Facing the increasingly severe situation, Japan has already felt something strange.

Seeing that there was more than half an hour left before the end of the game, both sides began to do their best.

The other party also felt that Liu Cong was someone not easy to mess with.

Therefore, they discussed a plan, which was to just play football against Liu Cong.

As for other Chinese players, Japan doesn't take them seriously at all.

The game started again, and the Japanese players ran towards the Chinese goal as fast as possible.

At this time, Liu Cong felt something was wrong.

Four or five people appeared around him at the same time, surrounding Liu Cong.

"Damn it!"

"A player who had a good life as a kid doesn't take me seriously!!"

"Fuck, I'll kill you!"

"Brothers, protect Liu Cong for me."

"We can't lose this game!" At this time, captain Wu Changhui shouted loudly.

Faced with this situation, the Chinese people showed incomparable unity.

I saw them all surrounding the players who were about to attack. If one of them couldn't do it, there would be two. If two couldn't do it, there would be three or four.

Although they don't have the muscular bodies of the Japanese players.

However, they all tried their best at this time.

Everyone was running on the court in high spirits.


"Stop him, don't let him score!"

Seeing the ball getting closer and closer to the goal, the goalkeeper didn't care anymore and blocked the ball with his face.

You know, the impact of football is very powerful.

When the football hit goalkeeper Zhang Heng in the face, half of his face was dented by the football.


When fans saw such a scene, everyone was extremely excited.

This time, it seemed different from the last time.

Although the national football team has not made much progress in strength, they dare to fight.

"Good guy! Guard!"

"Our goalkeeper Zhang Heng actually used his face to block the ball."

"What kind of operation is this!"

At this time, Brother Qianqian was sitting in front of the TV, with an incredible expression on his face when he saw such a scene.

"They didn't play like this in the last game! When did they become so desperate?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Cong fired directly and hit the Japanese goal.

This ball was so fast that even the goalkeeper couldn't defend it.

"Hit! Hit again!"

"Our substitute Liu Cong scored another goal!"

"What kind of level is this!"

There was a hint of crying in the host's excited words.

He has commented on so many football games and has never seen the Chinese football team play so united and well as they do today.

He can actually compete with the strongest football team in Asia.

“This is the most exciting game I’ve ever had in my commentary career!”

"Even if we lose this time, I think everyone thinks the same as me and there will be no regrets."

At this time, countless audience members sitting in front of the TV nodded secretly.

Yes, if you really play like this, you will have no regrets even if you lose.

What's more, against a team that's several levels better than you?

The players of the Japanese team, from the initial disdain, gradually became more serious about it.

The time came to thirty minutes, and Japan scored another goal.

The score came to 3:4.

China 3, Japan 4.

As the whistle blows, the serve begins.

The Japanese players were trying their best to grab the ball, but the Chinese side showed an even harder attitude than the Japanese side.

"Da Linzi! Pass the ball."

"Quick! Pass it to Liu Cong!"

After receiving the captain's order, Dalinzi directly passed the ball to Liu Cong on his upper right.

After Liu Cong received the ball, he dribbled the ball forward.

Unexpectedly, Japan directly sent five people to guard Liu Cong's ball this time.

Seeing several people rushing towards him, Liu Cong made a fake move and knocked down the people in front of him.

This scene directly caused a sensation in the audience.

The next second, Liu Cong didn't even think about it.

Liu Cong used this second of free time to pass the ball directly past several Japanese players.

"Good guy! Another powerful shot!"

"I hit it! I hit it!"

The host of China Sports Channel shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Our substitute Liu Cong actually scored another goal with his own strength!"

"Oh Maiga! What kind of skill is this!"

"From the beginning of the game to now, player Liu Cong has hit 100%!"

"This is incredible!"

The host was so excited that he could no longer describe it in words.

"Brother Tiger!"


The young man on the side patted Brother Hu who was about to fall asleep.

When Brother Hu heard 4:4, he slowly got up from the table and rubbed his eyes drunkenly.

"What's 4:4? What's all the fuss about?"

"The national football team played Japan 4:4!"

Hearing what the young man next to him said, Brother Hu immediately cheered up.



At this time, Brother Hu's eyes immediately turned to the TV in front of him. When he saw the score of 4:4 in the upper right corner of the TV, Brother Hu's face was full of disbelief.

"Gangzi, did I just buy the Chinese team Japan 5:4!"

Hearing what Brother Hu said, Gangzi next to him nodded.

"What are the odds?" Brother Tiger asked.

"Brother Tiger, I just took a look, it seems to be a hundred times higher!"

After listening to what Gangzi said, Brother Hu was no longer drunk.

At this time, his fists were clenched tightly and he was staring at the TV with a flushed face.

"There are still ten minutes left, there is still a chance."


On the court, Liu Cong was sweating.

Seeing that there were still eight minutes left before the end of the game, Liu Cong slowly began to feel anxious.

Neither China nor itself can lose in this game.

Liu Cong braced himself 100% and looked at his teammates who were sweating profusely and panting.

Liu Cong knew that they had tried their best today.

"We can't lose this game!"

"We still have a chance."

"Next, whoever gets the ball, pass it to Liu Cong!" the captain said loudly to the people next to him while running.

At this moment, everyone showed an unprecedented tacit understanding.

Huaxia, Huaqing University cafeteria.

Even though it is already past two o'clock in the morning, the cafeteria hall on the first floor is still brightly lit.

Principal Zhu Zixiao was sitting in front of the big screen in the cafeteria, staring at the court.

And behind him, there were already students.

Since tomorrow is Saturday, no one has classes.

This is a game that the principal proactively invited students to watch.

The principal is also willing to go out of his way to give two extra credits to any student who can come to the game.

Moreover, melon seeds, fruits, and drinks are provided free of charge when watching football games.

Who can not love it?

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