
"What's going on?" Jiang Wanying asked.

Liu Cong did not directly sell out to Jiang Wanying.

"Is such that."

"Listening to what you said to me, I think it is necessary to develop the browser kernel."

Liu Cong looked at Jiang Wanying seriously, and Jiang Wanying nodded gently.

"Well, I know that!"

"what do you want to say?"

I don’t know if they were talking too loudly, but the teacher on the stage suddenly stared at them.

When the teacher turned around and continued teaching, Liu Cong lowered his body and looked at the curious Jiang Wanying.

"That's right, I want to develop my own browser kernel system."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Jiang Wanying looked at him in disbelief.

Then he lowered his voice and said, "You mean you want to develop your own browser kernel!"

"You're not kidding!"

"Do you know how difficult it is to develop this? This is not something that the two of us can do alone."

Of course Liu Cong understood what Jiang Wanying said.

It is absolutely impossible to complete the browser kernel independently.

Liu Cong nodded slightly, and then whispered to Jiang Wanying: "I know this."

"So, I am discussing with you now."

"I'm already working on the browser kernel compilation software, and it should be available soon."

"Second is the framework."

"This is not a difficult task for me. It only takes a little time at most."

The reason why Liu Cong can say this is that this is really not a difficult problem for him.

Ever since Liu Cong became super proficient in computers, he has become particularly sensitive to computer categories.

Since he can hack into the United States and paralyze its network.

Ability to steal super-secret information from the U.S. Department of Defense without the U.S. knowing about it.

Then he can also build the core of the browser, which just takes a little time.

The only good thing about Liu Cong's time at Huaqing University is that.

There are resources here that are not found elsewhere.

"You said you want to develop your own compiler and kernel framework!"

"You don't have a fever!"

Jiang Wanying looked disbelieving. No one would believe this matter.

Liu Cong shook his head and said, "No, I am serious."

"Since you are from the Honker Alliance, you must know many people from the Honker Alliance."

"As long as we organize these people, it will be a matter of time before we develop the browser kernel."

What Liu Cong said made Jiang Wanying stunned instantly.

He didn't expect that his casual mention would give Liu Cong the urge to develop his own browser kernel.

"Did I hear it wrong!"

"Do you know what you're talking about now?"

"Do you know what kind of existence the Honker Alliance is?"

"Do you know who the Hongke Alliance is?"

Jiang Wanying asked a lot of questions in succession, which made Liu Cong unable to answer him for a while.

Because, he knows.

The Hongke Alliance can be said to be an extremely mysterious organization.

Some of them are senior executives of certain companies in China, some are senior programmers, and some even deliver food.

The burden on each of them is heavy because they have to provide for their families.

As for why they want to join the Hongke Alliance organization?

They are just a group of middle-aged teenagers who want to contribute part of their strength to the country.

"I know this."

“But if we don’t fight for it, how do we know they won’t do it?”

Liu Cong's words instantly stopped Jiang Wanying.

For a moment, she didn't know how to explain such a problem to Liu Cong.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Wanying took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

"I'll ask in the group."

Jiang Wanying's reaction really surprised Liu Cong.

Because Jiang Wanying chose to believe Liu Cong's words unconditionally.

Even though she felt that hope was slim, she still wanted to try.

With that said, Jiang Wanying opened their crowd of hundreds.

Then I posted this message in the group.

Mushroom Head: Are you interested in developing browser kernel?

Everyone at Aite.

Not long after, a bunch of question marks were sent to the group.

Brave Niu Niu: Mushroom Head, are you stupid in school? Is it something we can think of developing browser kernel?

Optimus Prime: Why do you have such an idea?

I was defrauded of 500 yuan in online dating: You mean to let us join forces to develop the browser core.

For a while, discussions in the group continued.

When Jiang Wanying saw these messages, she stared at the phone screen and hesitated.

Then he typed a series of texts in succession.

Mushroom Head: The descendant of the dragon is by my side, he suggested it.

When Jiang Wanying sent out the news, the group exploded.

Wandering Toad: I'm going! Did I hear it wrong! You mean that the person Huaxia is looking for all over the world is right next to you.

Yang Liuqingqing: You mean the descendant of the dragon is by your side! Did I hear it wrong!

Jiang Wanying stared at the phone screen, while Liu Cong stared at Jiang Wanying.

I hope Jiang Wanying can give a quick reply.

Mushroom Head: I don’t know either, but he is indeed very powerful.

I guess there is an 80% chance that he is me.

Everyone was dubious about what Mushroom Head said.

After all, if he is really the descendant of the dragon, it might be possible to develop a browser kernel.

For about ten seconds, no one in the group spoke.

At this time, the group leader bubbled up.

An old programmer: If possible, I would like to be the first to sign up.

Even though the results may not be satisfactory, I want to try.

These words from the group leader undoubtedly gave these people in the group a shot in the arm.

Wandering Toad: Take me with you.

Pug: I want to sign up too.

I also want.

For a time, there were dozens of people in the group chatting at the same time.

People who had never taken the initiative before suddenly came out to sign up.

At this moment, Jiang Wanying was a little moved.

Because he knows what it means for everyone to make this decision.

Most of them have jobs and can only have time to program in their spare time at night.

And this will undoubtedly bring greater life pressure to everyone.

Jiang Wanying put down the phone in her hand, then raised her head and looked at Liu Cong.

"How do you say it?" Liu Cong asked.

Jiang Wanying paused, then nodded gently.

“There are dozens of people in the group who have already signed up.”

Liu Cong was very surprised to hear what Jiang Wanying said.

"How did you convince these big guys?"

Jiang Wanying turned on her phone and showed Liu Cong the chat history in the group.

When Liu Cong saw Jiang Wanying saying that she was the descendant of the dragon, her face turned dark instantly.

"Jiang Wanying, I won't let you be so deceptive."

Jiang Wanying smiled and said nothing.

Now that everyone has reached a unanimous agreement, there is no need for extra explanations.

As more and more people registered in the group, Jiang Wanying had to deliberately pull these people into another group.

By the way, she also pulled Liu Cong in.

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