Two minutes!

With two minutes left, the game was over.


"Oda, tie it for me!"

The captain of the Japanese team pointed at a player and asked him to pounce on Liu Cong.

Liu Cong just took the ball from the captain.

At this moment, he was breathing heavily and staring firmly at the Japanese goal.

He could clearly feel that he had reached his limit.

After repeated battles on the court, he was almost exhausted of his last bit of strength.

If the goal doesn't go in, an extra goal will be added.


"Protect Liu Cong for me."

“If you fucking can’t hold on, don’t even think about eating sea cucumbers shipped by air again!”

The captain was sweating profusely and yelled loudly at the court.

Coach Zhao in the audience couldn't help but tremble after seeing this situation.

"You must go in! You must go in!"

There are only thirty seconds left,

Liu Cong has already passed half-time with the ball, and there are Japanese players around him who are strictly defending Liu Cong.

Moreover, there were Chinese players and Japanese players coming towards Liu Cong behind him.

Ten seconds left!

Liu Cong felt that his body had reached its limit.

And he is still twenty meters away from the goal. Seeing this scene, all the Japanese players secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because this time is simply not enough time to shoot.

If they were really defeated by China, it would be a great shame and humiliation.

Therefore, they must not lose.

Liu Cong saw the smug look on the opposing player's face.

Staring at the goal sharply.

"I'm QNMD, cum for me!"

Liu Cong used all his strength to kick the ball directly into the sky above the court.

Five seconds!

Four seconds!

Three seconds!

Two seconds!

One second!


"Really scored!" the captain shouted loudly.

Just in the last two seconds.

Liu Cong's ball hit the goal directly and accurately with a 45-degree arc.

Coach Zhao and Coach Niu in the spectator seats both stood up.

Coach Zhao stared at Liu Cong who was lying on the court with wet eyes.

"What a damn relief!"

"Coach Niu, we won!"

At this time, Coach Niu also had red eyes.

I don’t know if he was guilty or moved. In short, Coach Niu was so excited that he was speechless when he saw this scene.

"Captain! We won! We won!"

All the Chinese football players present hugged each other happily.

Only Liu Cong was still lying on the ground, still breathing heavily.

China is destined to have a sleepless night tonight.

When the host saw Hua Xia's goal, he immediately broke down.

"In! In!"

"we won!"

"I have been waiting for this moment for twenty years! Twenty years!"


"Brother Tiger! Brother Tiger!"

"We won! We won, did you see that?"

Xiaogang on the side grabbed Brother Hu tightly.

"I saw it, I saw it!"

"I have sent!"

When it comes to excitement, no one is more excited than him.

This is a hundred times the odds!

Brother Hu has been promoted from a household worth ten thousand yuan to a millionaire. No one can be excited about this.

Brother Tiger is destined to be unable to sleep tonight.

"Let's go! Xiaogang, I'll take you to wash your feet."

"I'll treat you tonight."


In the cafeteria of Huaqing University, when everyone saw Liu Cong scoring a goal.

The whole crowd cheered.

Even though there are many girls who cannot understand the ball.

However, they knew that China defeated Japan.

Liu Cong defeated his opponent.

The Huaxia campus tonight is even more lively than winning the LOL World Championship.


On the court in Qatar, Liu Cong was tremblingly helped off the court by coach Zhao.

"Thank you for your hard work tonight. Without you, China would have missed the World Cup!"

Liu Cong looked pale and reluctantly gave Coach Zhao a smile.

"Coach, everyone did their best tonight."

"It's not my fault alone."

"If it weren't for everyone, I wouldn't be able to shoot the ball with such confidence."

The next day, afternoon.

The plane from Qatar stopped steadily at the Peiping International Airport.

The moment the Chinese football team got off the plane, a large number of reporters swarmed in.

"Is Liu Cong here?"

"We want to interview Liu Cong!"

The scene at this time was extremely chaotic.

Faced with this situation, the coach and team players gathered around Liu Cong and walked outside the airport.

When the reporters saw Liu Cong from the crowd, they didn't care and squeezed in directly to interview Liu Cong.

"Liu Cong, what do you think about winning this competition?"

"Liu Cong, do you plan to enter the World Cup? Then will you give up the entertainment industry and pursue your football career?"

Facing the questions from dozens of reporters, Liu Cong knew that he would not be able to leave today unless he came forward to answer them.

So, Liu Cong cleared his throat and said, "I'll just answer two questions!"

"I'm still a student."

"So, now I mainly focus on studying well."

"As for singing and playing football, it's just a hobby of mine."

"I will continue to keep my hobby."

After Liu Cong's words were heard by everyone in the live broadcast room, everyone called him Versailles.

Flowers and Boys: It’s the first time I’ve seen someone talk about their hobbies so easily.

Little CC: Wow! Good Versailles, but I like it so much!

Fat Tiger: This is really the first time I have seen an amateur player be able to crush his opponent on his own. Liu Cong will be my idol from now on.


"Secondly, I don't have any ideas about this game."

"I just want to bring glory to the country."

After Liu Cong said these words calmly, he and the football team quickly left the scene.

Liu Cong did not go to hold a celebration banquet with everyone, but went back to school directly.

After Liu Cong entered the campus, he immediately went to the principal's office to find the principal.

Along the way, many people recognized Liu Cong.

It can be said that Liu Cong is now a legend at Huaqing University.


"My God! My God! I love you so much!"

"Sisters, hurry up and ask for an autograph!"

When Liu Cong saw five or six girls running towards him from behind, Liu Cong immediately ran away.

When he arrived at the principal's office, he happened to be chatting with an old man about his age.

"Well, principal, I'll come back to you later."

Liu Cong was about to leave when he was stopped by the principal.

"Classmate Liu Cong, you are back."

"Hurry up and sit down, and I'll introduce you to a legendary figure."

The principal quickly stood up from his seat and pulled Liu Cong directly in front of the old man.

"Classmate Liu Cong, this is Jia Jun from the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician Jia."

Academician Jia was also very surprised when he heard the principal call Liu Cong's name.

"You are Liu Cong!"

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