In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 170: The advent of ultra-high-precision machine tools shocked the whole country

In this way, both parties simply reached an agreement.

Liu Cong did not expect that this negotiation would go so smoothly.

Originally, Liu Cong planned to call the principal and tell him that he would not be able to come back for the next few days.

Now look at it, I was worrying too much.

"Little friend Liu Cong, are you rushing back to Peiping tonight?"

"How about we have dinner together tonight and sign the contract?"

Faced with Mr. Jiang's warm invitation, Liu Cong thought about it and rejected it flatly.

"Mr. Jiang, I won't do it this time. There are still many things in the school waiting for me to deal with."

"So, next time!"

"As for the contract, I will give you my contact information later, and then you can just send it directly to our school."

Mr. Jiang did not force himself and nodded gently.

"Okay, then I won't force you."

"Are you going to fly back to Peiping from Luzhou?" Mr. Jiang asked.

Liu Cong nodded.

"Yes, take a flight back."

"Okay! I'll ask driver Xiao Wang to take you to Xinqiao Airport in Luzhou later."

Just as Liu Cong was about to refuse, Mr. Jiang stopped Liu Cong from speaking.

"You're welcome, since you will be our Chery shareholder from now on."

"It's only right that I give you a ride."

"You just go back and study. As for R\u0026D and patents, you don't have to worry about it."

"It will definitely be done for you."

After hearing Mr. Jiang's assurance, Liu Cong forced out a smile.

"I feel relieved that Mr. Jiang is doing things. I mean, I feel reassured that Chery is doing things."

This flattery made all the senior executives present laugh, and they all looked at Liu Cong with admiration.


On the way back, Liu Cong couldn't shake Mr. Jiang's enthusiasm.

Therefore, I had to take the company's special car to Xinqiao Airport in Luzhou.

An hour and a half later, Liu Cong also arrived at Xinqiao Airport smoothly.

Looking at the time on my phone, it was already half past four in the afternoon.

It was only half an hour before I boarded the plane.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Liu Cong successfully arrived at the airport in Peiping.

Then he drove his car, which was parked at the airport in the morning, back to the apartment.

The first thing I do when I get back to the apartment is of course to wash up.

Then Liu Cong lay on the bed with his exhausted body, and then gradually fell asleep.

Time has moved forward for more than half a month,

April 26th in the Gregorian calendar is a special day.

The gate of Huaxia Shule Co., Ltd. was already crowded with people.

Academician Yang Mingxia dragged her tired body and faced the group of reporters with a smile.

"Academician Yang Mingxia, what do you think of our country's development of ultra-high-precision machine tools this time?"

"Academician Yang Mingxia, how did you develop an ultra-high-precision machine tool that is not subject to patent restrictions?"

"Academician Yang Mingxia......"

"Academician Yang Mingxia......"


For a time, the reporters seemed to have endless questions.

It was also the first time for Academician Yang Mingxia to see such a big scene. She did not expect that such a publicity would cause such a big sensation.

Of course, this is all due to Academician Yang Mingxia’s prestige in the field of machine tools.

Today, not only reporters came.

Even the students and apprentices led by Academician Yang Mingxia also came over.

Some even came back from abroad just to witness this highlight moment.


"Don't be impatient, ask questions one by one."

"You are so enthusiastic. As an old man, I can't stand it."

Although Academician Yang Mingxia was very tired, she still managed to smile at the reporters and the audience in front of the TV.

Facing this seventy-year-old man, everyone felt indescribable admiration in their hearts.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also very emotional when they saw this scene.

Everyone's patriotism seems to have been aroused, and everyone's comments are full of positive energy.

Persimmons are poisonous: I was really moved when I saw this scene.

Academician Yang Mingxia is more than 70 years old, but she still sticks to the front line of science and contributes to the machine tool industry of the motherland.

As a student, why not work hard?

Tomorrow will be better: I didn’t expect it! In my lifetime, I can also witness this highlight moment! I believe that the future of our motherland will be even better.

Bubble: Academician Yang Mingxia is so cute, I really love her to death.

What kind of celebrities will we follow in the future? Only scientists and soldiers can save China!


Academician Yang Mingxia faced reporters and said calmly: "Thank you all for coming today!"

"To everyone's questions, what I want to say is, this is what I should do."

"As Chinese citizens, each of us has the obligation to contribute to our motherland in our own way."

"I just chose the path of science, so I will pay a little more."

Having said this, everyone consciously applauded Academician Yang Mingxia.

Regarding this situation, Academician Yang Minxia signaled everyone to be quiet, and everyone was very cooperative. There was no sound in the crowd instantly.

"Actually, I am not the only one who is responsible for developing high-precision machine tools this time."

"Every one of them put in lots and lots of hard work."

Afterwards, Academician Yang Mingxia talked about everyone's daily life in the laboratory to the reporters.

When everyone hears that these lovely R\u0026D personnel eat compressed biscuits and instant noodles when they are hungry, and drink mineral water when they are thirsty.

When he fell asleep directly in the laboratory, many people in the crowd couldn't help crying.

This group of people are so desperate for the future of the country and the interests of the people.

Each of them earns one-tenth or even one-hundredth of the salary of a star.

But he does work that is beneficial to the country and the people.

Should such people receive a salary increase?

Are people like this the kind of celebrities we should chase?

After what has happened during this period, I think everyone will have a higher opinion of the People's Disciple Soldiers and scientists.

And Liu Cong was standing behind the reporter at the moment, witnessing all this with his own eyes.

He was extremely proud at this moment.

"Actually, we are not the biggest contributor to the development of ultra-high-precision machine tools."

Yang Mingxia's words instantly aroused the curiosity of reporters.

"Who is that!"



Facing everyone's enthusiasm, Academician Yang Mingxia smiled and said: "That's it..."

Academician Yang Mingxia was about to finish her words when her body suddenly softened and she fell towards the crowd.

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