Liu Cong nodded.

"Hello, Academician Jia."

"I'm Liu Cong."

Liu Cong was also very surprised. He didn't expect that he would come by such a coincidence. As soon as he entered the door, he saw another academician.

Academician Jia looked Liu Cong up and down, then nodded.

"Lao Zhu, this is really a good seedling!" Academician Jia pointed at Liu Cong and said.

Liu Cong has long been accustomed to this kind of praise.

"Academician Jia, you have given me the award."

Liu Cong smiled at Academician Jia.

Academician Jia looked at Liu Cong, his smiling face suddenly turned serious.

"Classmate Liu Cong, would you like to come to our Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

"You are a well-known figure in our Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Academician Jia gave Liu Cong a thumbs up.

"As long as you are willing to come over, I will give you the title of academician directly."

"In the name of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I will give you a courtyard house in Peiping."

"And I can allow you to directly take over the Chinese Academy of Sciences and become the top leader of the Chinese Academy of Sciences before you are forty years old!"

Faced with the temptation of the sky-high price offered by Academician Jia, few people are not tempted enough.

Just a Peking courtyard house is worth hundreds of millions.

The title of academician cannot be bought with money. It is a great honor.

In fact, this is not the first time that the Chinese Academy of Sciences has extended an olive branch.

If Liu Cong wanted this title and reputation, he would have given up going to Huaqing University and gone directly to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

However, Liu Cong did not do this.

These are of little significance to Liu Cong.

All he wants is freedom.

"Academician Jia, I appreciate your kindness."

"However, I am currently busy with my studies and cannot come to your hospital for the time being."

Liu Cong politely rejected the olive branch offered by Academician Jia of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The principal on the side seemed to have already guessed what Liu Cong would say.

So he walked up to Academician Jia and gently patted Academician Jia's shoulder.

"Old Jia, what did I say?"

"Are you unwilling, hahahaha!"

"He just likes freedom."

"He is now a famous figure in our school."

The principal gave a thumbs up proudly, with the corners of his mouth curling up to his eyebrows.

"Oh? What a famous method?"

Afterwards, the principal told Academician Jia directly what Liu Cong had done in front of Liu Cong.

Academician Jia was also extremely surprised when he heard that Liu Cong had such an experience.

"I really didn't expect this. It turns out that you are not only excellent in scientific research, but you are also so outstanding in other fields!"

"It's because we are old and don't care about these things anymore." Academician Jia laughed at himself.

"Lao Jia, you are getting old, but I am not!"

"Early this morning, I took students from our school to watch Liu Cong's football match."

"That's wonderful!"

The next moment, the laughter of three people came from the office.

"Classmate Liu Cong, you have to thank Academician Jia."

"For your research, Academician Jia gave you one of the only two reactors in their institute."

When Liu Cong heard what the principal said, he was immediately surprised.

Because he didn't expect that the equipment would be borrowed so quickly.

Secondly, nothing but gratitude is gratitude.

Liu Cong stepped forward and held Academician Jia's hands excitedly.

"Academician Jia, thank you!"

"Thank you for trusting me so much and lending me such valuable equipment."

Facing Liu Cong's polite words, Academician Jia smiled and waved his hand.

"I have to thank your principal for this. If he hadn't begged me, I wouldn't have borrowed such expensive equipment!"

Seeing Academician Jia's reluctant expression, the principal laughed.

"Old Jia, don't be poor anymore."

"If it weren't for classmate Liu Cong's face, you could lend me the money, but you are so stingy." The principal said angrily.

Lao Jia rolled his eyes at the principal.

"Lao Zhu, you'd better take Liu Cong to see the equipment."

Academician Jia patted the principal on the shoulder.

But judging from their movements and expressions, Liu Cong guessed that they had known each other for a long time.

Afterwards, the three of them did not stay in the principal's conference room. ,

After leaving the building, the principal led Liu Cong and Academician Jia to the experimental building where Liu Cong was.

After entering, the principal did not go to Liu Cong's laboratory, but came to another laboratory opposite Liu Cong's laboratory. .

From the outside, this laboratory looks more atmospheric than Liu Cong's laboratory.

The outer door is made of bulletproof material.

Moreover, the doors are unlocked with passwords.

The principal pressed on the door.

Then, the door slowly opened.

When the door opened, a small reactor appeared in front of the three people.

When Liu Cong saw this small reactor for the first time, he was briefly stunned.

Because this was Liu's first time seeing this thing live.

Who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary semi-cylindrical thing is a reactor.

"Classmate Liu, this is it."

"I wonder if you know how to operate it. If not, I can send someone over to teach you."

Liu Cong looked at Academician Jia and shook his head.

"Academician Jia, I can do this."

"You can?"

Academician Jia looked at Liu Cong with some surprise.

Liu Cong nodded gently.

Regarding the specific operation of the reactor, Liu Cong had already memorized it by heart.

Just talking and not doing it means nothing.

Liu Cong didn't explain anything. He stepped forward and started operating the machine in front of him.

At first, the two of them were not worried about Liu Cong.

It was not until Liu Cong started the reactor that the two finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The main reason is that there is no lithium in the laboratory. If there is lithium, Liu Cong will show off his skills for the two of them.

"Academician Jia, do you think my operation is normal?" Liu Cong asked with a smile.

Academician Jia nodded in surprise.

"I have to say, you're a genius."

"If I hadn't known from Lao Zhu that this was your first time doing this experiment, I would have even suspected that you were a student of this major."

"You are even better than those in our institute. I don't know how you did it."

Liu Cong touched the back of his head and smiled.

"Academician Jia, to tell you the truth, I have studied relevant literature before this."

"So, just watch and I will get it."

Although this reason is far-fetched, it can still be explained.

"So this is ah!"

"Then I can say that you are a genius."

The principal on the side smiled even more happily when he heard what Academician Jia said.

"Old Jia, I didn't lie to you."

"Haha, you didn't lie to me."

Afterwards, the three people left the laboratory.

Since Academician Jia still had things to do there, he said a simple goodbye to Principal Liu Cong and went back.

Liu Cong and the principal briefly chatted for a few words on the way, and then returned to the apartment.

Just when Liu Cong arrived downstairs in the apartment, Chen Qiong's call came in.

Liu Cong, who had not been in contact with Chen Qiong for some time, immediately answered the call when he saw Chen Qiong's phone number.

"Liu Cong! When did you participate in the football match?"

"If I didn't watch the news, I wouldn't know about this."

"Why didn't you tell me when you entered the competition?"

Liu Cong was speechless for a moment when Chen Qiong asked.


"What this and that, come quickly!"

"I have something to tell you."

Before Liu Cong could speak, Chen Qiong hung up the phone.

Liu Cong has long been accustomed to Chen Qiong's actions.

Without saying anything, he immediately drove to Chen Qiong's residence.

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