After the game, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong came to the hotel.

Since it was too late tonight, the two planned to go back tomorrow.

When Liu Cong was lying on the bed, the system's electronic beep sounded in Liu Cong's mind.

【Ding! Because the host won first place in this competition]

[Specially reward the host with controllable nuclear fusion information and related equipment]

[This experiment needs to be completed by the host personally, and there will be new rewards after completion]

Liu Cong has become accustomed to the sudden appearance of the system.

Before Liu Cong could react, another prompt sounded from the system.

【Ding! The host’s popularity level in China has been increased by five levels, from the original ten levels, to a maximum of forty levels]

[Here, the host’s football proficiency skills are specially rewarded]

When Liu Cong heard about this skill, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Damn it, what's the use of giving me this skill!"

"Is it possible for me to save the national football team?"

Liu Cong had endured the skills of piano and singing, but now he was given this directly to Liu Cong, which was really unacceptable to Liu Cong.

"I'll go! What should I do?"

"If you don't have any connection with the national football team, you really can't get in!"

"Besides, the football game has started now."

"If their situation continues like this, they will probably miss out on the World Cup again this year."

Liu Cong has a lot to say about the national football team.

If Liu Cong was really asked to say it, he could only say that he had nothing to say.

"Forget it, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge."

"Why do you think so much!"

Liu Cong entered the system space with his mind and clicked on the mall panel to take a look.

The reputation value of his own system mall has reached a terrifying 8.66 million.

【Ding! The reputation value of the detection system exceeds 8 million]

【Lottery system upgrade】

【Ding! The lottery system has been upgraded]

Before Liu Cong could react, the system beeped again.

This completely confused Liu Cong.

Liu Cong clicked on the lottery panel of the system and discovered it.

The draw that was originally worth 150,000 yuan has now become 300,000 yuan.

At this moment, Liu Cong wanted to curse.

The probability of getting something good was so low, and it was so expensive, which Liu Cong couldn't accept.

"System! Your chance of winning the lottery is even worse than that of Lao Ma!"

Liu Cong kept complaining to the system, but the system did not respond.

The lottery panel still has four categories: consumption category, attribute category, skill category, and special category.

Originally, Liu Cong wanted to try the newly upgraded lottery system, but after thinking about it, Liu Cong quit the system.

"Forget it, I'm a little sleepy."

With that said, Liu Cong took off his clothes and went to bed.

The next day, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong simply packed their luggage and went directly to the high-speed rail station.


Liu Cong learned a lot when he returned to school.

This time, he put on a mask. After all, he could barely be considered a second-tier singer now.

If you don't pay attention to protection, you will still be easily recognized.

When he arrived at the apartment, Liu Cong put down his luggage.

Then I turned on my computer, logged into my social media account, and clicked on a browser kernel development group.

After so many days of introductions between Hongke and Hongke, this group has grown from more than 100 people to 500 people.

Not everyone can join this group, everyone who joins needs to be introduced.

Moreover, a post-mortem examination is required. If the mole is brought in, the gain outweighs the loss.

When Liu Cong watched everyone's heated exchanges in the group, an idea came to his mind.

At that moment, Liu Cong contacted Jiang Wanying.

When the call was dialed, Jiang Wanying's voice was still very weak, and she seemed to be still sleeping.

"Hey, you're not still sleeping, are you?"

"What time is it, eldest sister!"

After a few seconds, Jiang Wanying said on the other end of the phone: "Why are you looking for me?"

"If you have anything to say, tell me!"

Jiang Wanying was a little impatient.

"Well, can you come out now?"

"I have something very important to discuss with you."

As soon as she heard Liu Cong say something important, Jiang Wanying suddenly sobered up.

"Is there anything we can't talk about on the phone?" Jiang Wanying asked

"This matter can't be explained clearly on the phone. You'd better come over."

"Let's meet at the small pavilion to the west."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Jiang Wanying slowly got up from the bed even if she didn't want to.

Fifteen minutes later,

The two arrived at the agreed place.

Liu Cong almost burst out laughing when he saw Jiang Wanying with a pair of dark circles under her eyes and an afro.

"Hey! Jiang Wanying."

"Did you steal someone last night? It's already one o'clock in the afternoon."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Jiang Wanying glared at Liu Cong angrily.

"It's not because of the browser kernel."

"I didn't sleep last night and stayed up until nine in the morning."

When Jiang Wanying said this, Liu Cong couldn't bear it.

After all, nine to one o'clock is less than four hours.

"Well, I'm sorry!"

"I didn't know you stayed up all night."

Jiang Wanying waved her hand indifferently.

"I watched your game last night, and I liked your Chi Ling song very much."

"There's just no accompaniment."

Liu Cong was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Jiang Wanying, who never watched any variety shows, would also watch his games.

Liu Cong scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Play normally, play normally."

Jiang Wanying did not mention this topic again. After all, a girl who is extremely passionate about computers has no interest in these things.

"By the way, what did you want to discuss with me just now?"

Jiang Wanying looked at Liu Cong seriously.

Liu Cong and Jiang Wanying did not beat around the bush and went directly to the topic.

"That's right, I want to bring this group of people together."

When Jiang Wanying heard what Liu Cong said, she was stunned for a long time before she realized it. It might be because she didn't sleep well last night.

"are you joking?"

"Many of them have to support their families. Now you let them come to Peiping."

"They won't eat?"

"Also, how do you solve the venue problem?"

Liu Cong nodded.

"I have considered this question of yours."

"I can solve the venue problem, and I can also solve their food problem."

"That's what you tell them."

"As long as they come here and sign a confidentiality agreement, I will give each of them a salary of 40,000 yuan a month."

"If you perform well, your salary will only be higher, not lower."

The reason why Liu Cong said this is because the lithography machine company directly gave Liu Cong a dividend of 500 million yuan some time ago.

When Liu Cong saw this text message, he was stunned.

Now, the last thing Liu Cong lacks is money.

Any company he currently owns can bring him huge profits in a month.

"Where did you get so much money?"

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