"These are useless skills!"

“What I want is skills that improve my brain power.”

"Or scientific and technological information will do!"

Liu Cong felt a little distressed when he looked at the 900,000 reputation points that were spent.

"Hey! This is the last time."

"If you can't do it, throw it down. I don't believe I can't learn this thing."

With reluctance, Liu Cong started the seventh lottery.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the intermediate combat potion]


"Damn it, system, do you have a f*cking conscience?"

Liu Cong was so angry that he cursed directly.

【Ding! Detect host insult system]

【punish! 】

Suddenly, a small flash of lightning appeared out of thin air.

It hit Liu Cong's body directly, and Liu Cong pulled out immediately.

Just when Liu Cong couldn't stand it anymore, the system stopped punishing him.

Liu Cong suddenly collapsed to the ground.

At this time, Liu Cong's head was completely in a state of afro.

Saved money on perming.

[Host, this time is just a punishment]

[Don’t do this next time]

The system said to Liu Cong with a hint of anger.

Liu Cong was in a completely confused state at this time.

"I go!"

"System! Your punishment is too harsh."

This time, the system did not talk to Liu Cong again.

Liu Cong shook his head with a wry smile.


"I guess I am the humblest host."

“In the novel, the protagonist’s system can be scolded as much as it wants.”

"Why did I get struck by lightning when I got here?"

"Hey! I can't figure it out."

Liu Cong walked to the bathroom and washed the black ash from his face.

Looking at his Afro hairstyle in the mirror, Liu Cong actually felt that he looked pretty good.

So, I took a photo with my mobile phone and wanted to share it with others, but I didn’t know who to share it with.

Subconsciously, Liu Cong clicked on Chen Qiong's WeChat account.

Then, I sent the picture I just took.

The next second, Chen Qiong's message was sent.


"What are you dressing up like?"

Liu Cong smiled and looked at the message sent by Chen Qiong.

"is it nice?"

"My new perm."

The next second after Liu Cong sent it, Chen Qiong's message was sent.

"You're quite cute like this, haha~"

Liu Cong wanted to reply to the message, and Chen Qiong's video call came over.

"Brother, have you been struck by lightning?"

Chen Qiong laughed loudly at the other end of the video.

Liu Cong's face turned dark for a while.

Unexpectedly, Chen Qiong actually guessed it.

Liu Cong was unwilling to discuss this topic.

I skipped this topic directly and went to the next topic.

"Why are you calling?" Liu Cong asked.

"Didn't you come to me first?"

"You men are so fickle!"

Chen Qiong is very cute with her little mouth pouted.

"Haha, sister, you are really cute."

Chen Qiong was instantly happy after hearing Liu Cong's compliment.

"Brother, you are getting better and better at talking."

"Do you have time today?"

"I'll come out at noon. I have something to discuss with you." Chen Qiong said on the other end of the phone.

Liu Cong thought for a while and realized there was nothing wrong.

So he nodded.

"Well, I have time at noon."

"Okay, let's meet at the same place later."

"old place?"

"Yeah, the same old place!"

The next second, Liu Cong reacted.

"Okay, got it."

"We'll be there in thirty minutes."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Cong put on his clothes and went out.

After dozens of minutes,

Liu Cong came to the music-themed restaurant.

This time, Chen Qiong did not go in, but waited for Liu Cong at the door of the restaurant.

After seeing Liu Cong coming, Chen Qiong stepped forward and took Liu Cong's arm.

"Brother, you came very quickly."

Liu Cong did not resist because Liu Cong was used to Chen Qiong's behavior.

It’s still the same restaurant, still the same location.

Liu Cong and Chen Qiong sat across the dining table from each other.

"Sister, what exactly did you come to see me for today?"

Chen Qiong ignored Liu Cong and slowly put down the bag in her hand.

Then, he pointed to the piano on the stage.

"Aren't you going to save me some money?"

Hearing what Chen Qiong said, Liu Cong's face turned dark.

Chen Qiong's move reminded Liu Cong of the first time he came to this restaurant.

"Hey, sister!"

"Are you trying to ask me to escape the bill again?"

Chen Qiong smiled and shook his head.

"No, I just haven't heard you sing for a long time."

"I want to hear you sing today, can you satisfy my sister's request?"

Liu Cong hesitated for a while, then nodded.

Then, he volunteered and walked to the piano.

At this time, the owner of the music-themed restaurant seemed to recognize Liu Cong.

"Hey! Young man!"

"This is not the last time you came to our restaurant."

"Have you participated in the Chinese Good Songs?"

This slightly fat middle-aged man looked at Liu Cong with joy.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to still remember me."

"That's right, it's me."

The man patted Liu Cong's shoulder excitedly.

"Haha, I didn't expect it was really you!"

“What do you want to play today!”

"I'll exempt you from your meal." The man promised.

Of course, Liu Cong didn't come to power just to be exempted from the bill, it was Chen Qiong's request. ,

Liu Cong sat on the piano under the watchful eyes of all the lovers and best friends in the restaurant.

Many girls fell in love instantly after seeing Liu Cong's handsome face.

Chen Qiong below saw Liu Cong sitting on the stage and felt crazy for a while.

Liu Cong took a deep breath and then started playing the piano.

This time, Liu Cong chose the song Blue and White Porcelain.

When the piano sounded, the whole place was silent.

When the song started, everyone looked at Liu Cong with an incredulous expression.

Because Liu Cong's voice is so nice.

To describe it as the sound of nature is no exaggeration at all.

Time passed quickly. After a few minutes, Liu Cong finished playing and singing and got off the piano.

At this time, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

Liu Cong bowed politely to everyone, and then quickly returned to his seat.

When Liu Cong sat down, Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong intently.

"Is there something on my face?"

Liu Cong subconsciously touched his face.

Chen Qiong dragged his chin and shook his head.

"Brother, you are really charming."

"It seems."

"This time I am a singer contestant from our company, and it has to be you."

With that said, Chen Qiong took out an invitation letter from his bag.

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