In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 168: Submitting information, everyone in the conference room was shocked

At this time, Liu Cong slowly stood up from his seat.

"First of all, I would like to thank the two eldest brothers for trusting me, a stranger, and bringing me to the company."

"I need to use the computer in the conference room now. Can you please help me open it?"

When the manager heard that Liu Cong wanted to use the computer, he didn't think much about it. He immediately got up and turned on the computer for Liu Cong and entered the password.

"You can use the computer as you like!"

The manager made a gesture of invitation to Liu Cong, and Liu Cong nodded slightly.


In order not to waste the two people's time, Liu Cong did not sit idle. He took out his USB flash drive from his pocket and slowly inserted it into the computer.

Liu Cong had prepared the information before coming.

The data in this USB flash drive is incomplete, but it is enough.

Under the gaze of the two people, Liu Cong clicked on the file in the USB flash drive.

It can be seen from the expressions of the two people that they do not seem to have much confidence in Liu Cong.

After all, engine development is an extremely difficult task for China as a whole. Otherwise, many domestic car companies in China would not use the old engines that Japan eliminated in the 1970s and 1980s.

The reason is that China simply cannot build an engine with high precision.

In other words, it can be made, but its service life will not last long at all.

Now that the United States is doing this, it will make China's automobile industry even worse.

If we cannot develop a long-lasting domestic engine in time, China will soon be in a situation where there will be no engines available.

Liu Cong cleared his throat and clicked on the prepared PPT material.

"Brothers, please look."

"This is the schematic diagram of the engine I developed."

When Liu Cong said this, the two people, who were still sleepy at first, cheered up a little and stared at the big screen.

At first, the two thought it was a PPT made from pictures that Liu Cong got from an unknown official website.

But as Liu Cong explained, the two of them widened their eyes in disbelief.

"The two eldest brothers are both technicians. I think I don't need to explain some professional techniques."

"I'll talk about it next..."

"Because the main form of motion of an internal combustion engine is an internal combustion engine with cylinders and pistons as conversion mechanisms."

"The reason why foreign engines have a long service life is because they have the technology for this process."

"The reason why we cannot manufacture engines domestically is because we simply cannot copy many parts..."

Liu Cong kept sliding the PPT with the mouse while explaining this to the two elder brothers below.

Liu Cong's aura is completely different from before.

Standing on it now, he looks more like a department manager.

"Next! This is the most important part I want to say."

Liu Cong scrolled the PPT to the next page. The precise lines of text and many mechanical formulas stunned the two of them.

Seeing this, the two of them could no longer sleep.

Judging from Liu Cong's performance just now, his professional knowledge is enough to come to Chery Company as a department manager.

"I know you two may be a little confused when you see this, so let me explain."

"These are the real core secrets of engine research and development, and these are some brand-new patented technologies."

With that said, the PPT has slid to the last page.

"Brothers, I have finished speaking on the PPT."

With that said, Liu Cong clicked on the real core information.

"You can watch it for yourself next. I believe you won't be disappointed after watching it."

With the experience just now, the two of them also had a preliminary affirmation of Liu Cong's professional skills.

So both of them gathered next to the computer and read the information document.

Fifteen minutes later,

The two of them raised their heads in shock and looked at Liu Cong in disbelief.

"This this!"

"Quick! Call all the senior executives for a meeting!"

"Just say that the engine department manager Gao Lei has something important to discuss." The manager said urgently to the boy next to him.

Seeing the two people in such a hurry, Liu Cong knew that this matter was already half successful.

Afterwards, the manager hurriedly found a cup from the conference room and took the initiative to pour Liu Cong a glass of water.

Ask Liu Cong to wait, and the relevant personnel will arrive soon.

ten minutes later,

Various department managers and senior executives of Chery Company walked into the conference room one after another.

When everyone saw this new face sitting in the conference room calmly drinking tea, everyone had some confusion on their faces.

After Manager Gao Lei saw everyone arriving one after another, he took the initiative to introduce Liu Cong to everyone.

At first, everyone was confused, should we hold a meeting just for a young man?

Finally, the manager led Liu Cong to a middle-aged man in his forties.

"Liu Cong, this is the deputy general manager of our company's scientific research department."

"Qian Renbo, Vice President Qian."

After hearing the other party's identity, Liu Cong hurriedly stepped forward to shake hands.

"Hello! Vice President Qian."

"I am Liu Cong, a student at Huaqing University."

When Liu Cong introduced his identity, Vice President Qian frowned slightly.

"Are you still a student?"

Vice President Qian asked incredulously.

Then he turned to look at Gao Lei with a very unfriendly tone.

"Gao Lei, you called us here just because of a student?"

"No matter how good he is, you're making a fuss out of a molehill, right?"

"You know, I'm usually very busy?"

It can be heard from Vice President Qian's tone that he seems to be very dissatisfied with Gao Lei's recklessness in convening an emergency meeting.

The managers and technical staff of various departments behind were also greatly disappointed when they heard that Liu Cong was a student.

"Gao Lei, what are you doing?"

"You know we have been very busy during this period, so please stop causing trouble at this juncture."

A middle-aged department manager complained from the front.

"Yes, yes!"

The people behind also murmured quietly.

Faced with such a scene, Liu Cong was embarrassed, and Gao Lei was also very embarrassed.

At this time, Gao Lei's face turned red and his expression was a little excited.

"Do you really think I asked you here just for fun?"

Gao Lei smiled and shook his head, then clicked on the information Liu Cong gave him.

"Vice President Qian, Manager Zhang."

"You all have a technical background, I think you should be able to understand this."

As Gao Lei spoke, he enlarged the information document on the projector for everyone to watch.

At this time, the conference room was quiet, and everyone's breathing could only be heard occasionally.

Gao Lei, on the other hand, calmly moved the mouse, giving everyone a good look.

Ten minutes later, Vice President Qian was shocked.

He slammed the table and stood up from his seat.


"This information!"

"Where did you get it!?"

Not only Vice President Qian was shocked, but everyone who was engaged in technology was shocked.

For a time, the hall was as lively as the Chinese New Year, and everyone was having heated discussions.

After a brief shock, Vice President Qian finally came to his senses.

Liu Cong looked at Liu Cong in shock.

"This information isn't what you thought of, is it?"

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