When everyone first entered this small group, the atmosphere became lively instantly.

At this time, everyone was asking whether Jiang Wanying's descendant had joined the group.

Immediately, Jiang Wanying raised her head and glanced at Liu Cong.

Liu Cong shook his head, and Jiang Wanying immediately understood what Liu Cong meant.

Later, Jiang Wanying replied directly in the group, no.

Seeing Jiang Wanying's reply, everyone in the group was a little disappointed.

After returning at noon, Liu Cong originally wanted to take a nap.

But when he thought that there was still something to do, Liu Cong resisted his tiredness and sat next to the computer.

He continued his programming journey.

After a while, Liu Cong's phone rang.

I picked it up and took a look and found that it was Mr. Jiang from Chery.

Liu Cong didn't hesitate and answered the phone directly.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, why did you call me today?" Liu Cong said enthusiastically.

"I'll deliver the contract to you personally."

Liu Cong was very surprised to hear what Mr. Jiang said.

"Mr. Jiang, how can I ask you to deliver the contract in person?"

"Didn't you say it would be sent by mail?"

"You are too flattering to me."

Mr. Jiang on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "I came to Peking today partly to deliver the contract to you."

"The other part is that my daughter is also studying in Huaqing."

"I wanted to come over and see her."

Liu Cong was a little surprised. What surprised her was that her daughter studied in the same school as herself.

Mr. Jiang’s surname is Jiang, and Jiang Wanying’s surname is also Jiang.

Liu Cong immediately connected the two people.

The next second, Liu Cong rejected his idea again.

There are too many people named Jiang, and China is so big, how could it be such a coincidence.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang."

"Then where shall we meet?"

Soon, Mr. Jiang on the other end of the phone gave Liu Cong a reply.

"Let's meet at your school!"

"I'll be at your school soon."

Afterwards, after the two exchanged a few words, Liu Cong rushed to the meeting place where they agreed.

Fifteen minutes later,

Liu Cong and Jiang will always make peace.

Liu Cong just found a booth at Huaqing University and signed the contract.

"Little friend Liu Cong, now that the contract is signed."

"Then I'll go find my daughter."

Mr. Jiang stood up from the stone stool and shook hands with Liu Cong on his own initiative.

"Okay, then go ahead."

Mr. Jiang showed an embarrassed smile.

"Then I'll excuse you."

"Would you like to join my daughter tonight and the three of us have dinner together?"

Mr. Jiang took the initiative to send an invitation to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong thought for a while and still refused.

After all, it is not appropriate for a father and daughter to have a dinner together and stand in the middle as an outsider.

After Mr. Jiang left, Liu Cong walked alone to return to the apartment.

Just as Liu Cong was turning the corner from the Bishop's Building to go back to his apartment, he unexpectedly bumped into a woman he shouldn't have bumped into.

At this time, she was sitting on the ground, hugging her legs to her chest, crying very sadly.

"Stop crying, Yichen."

"What kind of scumbag doesn't deserve this?"

Ma Xiaoli squatted aside, patting Lin Yichen's back and constantly comforting her.

"Why could he abandon me so heartlessly?"

"They even blocked me directly from my contact information."

"I have paid so much for her, and I even spanked Chen Yang's children. Why should she treat me like this?"

"Is she sorry for me?"

Faced with Ma Xiaoli's comfort, Lin Yichen cried even more sadly.



Lin Yichen kept repeating this sentence.

When Liu Cong saw this scene, he felt very happy in his heart.

Once upon a time, there was a girl.

When he was most affectionate, he abandoned himself ruthlessly.

Using the same method that Chen Yang treated her today, he blocked all her contact information.

As embarrassed as Lin Yichen is now, Liu Cong was in such an embarrassed state before.

Seeing such a scene, Liu Cong felt no sympathy at all.

Instead, he couldn't avoid it. At that moment, Liu Cong wanted to leave here quickly.

"Why can't I meet dedicated boys? Why do all I meet are scumbags?"

Lin Yichen sobbed.

Actually, regarding Chen Yang’s cheating.

Her roommate Rongrong had warned her a long time ago, but at that time he was still completely immersed in Chen Yang's hypocritical beauty.

Seeing Lin Yichen like this, Ma Xiaoli beside her could only pat her back gently to comfort her.

"I have nothing now!"

"Why can a man be so heartless!"

No matter how much Ariel Ariel cried, what was supposed to happen had already happened.

Liu Cong, who was standing not far away, was tired of watching, so as not to alert others.

Liu Cong chose to turn around and take a detour from the back of the bishop's building.


"is it you?"

Liu Cong, who had already turned around, immediately tightened his anus after hearing this.

Don't dare to speak out.

Seeing Liu Cong's unresponsiveness, Ma Xiaoli still had no intention of giving up.

"It's really you!"

Ma Xiaoli suddenly ran to Liu Cong excitedly.

Ariel Ariel, who was still sitting on the ground crying, heard Ma Xiaoli calling Liu Cong her husband. He raised his head when he saw it.

When Lin Yichen saw this familiar figure, he was stunned for an instant.

Seeing that it was impossible to escape, Liu Cong simply came out and faced it bravely.

Seeing Ma Xiaoli's enthusiasm, Liu Cong smiled slightly at her.

When Ma Xiaoli saw it, she was instantly happy.

"Husband, I miss you so much!"

"I haven't seen you take that big music class for a long time."

Regarding Ma Xiaoli's coquettishness, Liu Cong simply chose to ignore it.

Because he didn't know how to face Ma Xiaoli's enthusiasm.

"Did you hear what I just said?"

Ariel Ariel wiped her tears with her sleeves, and then stood up slowly.

Because she cried so much, Lin Yichen's makeup was all gone.

"Whether I heard it or not, does it matter?" Liu Cong stood not far away and questioned Lin Yichen.

Lin Yichen was stunned for a moment and looked at Liu Cong with blurred eyes.

At this time, Ma Xiaoli seemed to realize something.

She remembered that when she had a fight with Ariel Ariel, Ariel Ariel seemed to have said that Liu Cong was her dog-licking ex-boyfriend.

Looking at Liu Cong's current attitude towards Li Yichen, it all makes sense.

"It was all my fault before, please forgive me now, okay?"

"Actually, I still love you!"

Lin Yichen looked at Liu Cong pitifully.

Seeing Lin Yichen like this, Liu Cong wanted to laugh so much. But they all held back.

"Don't you think you're a bitch now?"

"Why are you pretending to be affectionate here?"

"I didn't expect it! You, Lin Yichen, will also be dumped one day."

Looking at Lin Yichen in front of him, Liu Cong felt even more disgusted.

Now he only regrets that he was blind and could fall in love with such a woman.

Lin Yichen's true colors were revealed when she saw Liu Cong treating her like this.

"I think it would be shameful for you to date you again!"

"Do you still remember the way you licked me?"

"Do you dare to say that you didn't come to Huaqing University for me?"

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