Liu Cong paused for a moment, but did not look back.

"Live your life well. I told you last time, there is no possibility for the two of us."

"What others don't want, I don't want either."

With that said, Liu Cong walked towards the direction of the laboratory without looking back.

Lin Yichen stood there, not angry at Liu Cong's words just now, and even a little excited.

"He just talked to me!"

"He must still have feelings for me, but I haven't done enough."

"So, I must not give up."

Lin Yichen looked at Liu Cong walking away with a smile on his lips.

If Liu Cong had just heard what Lin Yichen said, he would have vomited blood.

On the way, Liu Cong passed by two boys.

Hearing two boys discussing football topics, Liu Cong would definitely not have paid attention to this before.

Liu Cong is different now. Now that he has the skills to master football, he must not let this skill go to waste.

Maybe if you win the game, you can explode some equipment.

"Hey! Did you hear that?"

"Is there any news that the national football team lost against the Maldives last night?"

When the boy heard this, he looked disgusted.

"Who doesn't know about this shameful thing?"

"The Maldives is a small country with about 100,000 people, and most of them live on the water."

"I just don't understand how the national football team can't even win against a small country now that they have paid a sky-high signing fee for one year."

"I think it's better to just eliminate this sport."

"The remaining money will be donated directly to children in mountainous areas, which will also provide them with a layer of security in their lives."

The boy next to him nodded repeatedly after hearing the boy's explanation.

"That's right, that's right."

"I heard that the national football team is still recruiting substitutes for its team from the public in the past two days."

"If you ask me, forget it and just let them come back. Why not kick them anymore."

The two of them just passed by Liu Cong cursing.

This news made Liu Cong's eyes light up, if he could be selected as a substitute.

If you are lucky, you may be able to participate directly.

By then, will he be able to shine on the field?

When he thought of this, Liu Cong couldn't hide his excitement.

I didn’t even do the experiment, I just clicked on my mobile phone to search for the registration process.

When Liu Cong clicked on the official website homepage, he found that many people had already signed up for the official website at this time.

But there is only one admission quota.

Maybe the national football team felt that losing the game was too embarrassing, and deliberately used this to attract the attention of fans.

There is a feeling of doing it as you go.

Seeing that the registration deadline was still two hours away, Liu Cong signed up without any hesitation.

The screening location is the football field in the stadium in Beiping City.

There is also an age limit, which is over twenty years old and under twenty-five years old.

Although many people signed up, most did not meet the requirements.

Seeing that the screening was about to take place in the afternoon, Liu Cong immediately signed up and was ready to rush to the scene.

Fortunately, I heard two boys talking about this just now, otherwise I would have missed such a good opportunity.

If you miss this opportunity, it may be difficult to enter the national football team in the future.

Soon after, Liu Cong drove to the door of the Peking Sports Center.

Liu Cong found a parking space nearby and parked his car on it.

When Liu Cong arrived at the scene, he found many middle-aged men walking out of the team disappointed.

"Why is there an age limit? If I go up, I'm guaranteed to play better than them."

At this time, there was a man in his forties, wearing a football uniform, with some beads of sweat on his face.

It looked like he had just come out of the football field.

From here you can see how much the uncle loves this sport.

In the crowd, people kept coming out of the team disappointed.

"Your official website is pretty bad. You should have blocked the age limit right then."

“Registration will be unsuccessful if you are over the age limit.”

"Besides, why did you write the age limit line so small?"

"It doesn't matter if you play bad football, you can't even build an official website."

"The national football team should close its doors as soon as possible!"

At the scene, people kept complaining loudly to express their dissatisfaction.

Seeing the level of chaos at the scene, the staff had no choice.

They can only scold them.

In fact, many of them actually know that they are not qualified to participate.

But they just wanted to join in the fun and scold them to relieve their inner anger.

By this time, the team had shrunk to less than half of its original size.

Most of the rest are college students from nearby.

Otherwise, the capital is the capital.

There are plenty of opportunities here, as long as you have the ability and courage.

Maybe you can become famous.

Seeing that it was his turn, Liu Cong verified his identity with the staff, and then walked straight into the stadium.

At this time, the coach is already waiting for the players.

Seeing that everyone is here, the coach has no ink stains.

The rules of the selection were directly told to the contestants.

Looking at the dozens of young guys at the scene, the coach also planned to let them play a football match.

As long as the coach thinks he is qualified, he can stay and play football.

Then, the staff placed a football next to each person.

This will test their basic football skills. As long as you have solid basic skills, you can play directly on the field.

The coach constantly asked each participant to bounce, dribble, and shoot the ball.

This set only takes about a minute and is divided into two groups.

When the leader Liu Cong came on the court, the coach was directly conquered by Liu Cong's smooth routine.

The coach saw all this.

After a round of screening, the coach put corresponding scores under each person's name.

Finally, the coach selected twenty people to participate in the actual competition.

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