Soon after, Liu Cong drove to Chen Qiong's residence.

Looking at Chen Qiong's Bentley parked in the yard, there was also his Ducati that was originally parked in Chen Qiong's yard.

The door of the villa was unlocked, as if waiting for Liu Cong to come over.

Liu Cong parked his car in the parking space outside the villa, then got out of the car and walked towards Chen Qiong's villa.

After Liu Cong entered, he found that Chen Qiong was not on the first floor.

If this had happened before, Liu Cong would have been waiting for him at the door when he came.


"This is a bit unusual today. Why isn't the person who asked me to come over here?"

Liu Cong looked at the messy kitchen utensils and clothes on this floor and sighed secretly.

So, Liu Cong climbed up the stairs to the second floor.

Like the first floor, the second floor is also quite messy.

When Liu Cong came here before, it was never like today.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"Why is your room so messy? You don't know how to clean it up?"

No one responded to Liu Cong's shout.

So Liu Cong directly pushed open Chen Qiong's bedroom door and found Chen Qiong sitting on the bed with her hands on her knees.

There was a pile of tissues on the ground, and it looked like he had been crying.

How can the current Chen Qiong still have the former Royal Sister style.

The whole person is unkempt and has no makeup.

When Chen Qiong saw Liu Cong coming, she didn't hesitate at all.

He immediately stood up and hugged Liu Cong, then hid in Liu Cong's arms and cried loudly.

At this moment, Liu Cong knew that Chen Qiong must have encountered difficulties.

Otherwise, with his personality, he wouldn't cry so sadly for no reason.

"What's wrong?"

"Did someone bully you again?"

Seeing Chen Qiong like this, Liu Cong suddenly felt distressed.

For Liu Cong, although the two of them have not confirmed their relationship.

But in Liu Cong's eyes, Chen Qiong had been his girlfriend long ago.

Just because of his face, Liu Cong rarely admits it to the outside world.

After all, when he said that his girlfriend was six years older than him, a normal person's idea would be to eat soft rice.

Because in reality, few men find girlfriends who are older than themselves.

Liu Cong gently stroked Chen Qiong's back.

Under Liu Cong's touch, Chen Qiong gradually calmed down her emotions.

"Brother, if you can't see me again, will you miss me?"

This sentence instantly touched Liu Cong's heart.

"Why do you ask that?"

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong with tears still hanging from the corners of his eyes, and was very puzzled.

"You're not going to be sick, are you?"

Liu Cong's first thought was this.

Chen Qiong shook his head desperately.

"Will you just tell me?"

Chen Qiong looked straight at Liu Cong in front of him.

Liu Cong also fell silent when he saw Liu Cong like this.

After about a few seconds, Liu Cong nodded.

"Yes, definitely!"

"In my heart, you have been my girlfriend for a long time."

"Emotionally speaking, I'm a bit clumsy."

"He is stubborn when it comes to feelings, and he doesn't know how to be flexible."

"So, when you ask me this question, I will immediately ask you if there is something wrong with your body."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Chen Qiong hugged Liu Cong tighter.

The tears were like spring water, completely unstoppable.

"Brother, I really like you very much!"

"I can't marry you in this life. Come and marry me as soon as possible in the next life!"

Chen Qiong was completely choked up as she spoke.

At this time, she was hiding in Liu Cong's arms, just like a little girl, without her usual majesty.

"What happened to you?"

"Why did you say that?" Liu Cong asked anxiously.

Afterwards, Chen Qiong broke away from Liu Cong's arms, took out a bank card from her bag, and handed it to Liu Cong.

"The money here is considered breakup fee."

"It contains the pocket money I have saved over the years, about 20 million."

"With this amount of money, you can buy a small villa in the suburbs."

"Haven't you always wanted to have a villa?"

Seeing Chen Qiong giving the money so firmly, Liu Cong was stunned.

Speaking of money, Liu Cong is definitely not short of money now.

As for my few companies, the market value of any one of them cannot exceed tens of billions now.

"What's wrong with you? You're really worried about me!"

"It's a breakup and I'm giving you money. Have you considered my feelings?"

Chen Qiong was silent, but still stuffed the bank card into Liu Cong's coat pocket.

Afterwards, Chen Qiong looked lovingly at Liu Cong's clean and handsome face.

Kissed gently.

Liu Cong did not reject this sudden love and responded to it on the spot.

Because, this time, Liu Cong no longer wants to be the passive party.

Chen Qiong also seemed to sense something different about Liu Cong this time, so he immediately stopped his attack.

Because he was afraid that he could not help but leave Liu Cong.

Chen Qiong slowly broke away from Liu Cong, and then looked at him seriously.

"Brother, I am going to marry someone else this time."

"It's a very, very rich family, so you don't have to worry about my future life."

After hearing what Chen Qiong said, Liu Cong was still puzzled as to why he made such a sudden decision.

At the moment, all Liu Cong could think of was that it must be his family putting pressure on him again.

"Did your family force you to get married again?"

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong and nodded honestly.

"Yes, but this time is different from last time."

"My dad is going bankrupt and now has nearly 10 billion in debt."

"His company will not be far from bankruptcy if there is no further capital injection."

"By that time, we won't be able to repay the money."

When Chen Qiong said this, his face was filled with sadness.

She also doesn't want to be forced to marry someone she doesn't like.

However, he could not ignore his father's death.

"Isn't it a good time to start the New Year?"

"Uncle made a bet with me at that time."

Liu Cong was very puzzled as to why Chen Qiong's company owed so much money.

"That's right, because of the influence from the United States."

"Business in all large department stores is difficult."

"And a lot of the properties my father invested in also lost value."

"Now there is a price but no market. I can't sell it even if I want to."

"Now, my dad's company owes the bank more than 9.7 billion."

"And by the end of this month, we will have to pay back all the 9.7 billion in funds."

"If the money is not paid, my dad's assets may be completely frozen. Then my dad's assets have been frozen for so many years."



After listening to Chen Qiong's story, Liu Cong had a thorough understanding of the current situation of Chen Qiong's family.

And it was not Zhou Lei that Chen Qiong's father asked him to marry.

It is a local technology company engaged in artificial intelligence in Shanglu City.

The current market value of this company should be more than 80 billion.

With the strength of their company, they must have eight to nine billion.

"Sister, he lent your father money not just to marry you, right?"

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