Afterwards, Liu Cong took several deep breaths to calm down.

Seeing that the game was about to start in ten minutes, Liu Cong walked in expressionlessly.


"Xiang Yang, you're here."

When he saw Li Xiangyang coming in from outside the gymnasium, the teacher greeted him warmly.

"Yes, teacher, I'm not late, am I?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"That's not true." Teacher Li shook his head and said.

"Teacher Li, is that junior college student here?"

Li Xiangyang asked Teacher Li politely and glanced around.

"The student hasn't come in yet."

Li Xiangyang was a little surprised when he heard Teacher Li's answer.

"Teacher Li, is that student afraid? He doesn't dare to come."

When Li Xiangyang finished saying this, he sighed helplessly, pretending to be a pity.

Lin Yichen, who was next to him, poked Li Xiangyang and then whispered: "Xiangyang, do you think it's the person we saw outside the door just now?"

After hearing Lin Yichen's words, Li Xiangyang raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Huh? If you don't tell me, I really haven't thought about it that way. It might be true, and then there will be something good to watch."

Li Xiangyang revealed an evil smile.

"If it's really him, don't be merciful and give him a good blow." Lin Yichen cooed to Li Xiangyang beside him.

"Okay, I want him to know what cruelty is." Li Xiangyang said confidently.

"Hehe, I know Xiangyang loves me the most. If you win, I will go out and reward you tonight." Lin Yichen said to Li Xiangyang in a cooing voice.

Hearing what Lin Yichen said, Li Xiangyang became interested instantly.

"This is what you said, you can't go back on it."

Li Xiangyang scratched Lin Yichen's nose lovingly.

At this time, Lin Yichen shyly hid in Li Xiangyang's arms.

Teacher Li on the side glanced over when he saw the two people tilting their heads in such disgust.


Liu Cong walked through the corridor of the gymnasium and then came inside the gymnasium.

The next second, Liu Cong was completely stunned.

In the huge gymnasium, nearly half of the people were sitting in the seats next to them. Liu Cong probably estimated with his eyes that there were eight hundred if not one thousand.

Moreover, there was a mobile phone facing the competition field. Liu Cong probably guessed that it was going to be broadcast live, and there was a beautiful young lady anchor standing next to him who was introducing the competition field.

Liu Cong's arrival attracted the attention of Li Xiangyang who was standing aside. After seeing Liu Cong walking in his direction, Li Xiangyang took the initiative to greet him.

"Are you here to participate in the competition today?" Li Xiangyang asked Liu Cong in front of him.

Liu Cong nodded lightly to Li Xiangyang, and then Liu Cong couldn't help but stare at Lin Yichen behind Li Xiangyang. At this moment, Liu Cong's eyes were full of indifference.

"Brother, didn't I tell you just now? You, a little junior college student, should not think about eating swan meat. Yichen is my girlfriend now." Li Xiangyang said to Liu Cong impatiently.

Liu Cong, who had just vented his anger, seemed particularly calm at this time, with no fluctuations in his eyes.

Li Xiangyang saw Liu Cong's expressionless face and had no intention of letting him go.

"Unfortunately, your opponent today is me. Just pray that you don't lose too badly next time."

Li Xiangyang glanced at Liu Cong with contempt, then turned around and left with Lin Yichen.

Li Xiangyang walked up to Teacher Li, pointed at Liu Cong, and didn't know what he said to Teacher Li.

After Teacher Li saw Liu Cong, he actively waved to Liu Cong.

Seeing Teacher Li waving to Liu Cong, he also walked over. Teacher Li looked Liu Cong up and down and said calmly: "You are Liu Cong from Beiping Vocational and Technical College. Show me your ID card. I want to check it." "

After hearing Teacher Li's words, Liu Cong nodded, and then took out his ID card from his bag.

After confirming that it was correct, Teacher Li returned the ID card to Liu Cong.

"You should hurry up and get ready first. The game starts in five minutes."

Teacher Li pointed to the time on the big screen in the gymnasium. It was already 8:25.

"Li Xiangyang, don't use all your strength, pay attention to friendship first and competition second." Teacher Li said to Li Xiangyang next to Liu Cong without avoiding Liu Cong.

"Don't worry, Teacher Li. I won't let him lose too badly. After all, he won't be able to lose face if I win too easily."

As Li Xiangyang spoke, he did not forget to look at Liu Cong next to him.

Even though Liu Cong was looked down upon by others, he was not angry, nor did he fight back. He just calmly listened to the exchange between the two.

"Classmate, you have a computer in your bag. Didn't your teacher over there tell you that you can't use your own computer on the competition field? We will provide it when the time comes." Teacher Li pointed to the computer in front of Liu Cong. Computer Bag said.

Seeing that the game was about to start, Liu Cong took off the computer from his body without hesitation and put it aside.

Then, the two came to the center of the arena.

The students at the scene saw the two contestants coming up, and their eyes swept over them.

"Today, I am very happy that students from Beiping Vocational and Technical College can come to our school to participate in this friendly competition of the smart car competition." A middle-aged teacher said with a microphone.

I don’t know why, but many people laughed unconsciously when they heard the words “vocational and technical college” read from the loudspeaker.

Many people today were actually just watching the joke. None of the students present felt that Liu Cong could win.

Facing the ridicule and sarcasm, Liu Cong was thinking about how to defeat his opponent, rather than caring about other people's opinions. Liu Cong still had this quality in his heart.

"Next, I will announce the rules of the competition." The middle-aged teacher raised the microphone and said again.

"What you have in front of you is an empty circuit board. To make it a complete circuit board, you need to draw all the circuit diagrams on the computer in a short period of time."

"Then you need to use the PCB board maker next to you to cut out the circuit board."

"Then use a soldering iron to solder the components on the table and the CPU to the circuit board. There are many components on the table that you need to choose by yourself."

"Next is the basic process for you to participate in professional skills competitions. However, you also need to design the source code yourself. The competition time is three hours."

Facing such a difficult competition, the people at the scene were excited, and the people in the live broadcast room were even more excited.

"Is this still a competition for people to participate in?"

"As a 985 science and engineering student, I can't figure it out. If this junior college student figures it out, I'll live broadcast it."

"I'll go. If this junior college student can complete the task and come to my company, I will directly give him a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan."


Faced with such a difficult competition, the comment section of Douyin's live broadcast room exploded with people asking Liu Cong to give up.

"Now, I announce that the game has officially begun."

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