However, the two still enjoyed it.

While everyone was chatting happily, the 500 Dianping people on the stage outside had already begun to sit down.

In order to reflect the fairness of the competition, these 500 Dianping contestants were selected from all over the country.

At least now, absolute fairness can be shown.

The time came to seven fifty,

There are only ten minutes left before the game.

At this time, the host slowly walked to the center of the stage.

Facing the audience in front of the screen, a professional fake smile appeared on his lips.

Then, a very magnetic sound came from the microphone to the scene.

"Everyone in the audience in front of the screen, and the five hundred public judges at the scene."

"Good evening, everybody!"

The host shouted loudly with an excited voice.

The audience at the scene also responded quickly.

When the sound on the scene became smaller and smaller, the host picked up the microphone again.

"The music show I'm a Singer is in its fifth season."

“The reason why we have achieved what we have now cannot be achieved without the support of our viewers.”

“And the sponsorship of Add More and Less Herbal Tea.”

"Add more and less herbal tea, prepared with ancient methods..."

The host held a teleprompter and kept reading advertisements on the stage.

It's almost eight o'clock, which means it's time for the contestants to take the stage.

"Next, we have Liangliang, a new generation singer, brought to us by Li Kun."

As he said that, the big screen turned directly to the player's perspective.

I saw his manager hugging Chen Kun and cheering him up.

Then, Chen Kun walked out of the room.

Through a dark passage, and then gradually walked towards the singer's stage.

When he walked to the center of the stage, the spotlight hit his feet.

At this time, his entire figure appeared on the big screen.

Li Kun took the microphone and took a deep breath.

Then he nodded slightly to the band in the upper right corner.

Then the accompaniment sounded.

Then Li Kun held up the microphone and started singing.

Li Kun's voice is that kind of calm and thick.

His melodious voice reached everyone’s ears through the microphone.

Everyone was enjoying the musical feast brought by Li Kun, and many people closed their eyes and listened attentively.

"The cool night, the cool night for you."

"Under the cool tree, you and me."

"Why did you abandon me."


Li Kun's touching performance made many viewers couldn't help but nod their heads after listening to it.

At three minutes and fifty-one seconds, Li Kun's voice stopped abruptly.

When the pianist plays the last note, it means that the song is completely lonely.

Li Kun quickly walked off the stage and hugged his manager.

Next up is Zhang Hongfa.

When he stepped onto the stage, there was thunderous applause.

The audience in the live broadcast room also exploded instantly.

You know, Zhang Hongfa's influence in the music world cannot be underestimated.

This shows how valuable this program is.

After Zhang Hongfa finished playing, singers one after another came on stage to perform.

There is also an advertisement inserted in the middle.

When the seventh contestant came on stage, he was from Chengshan Media Company, and his name was Lu Wei.

Cheng Shan was hugging Lu Wei tightly backstage at this time, and the two looked more like lovers at this time.

The piece Lu Wei brought today is the famous work of teacher Zhang Hongfa, "Please Don't Leave Me".

Because Lu Wei's appearance is very outstanding, he attracted a large number of fans the moment he took the stage.

In this era where appearance is justice, as long as you are good-looking, you will win at the starting line.

As Lu Wei's gentle and ethereal voice sounded, the public judges in the audience instantly pricked up their sensitive ears.

The audience in the live broadcast room said it was pleasant.

Just like that, four minutes later, Lu Wei's singing was finished.

After it was over, Cheng Shan returned to the preparation room and glared at Chen Qiong.

Due to Liu Cong's obstruction, Chen Qiong did not have an attack.

The last one is often the one with the most expectations.

"Now we will insert an advertisement. After the advertisement, it will be even more exciting."

The audience sighed when they heard the advertisement.

One minute later,

That's when Liu Cong came on stage.

When the host read about Liu Cong and the song Liu Cong was going to sing.

The audience was very confused because they had never heard of this song.

"Have you never heard of it?"

The host spoke to the audience with a teleprompter.

The audience shook their heads.

"Haha, that's right."

"Because this song "Chrysanthemum Terrace" is an original song."

"Next, let us enjoy the chrysanthemum stage brought to us by player Liu Cong."

At this moment, Chen Qiong held Liu Cong tightly in his arms.

"Come on, you must compare that Lu Wei with me."

Liu Cong smiled and nodded at Chen Qiong.

"Will do!"

Liu Cong picked up the microphone and slowly walked towards the stage.

At this time, his right hand that picked up the microphone was wrapped in white cloth, which was so dazzling.

When the spotlight hit Liu Cong, some people with good eyesight recognized Liu Cong instantly.

Some people even covered their mouths with expressions of disbelief.

In the live broadcast room, barrages were flying all over the place.

Kan Hai: This man looks like the little brother who saved people last night! And his right hand was still wrapped in gauze.

Wait a minute, good night: It’s the one upstairs, don’t act like it, he is.

Mr. Huang: I’ll go! It really is! I didn’t expect that this young man was also a singer. I didn’t know how good he was at singing.


Liu Cong stood on the stage and took a deep breath.

Then, he nodded slightly in the direction of the upper right corner.

What follows is a burst of beautiful classical accompaniment.

When the sound of woodwind and orchestral instruments sounded, everyone's ears stood up instantly.

And my whole body was numb.

Then came the guzheng and pipa.

These are all musical instruments that represent China, and the first impression they give the audience is a bright one.

At a police station in Suhang City, several officers on duty also watched the live broadcast out of boredom.

When the police saw Liu Cong appearing, their original sleepiness disappeared instantly.

"Old Wang, come quickly!"

"Guess what I saw!"

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