some ability, but young people can't be too crazy."

"There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. If I give him a little taste, he really thinks he can compete head-on with the students in our school?" Lao Zhang said sarcastically while holding the tea cup.


Beiping Vocational and Technical College.

Because the school is about to arrange students to go out for internships, the school's classes are already very few.

After Liu Cong finished a high-level mathematics class, he was going to go directly to the laboratory with his schoolbag to prepare for the next competition.

When he was halfway there, a text message on his phone suddenly rang. He originally thought it was a spam text message that he wanted to clear out, but he didn't expect it was a text message from the bank, so Liu Cong curiously clicked on it and took a look.

"One zero, two zeros,...eight zeros."

After counting, Liu Cong stood there blankly.

"I'll go! One hundred million! Isn't this a scam text message?"

When Liu Cong returned to the information page, he confirmed that it was China Construction Bank and that there was an exact number below.

Liu Cong had never seen so much money when he was so old. Even if he used to die in a month, he would only receive a salary of up to 150,000 yuan. In this way, Liu Cong was already living a very comfortable life.

At this time, Liu Cong couldn't even imagine what his life would be like after getting 100 million, sports cars, beauties?

Later, Liu Cong recalled his conversation with the president of Huaqing University. Liu Cong never thought that the president asked for his bank card number to transfer money to himself.

"How much I want to see you, no matter rain or shine~"

At this time, Liu Cong's cell phone rang, and it was Zhu Zixiao, the president of Huaqing University, calling.

Liu Cong hurriedly answered the phone.

"Hey, classmate Liu Cong, have you received the money? My account has been prompted to transfer it." The principal's voice came from the phone.

"Principal, why did you transfer so much money to me?" Liu Cong was a little surprised.

"Don't you want fame? You are willing to give your research results to Huaqing University. This small amount of money can be regarded as a reward for your hard work over the past three years."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Cong thought to himself that the principal was really generous, and he was a small target when he made his move.

Not long after Liu Cong left, he received a WeChat message from Teacher Liu.

"At 8:30 the day after tomorrow, go in from the east gate of Huaqing University Stadium to participate in the game. Bring your ID card and tell the guard that you are here to compete."

"The competition lasts three hours. Since you are competing alone, for the sake of fairness, Huaqing University will only send one person to compete with you."

"If you defeat the opponent, you will receive a bonus of 100,000."

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