When the Chinese broadcast saw this situation, many people became angry.

Even the host's tone has changed. It's a naked provocation and a naked insult.

"What does it mean?"

"Don't Japanese football players understand what respect is!?" the host explained in a somewhat angry tone.

During the host's explanation, the Japanese team almost scored again.

Fortunately, Liu Cong had quick eyes and quick hands, so he made a sliding shovel and kicked the ball away from the Japanese player's feet.

This operation stunned the audience in front of the TV series.

For a time, everyone was discussing who the young man on the court was.

Soon, Liu Cong's identity was recognized by some fans who had seen the singer.

"Holy shit! What did I see!?"

"Isn't this the singer Liu Cong? Why is he playing football!?"

Chen Pingan stared at the computer screen in disbelief, then immediately picked up his cell phone and made a call.

"Hey! Shen Teng, you're not sleeping!"

"Great, hurry up and watch the live football match. Liu Cong is going to play in the World Cup!"

Chen Pingan said excitedly while staring at the screen.

"What? Brother Cong is playing in the World Cup! You're not joking, are you?"

"No, just turn on the sports channel and take a look."

Shen Teng hung up the phone and clicked on the sports channel directly on his mobile phone.

When he saw Liu Cong passing people on the court with the football on his feet, he was shocked.

The next second, Liu Cong directly hit the Japanese goal.

At this moment, everyone was stunned in front of the TV.

No one expected that in just ten seconds, Liu Cong passed five or six people with the ball.

Seeing this scene, the host reacted immediately.

"Beautiful! This goal is so beautifully scored!"

"What's the name of this substitute? This kick is so refreshing!"

The sports host's tone was full of excitement.

After a while, it was even more incredible when he learned that Liu Cong was a substitute player through the draft and was also a singer.

"This young contestant turns out to be a singer."

"It's beyond my imagination."

This generation of netizens is powerful.

After a while, all of Liu Cong's information that could be found online was turned over.

This young man in his twenties is not only a singer, but also an academic master.

The scene shifted to Qatar.

When the Japanese players saw the Chinese team scoring a goal, they all stopped in place.

The goalkeeper didn't even respond to what he just called. It was obviously fine one second, but he scored directly the next second.

It was because of Liu Cong's goal that the momentum of the Chinese team soared.

On the court, every Chinese player seemed to see a glimmer of hope.

Coach Zhao, who was sitting in the spectator seats, stood up from his seat in excitement and kept waving the small flag in his hand to cheer Liu Cong.

If the Chinese people were sitting in the spectator seats and saw this scene, they would definitely stand up and cheer for Liu Cong!

However, all this is the result of the national football team’s own efforts.

How can a team that is not even optimistic about its own country win?

The time came to the 45th minute, and both sides entered the intermission time.

The Chinese team still lost to the Japanese team, and the Japanese team now directly leads the Chinese team by two goals.

The score is 3:1.

During the halftime break, Liu Cong came to coach Zhao.

When Coach Zhao saw Liu Cong coming, he gave Liu Cong a big hug.

"You've done a great job."

"It's just them who can't do it. With your strength, if you can work with a good partner, you won't be worse than them."

Coach Zhao tried his best to comfort Liu Cong.

"Coach, don't worry, I will try my best to win this game."

Liu Cong patted his chest gently, but just such a scene made this forty or fifty-year-old man choke up in an instant.

"Well done!"

On the Chinese side, many fans are in front of the TV, looking forward to the next game.

"China will definitely win this time! All my ten thousand yuan is bet on it!"

A young man said while picking up his clothes.

At this time, a young man next to him asked: "Brother Tiger, how good are you at!"

This one is called Brother Tiger. He stuck out his big tongue and said slowly: "Hahahaha!"

"I pressed 5:4, China 5, Japan 4."

Hearing this, the young man next to him spit out the beer he had just drank.

"Fuck, what did you say!?"

"What did you press? I'm afraid you drank too much."

“Ten thousand yuan is enough for your living expenses for a few months, so you’re all in?”

The young man named Brother Hu nodded.

"Let me declare first, I am not drunk!"

"The Chinese team will definitely win this time."

The young man next to him saw that Brother Hu couldn't understand what he was saying, so he knew that he must be almost drunk.

Then, he patted his forehead regretfully.

"Fuck! Brother Tiger! You are confused!"

At the end of the intermission, players from both sides have arrived on the court.

With the precedent of the previous goal, the Japanese team became much more cautious this time.

Liu Cong stood on the football field, secretly praying that he would not lose this game.

If this game is lost, it means that the Chinese team will miss the World Cup stage.

And this wait is four years.

Soon, the game began.

In the first ten minutes, neither side scored a goal.

This time, every player in China played very seriously.

They now place all their hopes on Liu Cong.

Because, from him, they saw something they didn't have.

That is unwavering faith.

"Quick! Pass the ball to Liu Cong!"

At this time, a player from a team kicked the ball directly to Liu Cong as soon as he grabbed the ball.

Seeing that the ball was only 10 meters away from the Japanese goal, Liu Cong directly hit the Japanese goal with a header.

At this moment, the whole place was excited.

Liu Cong's ball is so beautiful. In a game year, there are very few headers to score goals on the court.

What's even more outrageous is that the Chinese team scored such a goal.

Seeing this situation, everyone ran over excitedly and surrounded Liu Cong.

The score came to 2:3.

Looking at the narrowing gap, all the players on the court were also 100% energetic.

(Brothers and sisters, please take a look at the free reminder video, thank you! Hehehehe!)

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