Two days later in the morning, at the gate of Huaqing University.

Liu Cong politely handed his ID card to the security guard at the door.

"Hello, I came to your school today to participate in a competition. This is my ID card."

The security uncle took the ID card Liu Cong handed him, then looked at Liu Cong at the photo on the ID card, and then nodded slightly.

"Well, which school are you from and what competition are you here to participate in today? I'll call to verify." The security guard said to Liu Cong in front of him.

"Oh, okay, I'm from Beiping Vocational and Technical College. I came here today to participate in the smart car competition." Liu Cong explained to the security uncle in front of him.

Hearing that Liu Cong was from the Vocational and Technical College, the security guard's originally calm face frowned slightly, but it quickly disappeared.

"What kind of competition do junior college students come to participate in?"

The security uncle was full of questions, but he still made the call with a dedicated and dedicated attitude.

Liu Cong is not surprised by this kind of thing. After all, today's society is a society based on status. Only the strong will be respected by others. In Liu Cong's opinion, the security guard's attitude is already very good. .

for a while,

After the security guard put down the phone, he opened the door for Liu Cong without saying anything.

"Come in, young man."

Out of politeness, Liu Cong smiled and nodded to the security guard.

Seeing Liu Cong's good attitude, a smile appeared on the originally stern face of the security guard.

In this way, Liu Cong entered Huaqing University with his computer.

This is the second time Liu Cong has come to the campus. Dean Gao drove him in last time, but this time Liu Cong can see the scenery of Huaqing University more intuitively.

Today is Saturday, but there are still many students from Huaqing University riding bicycles rushing to the study room or library. This reminded Liu Cong of his previous time at Tsinghua University. He also rode bicycles and went to the library in the same way. My girlfriend goes to class together and goes to study hall together.

Liu Cong took out his mobile phone and looked at the map of Huaqing University that Teacher Liu sent him.

In this way, Liu Cong walked toward the gymnasium of Huaqing University according to the direction guided by the map on his mobile phone.

Huaqing University is very big, more than five times bigger than Liu Cong's school. Fortunately, Liu Cong prepared a strategy and arrived at Huaqing University an hour early.

Eight in the morning.

Liu Cong looked at the huge gymnasium, picked up the map on his phone and checked it with the gymnasium.

After confirming that it was correct, Liu Cong walked straight in.

What Liu Cong didn't expect was that she met someone who looked very much like her first girlfriend at the entrance of the gymnasium. At this time, she was holding hands with a tall and handsome boy and preparing to enter the gymnasium.

In order to prove the authenticity, Liu Cong hurried forward to take a look. When Liu Cong walked to Lin Yichen's side and confirmed that he had not admitted his mistake, he was stunned for an instant.

Ariel Ariel is more beautiful and sexy than before. He was originally without makeup and now has exquisite makeup. If Liu Cong didn't look carefully, he really wouldn't be able to recognize it.

Liu Cong once fantasized about ten thousand ways to meet her, but Liu Cong never thought that he would meet her in this way, and it was while holding hands with a man.

Lin Yichen, who was on the side, also noticed that there was someone looking at him. She was already very good-looking, and she was already used to this kind of thing.

"Why did you do this to me in the first place?" Liu Cong asked in the direction of Lin Yichen, with some excitement in his words.

When this familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded in his ears, Lin Yichen's body couldn't help but tremble.

Then he looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a tall and handsome boy looking at him firmly.

Lin Yichen recognized Liu Cong at a glance, but did not speak at this time.

"Who is he and what is your relationship?" Liu Cong actually knew the answer in his heart, but he still couldn't help but ask.

"Do you have any control over my relationship with him?"

After saying this, Lin Yichen held the boy's hand tighter.

"I remember you went to junior college, right? Why did you come to our school today? Are the security measures at Huaqing University so weak now? Or did you sneak in secretly with others?"

Lin Yichen was not surprised at all when she saw Liu Cong. Instead, she mocked him wantonly, her eyes full of disgust.

Liu Cong thinks he is not ugly, but for his looks and education, Ariel Lin obviously chose the latter, and the latter is handsome and well-educated.

"Yichen, who is he?" The boy next to him looked at Liu Cong and said with some fear.

Lin Yichen noticed that something was wrong with her boyfriend at this time, so she immediately explained.

"Xiang Yang, it's not what you think. We are just high school classmates and have nothing to do with each other. He and I had not seen each other for more than two years before this."

After hearing this sentence, Liu Cong realized that indeed, women's words were all lies. Ariel Lin had even lied to his own boyfriend, let alone Liu Cong.

After hearing Lin Yichen's explanation, the boy next to him seemed to understand something instantly.

"Oh, so that's it." The boy next to him nodded.

"Hello, let me introduce, my name is Li Xiangyang, and I am Ariel Ariel's boyfriend."

Li Xiangyang introduced himself with a stern expression, and by the way, he hugged Ariel Lin next to him into his arms, and actively swore his sovereignty to Liu Cong.

After listening to Li Xiangyang's introduction, Liu Cong simply glanced at Li Xiangyang and ignored him, still staring at Lin Yichen.

"Ariel Ariel, I didn't expect what you did back then was so amazing." Liu Cong said through gritted teeth.

Faced with this situation, Lin Yichen just wanted to put aside all relations with Liu Cong quickly.

"Xiang Yang, don't think too much, this is just my original suitor, he is always stalking me." Lin Yichen said to Li Xiangyang next to him without red eyes or heartbeat.

His eyes were full of ambiguity.

After hearing Lin Yichen's explanation, Li Xiangyang looked at Liu Cong with a bit more disgust.

"Brother, don't think about toads eating swan meat. As a junior college student, don't always think about love. When you have time, you should think more about how to upgrade to a bachelor's degree."

At this time, Li Xiangyang was advising Liu Cong like an elder, while Lin Yichen on the side kept nodding after hearing what her boyfriend said.

"That's right, you should go wherever you come from. Don't be embarrassed by the security when the time comes."

Lin Yichen mocked Liu Cong without hesitation. Li Xiangyang next to him also laughed after hearing this, but it was a contemptuous smile.

"Yichen, the competition is about to start. Today there is a junior college student who wants to challenge me for no good reason. I will let him know what the sky is and the earth is high today." Li Xiangyang said with a hearty smile to Lin Yichen next to him.

With that said, the two of them walked straight in, and then Lin Yichen seemed to know something.

He turned his head and glanced towards Liu Cong, and then disappeared from Liu Cong's sight.

At this time, Liu Cong clenched his fists and was disheartened.

At this moment, he suddenly couldn't like the woman in front of him anymore, and he was more unwilling to do so.

He was unwilling to accept that he had been tortured in his heart for so long, and the other party just dumped him as if it was nothing, and continued to fall in love with someone else.

When Lin Yichen met Liu Cong for the first time, she said harsh words to Liu Cong and anxiously distanced herself from all relations.

Lin Yichen's words made Liu Cong very unhappy. He clenched his fists and looked in the direction where Lin Yichen was leaving with sharp eyes.


"Who do you think you, Lin Yichen, are? You will regret it sooner or later!"

When the people passing by Liu Cong looked at Liu Cong's half-smiling look, they all looked at Liu Cong with a strange look, but he didn't care at all.

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