The gangster raised his knife in an instant, preparing to give the girl the final blow.



When the gangster counted to one, many people at the scene immediately closed their eyes.

Let me ask you, not many people can stare at this kind of blood type scene.

The girl closed her eyes tightly.

At this moment, her world became completely quiet.


The gangster yelled.

At this time, a young figure passed through the crowded crowd in an instant.

Just when the gangster's knife was aimed at the girl's neck, it was only one centimeter away.

One hand firmly grasped the edge of the knife.

The gangster was stunned. He raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him with some confusion.

The next second, Liu Cong's left hand directly grabbed the handle of the knife.

He forcefully snatched the knife from the gangster's hand.

Before the gangster could react, Liu Cong kicked him directly.

The kick made the gangster scream.


"I will fight with you!"

As he spoke, the gangster was about to take out another knife from his pocket.

Liu Cong didn't give the gangster a chance to react, so he went up and kicked him again.

This kick directly kicked the gangster one meter away.

The people present were shocked.

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, and they hadn't reacted yet.

The gangster was directly conquered by Liu Cong.

"Am I already dead?"

"But why does my neck hurt so much?"

The girl closed her eyes and stood up staggeringly.

When he saw a man about 1.8 meters tall with a knife in his bloody hand.

She knew that he was not dead.

In excitement, he burst into tears.

"I'm not dead!"

"I'm really not dead!"

The girl knew that it was the handsome boy in front of her who saved him.

And he was injured.

The girl immediately came forward to thank Liu Cong.

But Liu Cong stopped him.

"Step aside!"

The gangster didn't give up and was ready to pounce again.

The girl was so frightened that she took a few steps back. Liu Cong ignored her and gave the gangster another kick.

The force of this kick made it impossible for the gangster to get up.

This is live broadcast!

When I saw this scene of a hero saving a beauty in the live broadcast room.

The live broadcast room exploded instantly.

Originally there were only a few hundred people in the live broadcast room of the anchor wearing a peaked cap, but now there were more than 10,000 people in the room.

Matcha: Damn! This little brother is so handsome!

If I could do it all over again: I really admire this young man. He might have been involved in this. He must be awarded a medal for bravery.

Xiao Wei didn't like sweet things: Why does this person's profile look so familiar?


Chen Qiong was standing in the crowd at this time, and she was so surprised that she was speechless.

That time, because she was unconscious, she didn't figure out how Liu Cong rescued him.

Until he saw Liu Cong's bravery on the spot today.

Seeing that the gangster had no ability to fight back, Liu Cong threw the knife aside.

When everyone saw Liu Cong's bloody right hand, their hearts trembled.

Liu Cong looked at the police who were getting closer and closer to him, walked behind the crowd and started running.

Chen Qiong was very puzzled. He obviously did something good, but why did he feel like he was breaking the law?

"Why are you running!" Chen Qiong complained.

Liu Cong said while running: "Do you really want to go to the police station to take notes tonight?"

"Will you let me participate in the competition tomorrow?"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Chen Qiong felt that it made sense.

After all, major platforms will definitely report on Liu Cong’s deeds.

Because this is one of the few positive energies in society, it is so valuable.

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong's right hand, which was still bleeding, and felt a little distressed.

"Brother, why don't we stop shopping today?"

"Find a place to bandage your hand first."

Liu Cong nodded. After all, his hand was still bleeding and he needed to deal with it.

At that moment, Chen Qiong took out some tissues from his bag and briefly dealt with Liu Cong's right hand.

Liu Cong and Chen Qiong walked out of the pedestrian street along the sidewalk, and then followed the directions on the map to find a small clinic.

After a simple bandage, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong left.

After this incident, the two of them were not in the mood to go shopping again.

Since the pedestrian street was not far from the hotel where Liu Cong and Chen Qiong lived, they planned to walk back.

"It's all my fault for going out to play today. If it weren't for me, your hand wouldn't be hurt."

Chen Qiong held Liu Cong's arm with an apologetic look on her face.

Liu Cong smiled and said, "You can't say that."

"You are the hero tonight."

"If you don't ask me to come out to play, that girl is going to suffer tonight."

"She is still so young, but there is a family behind her!"

Liu Cong looked at the moon reflected by the river and felt very good.

After hearing Liu Cong's explanation, Chen Qiong instantly felt as good as Liu Cong.

"So, I am still that girl's savior!"

"That is!"

"You are the hero!"


The next day,

There was a rapid knock on the door.

Liu Cong slowly opened his eyes, and then went to open the door.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Chen Qiong holding up her cell phone and looking extremely excited.

"Brother, you're on fire again!"

"You're on the news!"

Liu Cong rubbed his eyes and asked weakly: "Why am I on the news?"

"Can you please stop making such a fuss this morning?"

"I haven't slept well yet!"

Chen Qiong put the phone directly in front of Liu Cong.

"Look, the video of you fighting the gangster last night has gone viral on all major platforms."

"Moreover, many fans recognized you directly."

Liu Cong's eyes widened and he snatched the phone from Chen Qiong's hand.

"I go!"

"That's okay too!"

Liu Cong clicked on the comment area and flipped through the comments one by one.

I found that many people actually knew me.

Some know him from his songs, while others know him from his performance in Taxi.

All in all, this video currently has 3 million likes and 300,000 comments.

Douyin’s hot list has directly reached sixth place.

This shows how strong the repercussions of this incident have been in society.

"Brother, thanks to your bravery this time."

"Do you know how much you can save me in public relations fees?"

Liu Cong was not very interested in what Chen Qiong said.


"Just let me do whatever I want. There's no need to find a publicist."

Chen Qiong shook his head, "This is not okay!"

"My goal is to make you a superstar."

"I believe you too."

Chen Qiong looked at the handsome Liu Cong and started to feel infatuated again.

At this moment, she imagined how Liu Cong would become a superstar in the future.


At half past six in the evening,

Liu Cong came to the third floor of the TV station and began to prepare for the game.

This time, Liu Cong was the last one again.

This means that Liu Cong has enough time to observe every move of the players on site.

The time came to seven o'clock, and the big screen was pointed directly at the singer's backstage.

Eight singers just sat in a room and interacted with each other.

Liu Cong and Chen Qiong sat on the far side of the sofa and remained silent.

After all, Liu Cong's qualifications here are considered young.

He didn't think he had to cater to them.

But Cheng Shan and his singer were different, licking Zhang Hongfa and Li Shijie directly in front of everyone.

Liu Cong and Chen Qiong were a little embarrassed when they saw such a scene in the corner.

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