The time has come for the final day of I’m a Singer.

Chen Qiong led Liu Cong out of the hotel and prepared to rush to the finals.

"Brother, you must work hard for this final!"

"How prepared are you?"

Chen Qiong is still a little worried about Liu Cong, if something goes wrong in this final.

Liu Cong may not have a chance to win the championship. In the fourth period, Liu Cong took third place.

Liu Cong thought he had performed well enough, but he still couldn't resist the fate of finishing third.

He also thinks that he controls the field very well, and what he brings is original.

And now, Liu Cong can only hope that nothing will happen again this time.

He just wants to win a championship.

In another five-star hotel, the middle-aged uncle held Cheng Shan who still had unfinished business in his arms and smiled lovingly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely handle this final for you."

Cheng Shan smiled slightly and hugged the middle-aged man tighter.

"Then thank you, Director Ma."

"My purpose is simple, since there can't be any fakery at the scene this time."

"We'll start somewhere else."

Director Ma looked at Cheng Shan with a squinted look, his yellow teeth almost suffocating Cheng Shan.

However, in order to achieve his goal, Cheng Shan still forced a smile.

"Director Ma, it's better for you."

"Shanshan will not treat Director Ma badly~"



After arriving at the finals, Liu Cong also planned to rehearse before the game.

After all, it was too urgent this time, and Liu Cong didn't prepare for this song for long.

"That's it."

"The game starts in a little more than two hours." The musician said to Liu Cong.

"Well, I understand."

"Have all my accompaniments been recorded?"

As he said that, he made a yes gesture to Liu Cong with his hand.

"Don't worry about that."

"In order to avoid mistakes in the finals, our songs are all recorded in advance."

"Not a bad note."

Liu Cong was relieved when he heard the musician say this.

There were still two hours left for the finals. Liu Cong and Chen Qiong came to the small room specially prepared for the singers in advance to rest.

In the finals, the staff were doing the final debugging of the live broadcast room.

Gradually, netizens can also see the live broadcast room.

As a result, the majority of netizens couldn't wait to cheer for their favorite singers in the live broadcast room.

Even though there is no one on stage yet.

Soon, the time came to 7:50.

This also means that the game is about to begin.

In tonight's final, there are five other singers on stage.

They are Zhang Hongfa, Li Shijie, Lu Wei, Chen Kun and Liu Cong.

Among them, the most controversial champions are Lu Wei and Liu Cong.

Lu Wei's strength on the court cannot be underestimated.

Only Lu Wei took fourth place in the first period, and Lu Wei took second place in the second and third periods.

In the fourth issue, I even took first place.

If he wins the championship again this time, it is very likely that Liu Cong will not win the championship this time.

At this time, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong had arrived in the room where they were preparing for the battle.

The other four groups were still chatting enthusiastically as usual.

Liu Cong and Chen Qiong were always the weird ones, sitting aside and playing with their phones as if nothing had happened.

The time came to 7:55,

The host came to the center of the stage with a microphone.

As usual, he was smiling and greeting the 500 water friends in Dianping and the live broadcast room.

After the host finished reading the commercial, the stage was handed over to the singers.

This time, Liu Cong chose the last one because he was used to it.

The first one to take the stage was Zhang Hongfa. The song he brought tonight was his famous song, "Give All My Love to You."

The 500 people present commented that many people cried on the spot after hearing his sad singing.

The time came to nine o'clock, and Lu Wei came to the center of the stage with the applause of the 500 people present.

Looking at everyone's enthusiastic attitude, you can see how popular Lu Wei is now.

Some people on the Internet even commented that Lu Wei was a second-tier top singer after this singing competition.

And he is still so young, it is only a matter of time before he reaches the front line.

After the host's introduction, what Lu Wei brought today is also his original song.

Yell, you don’t understand love.

When Lu Wei's singing reached the ears of 500 Dianping people through the microphone.

Everyone was intoxicated by Lu Wei's singing.

In fact, the barrage in the live broadcast room was showing that this was the highest quality session they had ever seen.

The reason is that they are too powerful.

At this time, Lu Wei was watching the performance on the big screen.

Liu Cong's mood began to become heavy.

He couldn't lose the game tonight.

When Chen Qiong saw this scene, she unconsciously clenched her hands.

It was already the finals, and Lu Wei suddenly came up with a king bomb.

He actually brought his own original songs.

This shows that all the singers present today sing their own original songs.

This will test one's singing appeal and ability to control the scene.

Four minutes later, Lu Wei ended his singing.

After the singing, Lu Wei bowed deeply to the audience and the audience in the live broadcast room, and then left the stage directly.

Afterwards, thunderous applause came directly from the scene.

Cheng Shan, who returned to the preparation room, looked at Chen Qiong and Liu Cong who were preparing to take the stage.

A smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

When Chen Qiong saw Cheng Shan's expression, she also gave Cheng Shan a middle finger.

This time, Cheng Shan didn't get angry and just laughed.

This laugh is a wild laugh, the smile of a winner.

Chen Qiong was puzzled as to why Cheng Shan was acting like this suddenly.

In Chen Qiong's opinion, this is not her style.

"Now we invite the last contestant, Liu Cong!"

"What he brought to us tonight is still an original song called "Chi Ling"."

"We welcome you with applause!"

Seeing that the host had called out Liu Cong's name.

Chen Qiong couldn't care less and walked directly to the stage side by side with Liu Cong.

As his manager, Chen Qiong could only watch Liu Cong compete.

This is also the rule of the program team.

Liu Cong, who came to the center of the stage, slowly picked up the microphone, took a deep breath, and calmed down.

Then, Liu Cong nodded slowly in the direction of the upper right corner.

The accompaniment sounded~

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