Before Liu Cong could open his mouth, Gao Lei was one step ahead of Liu Cong and answered the question for Liu Cong.

"Vice President Qian, I can testify that this information was definitely researched by him himself."

"Chen Feng and I were shocked when we heard what he was explaining above!"

As Gao Lei spoke, his saliva spurted out, and his hands trembled slightly.

This shows how excited he was at this time.

Vice President Qian, who was just above him, no longer had the same airs as before, and looked at Liu Cong solemnly.

"With all my years of work experience, your information is only half of that, right?"

Liu Cong nodded seriously.

"Yes, this information is indeed only half of it."

"So, I came to negotiate today with this information."

When he heard that Liu Cong said he was here for negotiation, Vice President Qian's expression became much more solemn.

"Please make a condition, this information is really important to us!"

"As you know, China's automobile industry has suffered an unprecedented and devastating blow recently."

"If this continues, sooner or later we will compromise with the United States."

Vice President Qian clenched his fists, his eyes full of strength, anger and unwillingness.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the hall also dropped to freezing point.

Everyone's face was full of unwillingness and exhaustion.

Because of this silent battle, everyone here is physically and mentally exhausted.

There is a reason why Liu Cong chose Chery.

At a time when domestically produced cars are vigorously introducing foreign engines and installing them in their own cars, and are promoting them vigorously.

Chery did not do this, but quietly developed its own engine.

In the past, when everyone was making fun of the quality of Chery cars, they were not discouraged.

Instead, we focus on R\u0026D technology and never engage in marketing.

This was enough to make Liu Cong admire him.

This was also Liu Cong’s original intention in choosing this company.

Seeing how excited Vice President Qian and the people in the conference room were, Liu Cong cleared his throat.

"I know everyone is extremely busy during this time."

"I also know that the patent sanctions imposed by the United States make you feel very uncomfortable."

"So, I traveled thousands of miles to come to Huizhou just to reach cooperation with you!"

Speaking of this, Liu Cong gradually became excited.

"I know that everyone is very nervous during this time because of this matter."

"Because like everyone else, I care about the country and want to make a contribution to the country."

"This is a silent war! So we can't lose!"

When Liu Cong said this, he clenched his fists tightly like Vice President Qian.

Everyone in the conference room became excited after hearing Liu Cong's words.

"Okay! Well said!"

I don’t know who took the lead in applauding, but everyone followed suit.

The applause lasted for more than ten seconds before stopping.

"Young man, your name is Liu Cong, right?" Vice President Qian asked.

Liu Cong nodded.

"So, how do you want to negotiate?"

The topic gradually returned to the right track, and Vice President Qian looked at Liu Cong seriously.

At this moment, everyone in the conference room began to look nervous.

Liu Cong was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "I want to borrow your factory to produce engines."

"Of course, I won't take advantage of you either."

"We can both hold shares, what do you think?"

This news is undoubtedly great news for Chery.

For this kind of top-secret technology, money generally cannot buy it.

After a brief moment of happiness, Vice President Qian had questions again.

"Liu Cong, why don't you start your own company to develop this engine?"

"After all, you have the skills."

"I just saw it. Your engine technology is completely feasible, and it bypasses all patents."

"It's only a matter of time before it's developed."

What Vice President Qian said is not unreasonable.

However, he ignored one issue, that is, Liu Cong is a student.

Liu Cong shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"Vice President Qian, I'm still a student!"

"The reason why I didn't start my own company is because I don't have the ability!"

"Furthermore, I think only your company has such strength in engine research and development."

"Other domestic car companies don't have such production lines at all!"

Everyone nodded in response to Liu Cong's explanation.

"What you said makes sense."

"In all of China, it is estimated that our company is the only one with such production capabilities."

"If we put other companies aside, there really wouldn't be any!"

Vice President Qian is still very confident about this.

"Yes! Vice President Qian, that's why I chose you."

Vice President Qian nodded.

"After all, this matter is not something I can decide, even though I am a vice president."

"But I don't have such a right."

"I believe that when the people above see your information, they will definitely agree with you."

"Don't worry, I'll contact you now."

"Gao Lei, take Comrade Liu Cong to the conference hall above."

With that said, Vice President Qian hurried out to make a phone call.

Later, Liu Cong followed Gao Lei to the conference room on the second floor of the company.

Unlike the conference room below, the conference room here is filled with an atmosphere from top to bottom.

The table is made of mahogany and the seats are upholstered in leather.

Liu Cong guessed that this was probably the most advanced conference room in their company.

Not long after Liu Cong sat down, Vice President Qian hurried in and sat next to Liu Cong.

"Wait a moment!"

"Several major shareholders of our company are on the way now, and they will all be here in less than half an hour."

Vice President Qian was full of apologies from top to bottom, but Liu Cong didn't care.

"It's okay. This chair is quite comfortable. I don't mind sitting there for a while."

In this way, Liu Cong successfully relieved the embarrassment, and Vice President Qian burst out laughing when he heard what Liu Cong said.

Half an hour later,

Three or four middle-aged people came to the conference room on the second floor one after another.

When they saw a young man sitting in the seat, they were just like Vice President Qian when he first met Liu Cong.

"Comrade Liu Cong, let me introduce you."

"This is the chief CEO of our Chery Automobile Group, Jiang Fuhai."

Facing such a big shot, Liu Cong acted very naturally.

"Mr. Jiang, I have long admired your name!"

Liu Cong extended his right hand to Mr. Jiang in a friendly manner. Mr. Jiang was also very considerate and extended his right hand in the same way.

Later, Vice President Qian introduced several others one at a time.

They are also shareholders of the group.

Everything that needs to be introduced has been introduced, and now it’s time for Liu Cong to show off.

Just as Liu Cong thought, when they learned about this technology.

The expressions displayed by several people at the scene were no worse than those of Vice President Qian just now.

After some deliberation, several shareholders also reached an agreement with Liu Cong.

"Little friend Liu Cong, please allow me to call you this!"

"Is such that!"

"I own 80% of our company's engine production line."

"I'm willing to give you half now, what do you think?"

Liu Cong smiled and said, "I have no problem!"

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