The next day,

As usual, Liu Cong took his books and went to the classroom.

Originally, Liu Cong reserved the last row alone.

Now, there is someone in the back row accompanying Liu Cong to class every day.

"Hey! You came to class today."

"I thought you weren't coming!"

After Jiang Wanying saw Liu Cong coming, she enthusiastically sat next to Liu Cong.

Now Jiang Wanying is no longer as cold as she was at the beginning, she is completely funny.


"Is my image so bad in your eyes?" Liu Cong whispered to Jiang Wanying in the back row.

Jiang Wanying shook her head.

"That's not true. On the contrary, I feel that you are quite good."

"But, there is one problem that I can't figure out."

"You've missed so many classes, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to graduate?"

Jiang Wanying asked Liu Cong a question. For a moment, Liu Cong didn't know how to answer her.


"I want to say, do you believe that I can graduate even if I don't come to class?"

Liu Cong turned his head to look at this cute girl with mushroom hair.

The next second, Jiang Wanying nodded seriously.

"I believe that with your high hacking skills, you must have been specially recruited."

"You don't live in a dormitory, but in a single apartment, right?"

When Jiang Wanying asked this question, Liu Cong was a little surprised.

"How did you know?"

Jiang Wanying smiled softly.

"Because, you and I are the same."

"Didn't you notice? I usually stay alone."

"From the first time I saw you, I knew you were not simple."

Liu Cong let out a curious sigh at Jiang Wanying's compliment.

"How do you know I'm not simple?"

"On the contrary, I am just a little transparent." Liu Cong shrugged and said.

Seeing that the teacher had noticed that the two of them were talking.

So, both of them shut up obediently.

During the class break, Jiang Wanying picked up the computer and started operating it vigorously.

Liu Cong was very curious, so he came over.

"What are you messing with again?" Liu Cong asked.

Jiang Wanying stopped what she was doing and pointed to the browser on her computer.

"Have you heard of browser kernel?"

Liu Cong nodded and said, "Of course I know that."

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Liu Cong asking this, Jiang Wanying did not pretend to be mysterious.

"As you know, all the browser kernels used in our domestic computers and mobile phones are American."

Hearing Jiang Wanying's reminder, Liu Cong's anus tightened instantly.

Yes, domestic mobile phone and computer browsers all use American kernels.

Although these are all open source, there is no guarantee that one day, the United States will directly close the source.

According to the virtues of Americans, they will definitely be able to do such a thing.

"The core of the browser cannot be created by you alone."

"Although I understand your intention to learn this, but..."

Liu Cong was extremely unsure of Jiang Wanying's approach.

Because the core of a browser is no less than developing a computer system.

It is even many times more difficult than making a computer system.

"I know what you mean."

"I definitely can't do it alone."

"So, I'm going to Warwick before I graduate."

"Because only their company is developing the core of the browser."

"I believe that in the near future, the United States will definitely sanction this aspect."

"I just wish this day would come later!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Wanying sighed.

After hearing what Jiang Wanying said, Liu Cong thought so.

He hopes more than anyone else that China can rise from Blue Star.

Once upon a time, Liu Cong witnessed the rise of his country in that world.

Here, he also firmly believes that China will surely rise.

"Classmate Jiang Wanying."

"I didn't expect that!"

"I underestimated you."

Jiang Wanying raised her head proudly, "That's right!"

"I am very idealistic and ambitious."

Liu Cong nodded.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"I haven't even complimented you a few times, but you started to gasp."

Jiang Wanying hit Liu Cong on the chest with her fist.

"You're just out of breath!"

When he went back at noon, Liu Cong was thinking about this issue all the way.

Hearing what Jiang Wanying said, Liu Cong really felt that the United States could do such a thing.

At that moment, Liu Cong quickly returned to the dormitory after finishing his meal.

Since I have super proficient computer skills, there is definitely no problem in designing the kernel of a browser.

After returning to the apartment, Liu Cong turned on the computer immediately.

Then I checked the relevant information and wanted to do an in-depth study of what the browser kernel is.

In fact, Liu Cong thought of him too simply.

Because the browser kernel is too difficult to develop.

It takes a team of 3,000 people to develop the core of a browser.

If the monthly salary of each person is 30,000 yuan per month, then the research and development expenses will be close to 100 million yuan per month.

This does not include other research and development expenses, if the total is added up.

It is estimated that even 5 billion won't be enough, and it may cost tens of billions of R\u0026D expenses.

Moreover, this thing may not actually be successfully developed.

Moreover, the core of the browser is written in C language.

If you want to avoid American patents, you must avoid the architecture and even the language used by others.

Because if the details are not in place even a little bit, it will lead to infringement.

This point must be fundamentally grasped in detail.

Just when Liu Cong was about to turn off the computer, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

Can I make a separate compilation software and then design a kernel framework myself?

It was this idea that instantly aroused Liu Cong's interest.

However, Liu Cong would definitely not be able to complete such a huge project by himself.

After all, a kernel browser has more than ten gigabytes of memory and contains tens of millions of lines of code.

If Liu Cong were to type these codes one by one, he might not be able to finish them until he is old.

Because my knowledge is too lacking, I need to learn knowledge quickly.

At this time, Liu Cong thought that he seemed to have a system.

Therefore, Liu Cong wanted to go to the system mall to try his luck.

See if you can come across skills that improve your brainpower so that you can learn faster.

After Liu Cong entered the system, he used his own thoughts to open the lottery wheel.

It's still the same, a lottery requires 150,000 reputation points.

Seeing that he still had more than 3.5 million reputation points, Liu Cong thought that he could make whatever he wanted.

So, the first draw began.

For the first time, Liu Cong drew a small battle potion.

The second time, Liu Cong drew a small battle potion.

I drew five times in a row, all of which were small combat potions.

All of a sudden, 750,000 reputation points were spent.

Liu Cong started the sixth lottery with a disappointed expression.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the golden voice]

[You can get the sound of nature with your golden voice]

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