Liu Cong shook his head seriously.

"have no idea!"

"But I feel like you and her have known each other for a long time."

Chen Qiong nodded.

"We were roommates in college and once best friends."

When this sentence came out of Chen Qiong's mouth, Liu Cong didn't believe it.

If they were best friends, how could they almost start a fight on the spot?

"What about you just now?"

Chen Qiong smiled helplessly.

"Because she and I have turned against each other."

As he said that, Chen Qiong began to recall.

"When I graduated from Peking International Studies University, I went to the United States to study."

"But she stayed in China to work and did not continue her studies."

"We had a good relationship until he cheated on my boyfriend."

Speaking of this, Chen Qiong's face showed a hint of sadness.

"But now he's an ex-boyfriend!"

"The moment I found out my best friend was hooking up with my boyfriend, I was devastated."

"And not only does she not feel guilty, she actually feels confident."

"Later, I returned to China to open a media company."

"I thought there would be no more connection between us."

When Chen Qiong said this, she stopped talking and looked at the curtains of the hotel in trance.

Liu Cong didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

He didn't want to interrupt Chen Qiong's train of thought.

"Later, I found out that she also opened a media company."

"In other words, he naturally became my competitor."

"After she learned that I had opened a media company, she continued to secretly exploit my resources."

Speaking of this, Chen Qiong looked unusually calm, and there was no trace of waves in her face.

"Finally, I found out about it."

"I just can't bear it anymore."

"For this reason, I even went out of my way to have a fight with her."

"My collarbone was broken at that time, and she was almost disfigured."

It wasn't until this moment that Liu Cong fully understood the cause of the matter.

"It turns out that you two still have such a bad past!"

Chen Qiong did not speak, but turned his head and looked at Liu Cong quietly.

"So, no matter what this time."

"I won't allow you to lose!"

Chen Qiong said these words almost in a commanding tone.

Liu Cong originally wanted to say that he was not sure, but when he saw Chen Qiong's expression.

Still nodded.

"Okay! I promise you."

"I can only say that I tried my best."

"After all, there are so many seniors on the field, and I really have no interest in competing with them."


The next day,

Liu Cong and Chen Qiong came to the TV station.

Because everyone's training room is individually separated.

Therefore, Chen Qiong did not meet Cheng Shan today.

In the rehearsal room, when the musicians saw this score, they were really surprised.

"You wrote this song well!"

"So you are the singer who wrote Blue and White Porcelain!"

"To be honest, with your creative talent, you will definitely become a superstar in the future."

Chen Qiong was on the sidelines and heard the band's praise of Liu Cong.

He let out a roaring laugh.

Chen Qiong stayed with Liu Cong in the training room all day today.

The professional abilities Liu Cong displayed today even put these musicians to shame.

After training in the afternoon, Liu Cong originally wanted to go back to the hotel directly.

However, Chen Qiong said that it was her first time in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and she wanted to go out for a walk.

Therefore, Liu Cong acted as a tool for carrying bags.

Later, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong came to the largest pedestrian street in the area.

It is also the largest Internet celebrity incubation place in the country.

When Liu Cong and Chen Qiong were walking on the street, they could see many Internet celebrities filming videos everywhere.

"Brother, what do you think about me coming here to open a company in the future?"

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong next to him and asked for his opinion.

Liu Cong nodded, "Yeah!"

"It's pretty good here, but it's too far from Peiping."

"However, there are really many Internet celebrities here. In the future, we can come here to serve as an incubation base for Internet celebrities."


"Suhang City is indeed a good place." He couldn't help but sigh.

When Liu Cong and Chen Qiong were enjoying their shopping, a large group of onlookers in front of them instantly piqued their interest.

When the two approached, they were instantly shocked by the scene.

I saw a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties, wearing shabby clothes, holding a knife to a girl's neck.

No matter how much the girl struggled or cried, the people next to her showed no expression.

He even picked up his phone and took photos.

This reminded Liu Cong of a similar situation that happened in Beijing Pedestrian Street a year ago.

And it's not just this.

The reason is that some people are unhappy in life and deliberately seek revenge on society.

When Liu Cong saw this scene, he instantly felt how similar it was to the incidents in Peking.

At this time, the gangster's knife gradually approached the girl's neck.

The next second, a trace of blood-red seeped out from the girl's neck.

The girl was so frightened that she cried.

At the scene, some people were so frightened that they covered their eyes after seeing this situation.

Some were even more excited, and there were many people live broadcasting on their mobile phones.

This kind of scene is simply extremely cold-blooded to Liu Cong.

"You all get out of my way!"

"Or I'll kill this girl!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Even if you don't get out of the way today, she won't be able to escape."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I also want you to taste despair!"

The man sat on the ground and grabbed the girl's neck with one hand.

With a knife in one hand, a girl is at risk of losing her life at any time.

"Old fellows, it's even more exciting down there!"

"Sports car rocket up!"

At the scene, there was a boy wearing a blue peaked cap, shouting loudly into his mobile phone


After hearing the boy's cry, people pointed at him.

As everyone knows, they themselves are no better than them.

"Brother, why don't we leave!"

"I am afraid!"

Chen Qiong held Liu Cong's arm tightly with a look of fear.

"Hahaha, in thirty seconds, I will kill him!"




When Liu Cong heard the gangster's excited shouts, his heart tightened.

"I will be right back!"

Liu Cong broke free from Chen Qiong's arm and ran out.

Then, he directly found a deserted place and took out a small combat potion from the system.

He poured it directly into his mouth and started slurping it.






Every time the gangster reads a second, the hearts of the audience can't help but tremble.

At this time, the girl no longer struggled.

Because she knew that no one here today could save her.

She lay quietly in the gangster's arms, her eyes filled with despair.

The reaction of these people at the scene made her even more disappointed.

As time went by, the gangsters became more and more excited.

When the gangster counted to three, he stopped instantly.

Then he looked at the sky and laughed.

"If conditions permit, I will be a dog in my next life!"

"Fuck my life!"


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