Therefore, at the moment, the first thing Liu Cong has to solve is the problem of raw materials.

Deuterium can be extracted from seawater through special means.

Tritium cannot.

Tritium exists extremely weakly in nature.

In industry, neutrons from reactors are generally used, lithium-6 compounds are used as targeting materials, and then tritium is produced.

However, such tritium cannot be used.

Thermal diffusion method should also be used to enrich tritium to more than 99%.

Therefore, at the moment, Liu Cong needs to create heavy water first.

The difference between heavy water and water is still very big.

The density of ordinary water is 1 g/m3, while the density of heavy water is 1.056 g/m3.

Moreover, the boiling points of the two are also different.

The boiling point of ordinary water is 100°C, while the boiling point of heavy water is 101.42°C.

Ordinary water can nourish life, but heavy water cannot.

If a normal person drinks heavy water, it will cause death.

Therefore, the best method at the moment is to use the difference in boiling points between the two to extract heavy water.

In layman's terms, it means repeated distillation and repeated explanation.

In the end, what is left is high-concentration heavy water, which is then electrolyzed again to obtain deuterium.

Obviously, this process is extremely cumbersome and complicated.


"You are really cheating!"

"Can't you prepare the raw materials directly for me?"

"I have to find ways to extract raw materials."

"Where can I find a reactor to extract tritium?"

A lot of problems followed, and the difficulty of this research and development was completely beyond Liu Cong's imagination.

Liu Cong sat alone in the laboratory and shook his head helplessly.

"Hey, it seems that now I have to find a way."

"At least you can provide me with a reactor!"

"This way my experiment can be carried out more easily."

"Forget it, I'd better think of a solution myself."

Looking at the equipment in the laboratory, Liu Cong wondered whether he should place the tokamak device in the system now.

Liu Cong thought about it later and decided to forget it.

When these raw materials are almost completed, it will not be too late to bring this device to the laboratory.

When people ask where they got this device, I will still have a reason to excuse myself.

It would be bad if it was done too early and others saw it.

At the moment, there are no raw materials.

Therefore, Liu Cong could only look for sea water first.

After all, deuterium is only a small amount contained in seawater.

But Peiping is still some distance from the sea. How does Liu Cong transport seawater here?

After thinking hard, Liu Cong didn't find any solution.

So, Liu Cong prepared to drive outside alone to take a look.

First of all, he thought of the seafood market. After all, seafood is transported from the sea to the inland.

Then the water they used must also be sea water.

But, in fact, Liu Cong was wrong.

In the seafood market, the water used is simply ordinary salt water.


"Why don't you do this!"

"If it doesn't work, I'll ask the principal to help me solve it." Liu Cong murmured to himself.

After leaving the gate of the seafood market, Liu Cong planned to drive back to school.

At this time, Liu Cong saw a middle-aged man driving a tank truck on the roadside with a very sad expression.

When Liu Cong saw such a scene, he became anxious and wise.

So he immediately stepped forward and asked: "Uncle, do you have no goods?"

The middle-aged man who was squatting on the roadside smoking a cigarette looked up at Liu Cong when he heard Liu Cong coming to chat with him.


"It's not easy to make a sound this year. It hasn't been open for half a month."

"There are still a few people at home waiting for dinner!"

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man's face became even more sad.

"Uncle, how about you help me transport something, and I'll pay you."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, the uncle stood up in a flash, so fast!

"Boy, what do you want to transport?"

"Is it from your company?"

After hearing what his uncle said, Liu Cong shook his head.

"No, it's personal."

"I want a tanker of sea water, can you help me transport it?"

The middle-aged uncle frowned, and then threw the cigarette butt in his hand into the trash can nearby.

"You want to transport seawater?"

"But seawater is corrosive to the tank on my car!"

Of course Liu Cong knew that, and he would not let this uncle's luck be in vain.

After all, it is too difficult to get sea water inland.

"Uncle, don't worry about this."

"Let me introduce my identity first."

"I am a student at Huaqing University, and we now need seawater to do an experiment."

"That's why I came to the seafood market today..."

Liu Cong briefly told his uncle about his experience.

When he heard that Liu Cong wanted to use sea water for experiments, the uncle also felt that this reason was acceptable.

"I have never transported sea water before!"

"If I transport this load of seawater back, I guess my tanker won't be able to be used."

Liu Cong smiled and said, "Uncle, don't worry about that."

"For all your losses, I will give you an additional 30% compensation on top of the original losses. What do you think?"

After Liu Cong said this, the uncle nodded gently, indicating that he accepted it.

Next, Liu Cong didn't waste any time. He directly added the uncle's contact information and transferred half of the money to the uncle.

When the uncle saw the real money, he promised Liu Cong on the spot that he would deliver the seawater as quickly as possible.

After returning to school,

Liu Cong immediately came to the principal's office and told the principal that he needed raw materials for the reactor.

When the principal heard this, he slapped the table on the spot.

"Okay, don't worry about this."

"I will definitely do it for you!"

"If it doesn't work out, I'll ask the Chinese Academy of Sciences to borrow it. They will definitely give me the honor."

Later, Liu Cong explained all his plans to the principal.

The principal also gave Liu Cong some opinions and told Liu Cong that he could arrange manpower for him if needed.

But for now, Liu Cong doesn't need it.

Two days later, the sea water was delivered in time according to Liu Cong's request.

Because the movement was too big, and I don’t know who leaked the news.

Maybe this laboratory used to study controllable nuclear fusion.

Some students will inevitably think of this place when they see the sea.

Seeing Liu Cong coming in and out frequently every day, everyone can be more sure of their thoughts.

I don’t know who spread this news, and when everyone saw this post, there were few words of encouragement and more of a mockery.

It can be said that what Liu Cong has done now has been exposed invisibly.

Of course, Liu Cong didn't intend to hide it.

As long as I succeed in this research and development, it will undoubtedly be another big sensation in the world.

Maybe he can directly stand at the pinnacle of the physics world in this century.

Two days later,

In the laboratory, Liu Cong continues to extract deuterium from seawater through ionization and distillation.

Just when Liu Cong finished the experiment, his phone rang.

The caller was the football coach, Coach Zhao.

When Liu Cong received the call, Coach Zhao's excited voice came over there.

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