When everyone heard the prelude to the opera, they were confused at first, and then surprised.

From the beginning of the singer to now, no one has tried opera-style songs on stage.

More pop songs and jazz.

Liu Cong slowly raised the microphone.

"The play breaks and the sleeves rise and fall"

"Singing joys and sorrows has nothing to do with me"

"The fans open and close, the gongs and drums sound and then fall silent."


Although Liu Cong's singing is very plain, there is an inexplicable power that touches the hearts of the audience.

"In troubled times, duckweed endures to watch the flames of war burning mountains and rivers"

"In my humble position, I dare not forget about my country, even if no one knows me."

When Liu Cong sang this, everyone had goosebumps.

The live broadcast room was even more well received.

Little Bird: This song is so good! What a humble person who dares not to worry about his country!

Suddenly: I have never heard this type of song before.

Yintian: I can only say that this song can definitely rank first for me.


Gradually, the singing reached its climax.

At this moment, the accompaniment suddenly stopped.

Chen Qiong, who was standing aside, suddenly felt a thump in her heart.

She instantly thought of Cheng Shan's smile just before the game, and her mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

A song without accompaniment is like losing its soul.

At this time, the audience was also confused.

They have never seen anything like this before.

Liu Cong, who was standing on the stage, did not panic and continued to go his own way.

Logically speaking, after this accompaniment passes, the climax of the song will come.

But at this juncture, the accompaniment stopped.

The staff in the audience also panicked. They had never seen anything like this before.

Logically speaking, the chance of this happening is extremely small.

Unless it is a power outage or man-made.

After a brief pause, Liu Cong picked up the microphone.

“When people in the audience walk by, they don’t see the old color.”

"The people on the stage sang a sad farewell song"

"The word "love" is hard to write down. He needs blood to reconcile when he sings it."

"The curtain rises and the curtain falls. Who is the guest?"

No accompaniment, no vocal embellishment.

Liu Cong used his dramatic singing style to perform this song to the extreme.

Coupled with the slightly sad expression on his face, many people present were moved to tears.

At this moment, they seemed to see an actor performing hard on the stage.

The background of this song was quickly recognized by the public.

The general idea of ​​the song is that although he is an artist, he also has a patriotic heart.

Halfway through Liu Cong's singing, the accompaniment still didn't sound.

However, it is no longer important to him.

Even without accompaniment, this song is unique in everyone's hearts.

When everyone is singing about love and love, Liu Cong can surprise the public in every performance.

From the Chrysanthemum Terrace, to the tea made by grandpa, and now Chiling.

Each capital has its profound meaning.

Who can not love such a singer?

Backstage, a young staff member was looking for something in a panic.

"Director Ma, the accompaniment file has been deleted!" the staff member said in a panic.

Director Ma felt very calm after hearing what the staff said.

“If it’s gone, it’ll be gone!”

"Isn't he almost finished singing? It's useless even if he finds the file now."

"I will investigate this matter thoroughly."

After saying this, Director Ma left with his hands behind his back.

Only the staff were left standing where they were.

On the stage, Liu Cong held the microphone and closed his eyes tightly.

"The Tao is ruthless, the Tao is sentimental, how to think about it"

"The Tao is ruthless, the Tao is sentimental, it takes a lot of thinking"

After singing, Liu Cong slowly put down the microphone in his hand.

Then he bowed deeply to everyone.

At this time, thunderous applause broke out.

Some people even stood up spontaneously, with tears in their eyes.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage went crazy.

Lagrange: I would call this song the strongest.

Although I don’t know why the accompaniment suddenly disappeared, the singing is really nice!

Lópida's Law: I have never been a fan of any celebrity. From today on, Liu Cong is my idol.


Chen Qiong in the audience was sweating for Liu Cong the whole time.

However, when Chen Qiong saw the reaction of the people present, she breathed a sigh of relief.

At the very least, Liu Cong won't lose too badly this time.

When Liu Cong and Chen Qiong entered the preparation room, all eyes were fixed on them.

At this time, Chen Qiong ignored the public's attention and walked directly in front of Cheng Shan, looking at her fiercely.

"Did you do it?"

Chen Qiong's words were filled with anger.

Cheng Shan pretended to be innocent.


"Why are you biting people? I didn't do anything."

"I do not understand what you are saying."

Cheng Shan's indifferent attitude convinced Chen Qiong that she was the one who did it.

But seeing so many people there, Chen Qiong did not get angry on the spot.

After all, there are still cameras pointed at them.

Seeing Chen Qiong so excited, Liu Cong was confused.

He was completely unaware of this matter.

As he spoke, the host slowly walked to the center of the stage and looked at the list in his hand with excitement in his eyes.

"Dear audience friends, I now have the specific votes for each singer."

“After the commercials, it’s even more exciting.”

Two minutes later, the host stood on the stage with a microphone.

"Next, it's time for us to witness the miracle."

"This time we use a different method of announcement."

"We will announce the results this time from the lowest to the highest number of votes."

Having said this, Chen Qiong, who was in the preparation room, clenched her fists tightly.

Liu Cong also sweated secretly.

If he couldn't win the championship this time, then the information on controllable nuclear fusion would be completely out of reach for him.

This is information on controllable nuclear fusion! Mastering him means that the country has mastered future strategic resources.

"The fifth highest vote is yes."

When the host on the stage said this, he paused deliberately.

"Yes, Chen Kun."

The camera showed Chen Kun in the preparation table.

Chen Kun seemed to know his fate, smiled slightly, and bowed to the camera.

"The fourth is, Zhang Hongfa."

"The third one is Li Shijie."

When the host said this, it meant that either Lu Wei was first, or Liu Cong was first.

Liu Cong's ranking in the top two was obviously beyond Cheng Shan's knowledge.

At this time, she panicked.

Judging from this scene, whether Liu Cong takes first or second place.

The overall champion of this competition must be Liu Cong.

After all, Liu Cong won the first place three times, while Lu Wei only won it once.

The host didn't have any ink and just announced the top two.

"The second highest vote is Lu Wei!"

"The number one vote winner is Liu Cong!"

When the host reported Liu Cong's name, he hugged Liu Cong excitedly.

Cheng Shan's expression on the side was uglier than eating shit.

Obviously I gave everything to the director, but in the end it was all in vain.

When she thought of Director Ma's yellow teeth, she wanted to die.

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