Liu Cong looked at the glittering invitation and didn't react for a moment.


"Why are you letting me participate in this competition?" Liu Cong asked.

Chen Qiong said nothing and took a pen from her bag.

Then he opened the invitation letter and handed the pen to Liu Cong.

"Sign your name."

Liu Cong looked confused. He hadn't said whether he was willing or not.

Chen Qiong went straight to the hard part.

"What are you looking at!"

"There is no one more suitable for our company than you."

"If you participate in this show, you can at least reach the level of a second-tier singer."

"Don't you want to be famous?"

Regarding Chen Qiong's question, Liu Cong didn't know how to answer it for a while.

However, if you don’t participate in the show and increase your exposure, there will be no reputation value.

The reputation value is exactly what Liu Cong lacks.

Liu Cong thought for a moment, then picked up the pen and signed his name on it.

The next second, Chen Qiong, who was originally serious, suddenly beamed with joy.

"That's right!"

"Believe me, you will definitely gain something from participating in this show this time."

After seeing Liu Cong sign his name, Chen Qiong put the invitation letter into his bag.

【Ding! Test host wants to participate in I am a singer】

[If the host can win the championship in this competition, the host will be rewarded with a set of controllable nuclear fusion information]

The electronic announcement sounded instantly in Liu Cong's mind.


"Controllable nuclear fusion!"

Liu Cong stood up from his position in shock.

Chen Qiong, who was packing her bag, was startled by Liu Cong's sudden stress reaction.

"Brother, you scared me to death!"

"What is controlled nuclear fusion?"

"Are you OK?"

Liu Cong came to his senses from Chen Qiong's question.

Because Liu Cong's reaction just now was so great that many people in the restaurant looked in Liu Cong's direction.



"I just wanted to scare you. Who asked you to force me to sign up for the competition?"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong with reproach.


"You are just an ungrateful man. Do you know how much many people in the company have paid to grab this spot?"

"If it weren't for you, it would be me..."

Having said this, Chen Qiong did not continue.

"I am your father!"

Liu Cong's words made Chen Qiong, who was still a little shy, instantly become angry.

"Can you say that again."

Chen Qiong didn't explain anything to Liu Cong, she just started doing it!

"Sister, please be gentle!"

"Ah! Someone is watching!"


After lunch,

Liu Cong and Chen Qiong parted ways directly.

Chen Qiong told Liu Cong that the competition will be held in half a month.

That is to say, it will be around mid-to-late May. Let Liu Cong prepare well.

Regarding this competition, Liu Cong is definitely destined to win.

Because controllable nuclear fusion is too important to Liu Cong.

Controllable nuclear fusion is a worldwide problem. So far, no country can say that it has mastered controllable nuclear fusion.

The reason is that the technology of controllable nuclear fusion is not only difficult to break through, but the utilization rate of energy conversion is also extremely low.

You know, most energy generation in the world now comes at the expense of the environment.

Here, coal is probably used the most for power generation.

Because coal power generation is cheap and has high utilization rate.

Coal power generation has a huge disadvantage.

That's at the expense of the environment.

Therefore, in recent decades, the world has begun to develop clean energy.

This includes light energy, tidal energy, wind energy, etc.

Although these energy sources are clean.

However, there are too many uncertainties.

Because there is not wind every day, sun every day, and tides every day.

At this time, people began to invent an energy source.

That is converting nuclear energy into electrical energy, which is what people call nuclear power plants.

Nuclear power plants have a fatal flaw, which is nuclear leakage.

Once a nuclear leak occurs, it will be extremely harmful to mankind.

Therefore, even though nuclear power plants are said to be clean energy, they are not either.

However, controllable nuclear fusion is different.

Controlled nuclear fusion is an extremely clean energy source.

The principle of his reaction is the nuclear fusion reaction of two smaller hydrogen atom isotopes, deuterium and tritium atoms, to produce helium atoms and a large amount of energy.

The sun on the blue star has had this reaction for billions of years.

This reaction is happening inside the sun all the time.

It can be said that controllable nuclear fusion is a completely clean energy source and is inexhaustible.

One liter of seawater contains as much deuterium energy as 200 liters of gasoline.

If this kind of energy is really harnessed, it could be used by humans for tens of billions of years.

But is this really the case?

Which country would not be interested in such energy?

The reason is that deuterium in seawater is extremely difficult to extract.

Even if it is extracted, this part cannot be fully utilized with current human technology.

Liu Cong thought about this, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

Once you master controllable nuclear fusion, what kind of concept is that?

You can directly become a god yourself.

As long as he can develop controllable nuclear fusion, he dares to say that he will definitely be the richest person in the world.

There are always troops protecting you when you go out.

Even the state will do whatever it takes to improve your personal lifespan.

Because the death of such a person is a loss to the country and the world.

But, in fact.

With Blue Star's current technological level, it simply cannot be developed.

Therefore, with this opportunity, Liu Cong must win the championship this time.

Once controllable nuclear fusion is developed, it will be much more powerful than photolithography machines and ultra-high-precision machine tools.

Liu Cong returned to the apartment,

I opened my computer immediately.

Liu Cong, who was sitting in front of the computer, had a blank look in his eyes.

He is still worried about the browser kernel.

He is considering whether to use C language for programming.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Liu Cong's mind.


“Foreign languages ​​can be programmed, so why can’t Chinese characters be programmed?”

"Maybe it can be more concise!"

When he thought of this, Liu Cong turned on the computer.

"I don't use your programming language, and I don't use your framework."

"I write my own programming tools and modify the framework myself."

"This time, you won't be able to impose sanctions."

Liu Cong did what he said and started typing away at the computer.

At five o'clock in the morning, Liu Cong looked at the approaching dawn outside and walked to the bed with Ha Qie in his arms.

Then he lay down.

At nine forty in the morning, Liu Cong rushed to the classroom for class.

Just like before, Jiang Wanying sat next to Liu Cong this time.

When she saw Liu Cong coming over with a black eye, Jiang Wanying's face was full of doubts.

"Classmate Liu Cong, what did you do last night?"

"Are you going out~"

Jiang Wanying looked at Liu Cong with a wicked smile.

Because Liu Cong didn't sleep well, he didn't react at first.

After Liu Cong reacted, the school bell rang.

"Jiang Wanying, want to discuss something with you?" Liu Cong whispered to Jiang Wanying.

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