"Then thank you principal!" Liu Cong said politely.

The principal waved his hand briskly.

"Nothing to be polite about."

"You are a student of our school and you are doing scientific research. Of course I support it."

"Don't be afraid, our school has plenty of money, just build it!"

Seeing the principal being so generous, Liu Cong felt sincerely grateful in his heart.


"I will definitely live up to the school's expectations of me."

The principal couldn't help laughing when he saw Liu Cong's funny look.

"Haha, stop being poor and be polite to me."

"Hey! If it weren't for the fact that you are still young, I would really like to betroth my granddaughter to you."

"At first glance, you two seem to match each other quite well."

Seeing the principal sizing up his grandson-in-law, Liu Cong took two steps back.

I secretly lamented, is the dating market so chaotic now?


Under the leadership of the principal, Liu Cong came to a laboratory in the experimental building.

When I went in, I saw that there was about a hundred square meters inside, which must be enough for Liu Cong.

Moreover, there are some liquid phase analyzers and extractors inside.

There is also a tokamak device from the 1990s in the corner.

The tokamak device is a necessary device for studying controllable nuclear fusion!

In the middle of the tokamak device is a donut-shaped vacuum chamber, surrounded by coils.

As long as electricity is supplied, a magnetic field will be formed within the tokamak device.

The plasma inside is then heated to a very high temperature to achieve nuclear fusion.

This device cannot be bought with money because it is too difficult to obtain.

Seeing that the principal could trust him with such a laboratory, Liu Cong felt a little touched.

"How's it going? Classmate Liu Cong."

"Is this laboratory to your liking?"

The principal asked Liu Cong tentatively.

Liu Cong nodded repeatedly.

"Principal, this is more than just satisfaction, I am so satisfied!"

“With these devices, it’s much easier for me to do research.”

Liu Cong was very excited. Looking at these laboratory equipment was like seeing a treasure.

Of course, these equipment are far from meeting his requirements. After all, these are too old in Liu Cong's eyes.

However, these are small things.

Because there is a brand new tokamak device in Liu Cong's system.

At that time, Liu Cong just needs to find an opportunity to put him directly in the laboratory.

"Here's the key, take it."

"You must have assistants for your research, right? Should I call a few doctoral students in the nuclear field to assist you in your research?"

The principal's words instantly made Liu Cong feel flattered.

As an undergraduate, he would definitely not be happy to let a doctoral student help him.

Besides, I have too many secrets here and I cannot let others know.

"No, principal."

"I'm just making a small fuss, so you don't have to go into a big fight."

"Let me explore slowly by myself."

The principal didn't force himself and nodded gently.

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Don't worry, the confidentiality of this experimental building is very strong."

"You don't have to worry about people coming in."

"This door alone is bulletproof, and there's only one key."

The principal pointed to the stainless steel key in Liu Cong's hand.

"Well, then Liu Cong would like to thank the principal."

Afterwards, Liu Cong and the principal had a brief exchange in the laboratory and then went out.

At this time, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

Liu Cong was considering whether to go in and clean the laboratory or go back to the apartment to take a rest.

After all, Liu Cong has been in a very busy state these days.

He felt it was time to give himself a holiday.

The next day, Liu Cong came to the laboratory to clean up briefly.

The reason why the sweeping aunt is not allowed to clean here is because there are too many secrets involved here.

In this way, Liu Cong spent half a day cleaning the place.

Liu Cong looked at the tokamak device that had been in disrepair for a long time and did not intend to touch it. After all, he had no use for it.

After working hard early in the morning, Liu Cong was also hungry.

So, Liu Cong closed the door of the laboratory and went to eat.

When Liu Cong was eating in the cafeteria, he saw Lin Yichen.

At this time, she was wearing slippers and standing in line to buy food at the window with a big oily head on her head.

Looking at Lin Yichen's listless look, Liu Cong just wanted to pass her quickly and go directly to the next window to buy food.

Before Liu Cong finished eating, Jiang Wanying's call came in.

"Hey, where are you?" Jiang Wanying asked on the other end of the phone.

"I'm eating in the cafeteria!" Liu Cong said while eating.

"Well, many people have come here today."

"They are currently in the designated company. As the boss, why don't you go and take a look?"

The chopsticks in Liu Cong's hand suddenly paused.

The next second, Liu Cong said: "I won't go. I'll let you, the vice president, do it for me."

"Oh, by the way, you can register a company again when you have time."

"The company's legal person can just use yours."

"As for the shares, I will discuss it with you later. This is not a small matter after all."

Jiang Wanying on the other end of the phone paused for a few seconds, and then said, "Okay!"

"You want to be the hands-off shopkeeper now, don't you?"

"You want to open this company, why is it my turn to take care of it now..."

Jiang Wanying was talking a lot on the other end of the phone.

Liu Cong didn't listen to a word.

After all, sometimes it doesn't make sense to reason with a woman, so it's better to just go along with her and give her some benefits along the way.

"Auntie, it's not that I don't want to go, it's just that it's really inconvenient for me!"

"How about giving you 15% of the company's shares?"

"Just think of it as your reward for running the company!"

Jiang Wanying on the other side of the phone saw that Liu Cong had such a good attitude and was willing to give her benefits, so she stopped arguing with Liu Cong.


Liu Cong felt relieved after hearing this.

After all, he still has a lot of things to do, and it's not suitable for him to show up now.

Liu Cong, who had put away his dinner plates, was ready to go to the laboratory.

By coincidence, Liu Cong and Lin Yichen bumped into each other.

When Ariel Ariel saw Liu Cong for the first time, the first thing she thought of was in front of her own face.

However, she found that Liu Cong didn't take her seriously now.

He just glanced briefly, and then he was ready to leave quickly.

Such a move by Liu Cong really gave Lin Yichen a big blow.

"Liu Cong, can we go back to the past?"

"I know I was wrong, please come back, please!"

"I will definitely fall in love with you in the future, and I will never abandon you so heartlessly again!"

Lin Yichen was begging behind Liu Cong, how humble she felt at this moment.

Because after the last incident, she, who was originally called a flower, has now become a bad person in the eyes of others.

This was something she couldn't accept. After all, she was used to being superior.

This incident also made her completely understand the fact.

That is, in this society, there are too few treasure boys like Liu Cong.

But I just didn't cherish it.

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