Liu Cong was assigned to the blue team, and they faced the opponent's red team.

As for the coach's final selection, Liu Cong guesses that it can only depend on his own luck.

If you're lucky, you might be selected.

If he is unlucky, Liu Cong estimates that he will miss out on the World Cup trials.

As the game is about to begin, the goalkeepers on both sides are the coaches of both sides.

They all stood in the middle of the goal, observing every move on the court.

As the game begins, everyone is sweating on the court.

They are all working hard because this is a great opportunity.

Seeing his blue team's ball being snatched away by the red team, Liu Cong's heart skipped a beat as he watched them pass the ball.

"No! They're going to shoot!"

Stop quickly!

Immediately afterwards, the tall man on the red team tilted his body slightly to the right and raised his left foot at the same time.

This formation is about shooting.

When Liu Cong saw this, he charged forward directly.

In a whoosh, Liu Cong arrived in front of this tall man.

Just before he was about to shoot, Liu Cong took the ball away with a sliding tackle.

This magical operation stunned both coaches.

Before anyone could react, the football went directly to Liu Cong's feet.

The red team wanted to stop them, but Liu Cong, with sparks and lightning all the way, passed these people directly.

During this period, someone from his teammates asked Liu Cong to pass the ball.

Liu Cong ignored them. After all, he had grabbed the ball himself, so why should he give it to them?

Moreover, Liu Cong didn't know their strength, so he was even more worried about passing the ball to them.

"No! He's going to shoot!"

I don’t know who from the red team shouted this sentence.

When he shouted these words, the ball at Liu Cong's feet was like a rocket.

"Whoosh~" and it shot out in one go.

Go straight for the goal.

The coach wanted to stop him, but he didn't expect Liu Cong's kick to be too powerful and extremely fast.

The ball went directly over the coach's head and into the goal.

At this moment, the coach was confused.

The ball was so fast that I didn't even react.

The people present were also stunned. Could the speed and arc of this goal be achieved by an ordinary player?

In this way, the blue team, led by Liu Cong, directly scored a point.

Next, the strength Liu Cong displayed became even more terrifying.

As long as the football is touched by Liu Cong, the red team will have no chance.

Liu Cong even passed five or six people by himself, but the other members of the blue team just stood still after seeing what Liu Cong did.

Because there is no role for them at all.

The two coaches standing in the middle of the goal had never seen such a scene before.

Liu Cong's strength is better than that of some professional football players.

Moreover, Liu Cong is only 21 years old this year, so he has a lot of room for shaping.

Seeing an overwhelming victory, the two coaches also felt that there was no comparison in this game.

Stopped right in the middle.

Looking at Liu Cong who was out of breath and exhausted, one of them smiled and patted Liu Cong on the shoulder.

"The strength you showed today really shocked Coach Zhao and I."

"So, this substitute is you!"

When everyone saw that the final spot belonged to Liu Cong, they were not surprised.

After all, they were extremely impressed by the strength Liu Cong showed today.

Liu Cong smiled slightly.

"Then thank you coach, I will definitely live up to the coach's hard work."

Everyone sees that the quota has been determined, and there is no need to stay at the scene.

After everyone said a brief goodbye to the coach, they all left the scene.

At this time, only Liu Cong and the two coaches were left on the scene.

"Liu Cong, right?"

"We in China have a game next week, and this game is also related to the fate of whether our Chinese football team will be eliminated."

"If we are eliminated, we will miss the World Cup."

From the tone of the coach in front of him, Liu Cong could hear the helplessness.

But this helplessness is not worthy of sympathy.

While others are training, the Chinese football team is sleeping and playing games.

While other football teams only eat beef and chicken breasts, the Chinese football team just eats sea cucumbers.

Moreover, the more capable people are, the less likely they are to make it into the football team.

It doesn't matter, I really can't get in.

This indirectly leads to the reason why the football team has not entered the World Cup for a long time.

Faced with such a situation, Liu Cong didn't know how to comfort the two coaches.

After all, even if it is comforted, the chance of the national football team entering the World Cup is very small.

The next match was against the strongest team in Asia, Japan.

Japan was once at its peak and almost won the World Cup. If the country of Portugal had not been too powerful back then, Japan would have won the World Cup.

So, faced with this situation, how do you think China should win?

It would be better for the main players to pretend to be injured and not be able to play, and then bring in a few substitutes, so that China would not be in trouble.

"Coach, do I have a chance to play this time?" Liu Cong asked seriously.

The two coaches thought for a moment and then gave Liu Cong an answer.

"I think with your performance today I can help you fight for it."

"After all, we also want to find some substitute players for the next game."

"Gather experience for future competitions."

After hearing the coach's answer, Liu Cong nodded gently.

"Coach, I really want to play in this game."

"I need this opportunity."

Liu Cong looked at the two of them seriously, his words full of sincerity.

The two coaches really couldn't refuse Liu Cong's request.

"Don't worry, we will fight for you to appear."

"Now that we have this audition, we will do our best to get you to compete on site."

Liu Cong smiled slightly at the two coaches and nodded.

"Okay, thank you two coaches."

After Liu Cong added the contact information of one of the coaches, he drove back.

At night, Liu Cong entered the system and went through the knowledge of controllable nuclear fusion in his mind.

To be honest, Liu Cong has never been as concerned as he is now.

After all, controllable nuclear fusion technology is related to the future.

Once this technology can be mastered, people can completely leave the Blue Star and the solar system.

Explore directly beyond the solar system.

By then, maybe I can use this technology to directly find a way back.

After all, his wife, children, and parents are waiting for him to return, or he may no longer exist in the world.

However, Liu Cong has always had such an obsession in his heart.

That is, I can return to Earth and live a good life as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, Liu Cong was also tired.

So, he gradually fell into sleep.

The next morning was another wonderful start.

This time, Liu Cong doesn't plan to go to class for the time being.

Early in the morning, Liu Cong ran directly to the direction of the laboratory after breakfast.

When Liu Cong came to the laboratory, he ignored a very serious problem.

That is, the system did not provide itself with the raw materials for developing controllable nuclear fusion, deuterium and tritium.

The raw material for deuterium is extracted from seawater, and it is extremely difficult to extract.

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