The press conference has ended, and Liu Cong has also witnessed this shocking scene.

Therefore, he does not plan to stay here anymore.

"Liu Cong, how many secrets do you have that I don't know about?"

Jiang Wanying has been questioning Liu Cong for almost an hour. Judging from her current situation, she probably still doesn't intend to let Liu Cong go.

"My aunt, I beg you, don't ask me again!"

Liu Cong looked begging for mercy, but Jiang Wanying couldn't control that much.

"Then tell me whether the descendant of the dragon is you!"

Jiang Wanying's eyes gradually became sharper, and Liu Cong was forced to admit it.

"it's me!"

"But you have to keep it a secret from me. I don't want to be caught doing research."

"I haven't had enough of my dream of becoming a star yet!"

After Liu Cong reminded her, Jiang Wanying found out that Liu Cong was also a public figure.

At that moment, Jiang Wanying understood Liu Cong's good intentions.

"What are you talking about!"


"If you don't temper your temper, you won't be able to get married."

Mr. Jiang gave Jiang Wanying a light kiss. Jiang Wanying didn't seem to take her father seriously.

"Little friend Liu Cong, my daughter's personality is like this, so don't worry about it."

Mr. Jiang slightly expressed his apology.

Liu Cong felt it didn't matter and waved his hand gently.

"Mr. Jiang, you are exaggerating."

"Jiang Wanying and I are friends, and I'm used to her being like this."

After hearing this, Mr. Jiang burst into laughter.

"I really don't understand the way you young people get along with each other."

"I'm old, I'm old." Mr. Jiang couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the two of them.

"Mr. Jiang, I'll leave first."

"I still have important things to go back to do, so I won't stay here."

"Next time I have a chance, I'll come over."

After listening to Liu Cong's words, Mr. Jiang was stunned for a moment.

"Why are you in such a hurry to go back?" Mr. Jiang asked with some confusion.

Liu Cong did not answer Mr. Jiang's words in time because he had something to hide.

Because my browser kernel will be completed in these two days.

Therefore, I have to get this out before then.

For Liu Cong now, time is money.

Because he didn't know that one day, the United States would suddenly block the browser kernel.

In this way, China is likely to have no browser kernel to use.

After all, China currently does not have any independently developed browser kernel.

It is completely developed based on the bottom layer of the American kernel.

"Dad, don't stay anymore."

"Liu Cong and I will go back to Peking together today."

Seeing this, Mr. Jiang had no choice but to nod.

"Okay, then I won't keep you two."

"I'll ask the driver to take you to the airport later."

The two nodded in unison at the same time, seemingly reaching an agreement.

It takes less than three hours to get on the plane from Luzhou to Peiping.

Liu Cong and Jiang Wanying got on the plane at half past five and arrived at school at nine o'clock in the evening.

"I forgot to tell you on the plane just now."

"As for the browser core framework, it may be ready in the next two days."

"After so many days of familiarity, I think everyone has gradually become familiar with Cangjie Editor."

"At that time, as long as I provide the framework, we can start construction directly."

Jiang Wanying, who was originally planning to wash up early, opened her mouth wide after hearing Liu Cong's words.


"So fast?"

"You're not kidding!"

Jiang Wanying had an attitude of complete disbelief at this time.

How difficult is it to build the browser kernel framework? How come she, a computer professional, doesn't know.

If it were so easy, China would have developed its own browser kernel a long time ago, so how could it build on someone else's framework.

This has a lot to do with the open source browser in the United States.

But the connection is definitely not big.

In the dark night, even Liu Cong couldn't see Jiang Wanying's facial expression.

You could also tell that she was surprised.


"I have been building the framework of this browser core these days, and it is 90% complete."

"The rest, if nothing else, should be done soon."

Jiang Wanying was a little excited, this was something she had dreamed of doing.

She is a super computer enthusiast and a patriotic and good citizen.

If we really want to be able to directly develop the browser kernel, we will say goodbye to the bottom layer of American browsers.

"I really didn't expect it to be so soon."

"Now I doubt whether you are a god."

Ever since Jiang Wanying learned about the inventor of Liu Cong's engine that shocked the world in the afternoon, looking at Liu Cong was like looking at a monster.

She never knew that there was a student who was even more awesome than the academician hidden beside her.

Liu Cong smiled softly.

"What a god, I'm just an ordinary student."

"Don't talk nonsense outside!"

Jiang Wanying is not stupid, she knows Liu Cong's intention.

In fact, it's not that Liu Cong doesn't want to announce it, it's just that it's not the right time to announce it now.

One person invented so many things, and each of them can shock the world.

If you are the United States, will you be jealous? Maybe the country won’t be able to protect you when the time comes.

They will use various means to assassinate you.


"I still have something to do when I get back."

After Liu Cong said goodbye to Jiang Wanying, he went straight to his apartment.

The first time he arrived at the apartment, Liu Cong quickly turned on his computer.

Liu Cong looked at the lines of Chinese code and various frame diagrams, and felt instantly full of accomplishment.

These things were all completed by himself, even though he received the skill blessing of the system.

But these frameworks are completely the result of my own research.

With these frameworks, programmers can build their own code in each small framework.

"Not even close!"

"It's almost done and I can't sleep now!"

Liu Cong suppressed his sleepiness and tapped quickly on the computer screen.

Relying on his powerful computer proficiency skills, Liu Cong compressed the kernel's memory to the minimum without destroying the kernel framework.

Because it would take a team of 1,000 people three years to develop a kernel browsing system alone.

At this time, Liu Cong couldn't afford to wait, and he couldn't wait.

Therefore, what he can do now is to simplify the framework as much as possible.

Allowing programmers to type less code will greatly shorten the time for successful development.

At four o'clock in the morning, Liu Cong was still awake.

Still typing on the keyboard in front of the computer screen.

Finally, Liu Cong breathed out softly.

"It's finally done. It's really killing me."

No matter how excited Liu Cong is now, he can't keep his spirits up.

Because he was so sleepy that he could fall asleep just by lying on the bed.

Liu Cong still suppressed his sleepiness, packed and compressed the kernel framework, then transferred it to the USB flash drive, turned off the computer and fell asleep.

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