Judging from the current situation, the situation in China has eased much.

As long as Chen Qiong's father can survive this wave, it will be no big deal.

However, it was because the bank had restricted his family’s loans.

Moreover, Chen Qiong’s father has a high bank debt ratio.

Therefore, banks are unwilling to lend money to Chen Qiong's father's company.

This caused Chen Qiong's father's company's capital turnover to be unable to circulate, and then it was directly broken.

Therefore, we are now facing the risk of bankruptcy at any time.

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Chen Qiong nodded honestly.

"Yes, they also want half of the shares in my dad's company." Chen Qiong said with a serious expression.

Over the years, Chen Qiong's father, Chen Mingcheng, has worked hard for his company.

Now, he is about to hand over half of the company's shares to others, and he must be extremely reluctant to part with it.

"It's all my fault. I wish I had worked harder to make the media company bigger."

"If my dad's company has such a problem now, I can solve it."

"The problem is, even if I sell my media building now, plus all the cash from my mother's fishery company."

"We can only raise three billion."

Chen Qiong expressed his helplessness to Liu Cong.

Until now, Liu Cong has completely sorted out the ins and outs of this matter.

"You keep this money, I won't ask you for it."

"As for the money from your dad's company, I can help you find a way."

"I have this money!"

Although, Liu Cong only has more than 300 million in his card now.

However, he has five high-tech companies. Among them, the browser kernel company is not profitable, and the others are making profits.

The business of bearing and photolithography machine companies has now gone overseas.

Moreover, some time ago.

Liu Cong's Conor Bearing Co., Ltd. has been successfully listed in China.

Just after it went public, the market value of Liu Cong's bearing company exceeded 5 million.

At present, the company is in its second round of financing, and it can be said that it is not short of money at all.

However, it is definitely impossible for Liu Cong to come up with so much money at once.

At the moment, he thought of the best way.

That is to sell part of his shares in the company, and then use it to fund Chen Qiong's father's company.

When Chen Qiong heard what Liu Cong said, her face was full of disbelief.

Afterwards, Chen Qiong's mood slowly calmed down again.

"Brother, are you here to make me happy?"

"I'm very satisfied that you can say this."

"At least it proves that you love me."

This time, Liu Cong shook his head seriously.

"I really have the money. Don't worry, I will definitely transfer the money to your company account within three days."

Seeing Liu Cong's serious look, Chen Qiong was slightly stunned.

Then he shook his head and said, "Even if you have the money, it's probably too late now."

"At this point, I guess my dad has already finished dinner with the people over there and is ready to sign the contract."

"What!?" Liu Cong asked in surprise.

"Then why are you still standing here?"

"Go directly to the scene!"

Liu Cong said, pulling Chen Qiong and running outside.

At this time, Chen Qiong could no longer take care of changing clothes or putting on makeup.

Invisibly, she unconditionally chose to believe in her brother, who was six years younger than her.

Soon, Liu Cong followed Chen Qiong's guidance to the largest local hotel in Beiping City.

Future Hotel.

This hotel can be said to be a landmark building in Peiping.

As early as a hundred years ago, this hotel took root in the center of Peiping.

Many important agreements and major national decisions are signed here.

Twenty minutes later, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong arrived at the Future Hotel.

The two of them looked at the splendid building and went in without any mood to appreciate it.

Fortunately, Chen Qiong knew her father's room number.

Originally, Chen Qiong was going to come with his father tonight.

Because the young master from the company is also here tonight.

Chen Mingcheng's wish is that the two of them can meet tonight and set the wedding date as soon as possible.

The waiter led Liu Cong and Chen Qiong to the second floor of Qianqian Hotel, and then to the end of the corridor.

The waiter opened the door of this 216 hotel.

"Mr. Chen, Ms. Chen Qiong and Mr. Liu Cong are looking for you."

At this time, Chen Mingcheng was holding a pen in his hand with a serious expression.

Several people on the side were looking at Chen Mingcheng with joking eyes.

When Chen Qiong shouted, Chen Mingcheng's right hand shook.

Then he looked at Liu Cong with some surprise.

"Why are you here dressed like this!"

"Didn't you say you wouldn't come today?"

"Go, go, go!"

Chen Mingcheng lowered his voice and asked Chen Qiong to get out quickly.

At this time, the other party had noticed Chen Qiong.

"Uncle Chen, this is your daughter!"

"Not bad looking!"

The young man on the side looked at Chen Qiong with a leering look.

When Liu Cong saw this bald and wretched fat man, he instantly felt a sense of nausea in his heart.

There were three people sitting at the table, one of whom was Chen Qiong's father.

As for the other two people, as expected, they are the father and son of Shanglu Artificial Intelligence Group.

After all, it was impossible for their company to let an outsider sign for such a big deal.

Chen Qiong came here without makeup tonight. It is because Chen Qiong came without makeup that she could truly show off her beauty.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chen Qiong does not look like she is nearly thirty years old at all.

As for the young master of the group opposite, it seemed that he was about to catch up with his father.

"Haha, dad, this is a good deal."

"With such a beautiful girl, it won't be a problem even if we order less shares."

The fat man looked at Chen Qiong and rubbed his hands excitedly.

When I saw the other person, I didn't mind that Chen Qiong appeared without makeup.

Chen Mingcheng stood up from his seat and introduced Chen Qiong: "Chen Qiong!"

"Let me introduce to you, these two are Ma Jianguo and Mr. Ma from Xinkaisheng Artificial Intelligence Company."

"This is Xin Kaisheng's son, Ma Wei."

Chen Mingcheng introduced the two people in front of Chen Qiong with a smile on his face.

"Hey hey hey!"

"Daughter-in-law, I am your future husband."

Ma Wei ignored Chen Mingcheng and came directly to Chen Qiong, wanting to hug Chen Qiong.

Such an outrageous move scared Chen Qiong to death.

Liu Cong on the side, seeing this situation, directly blocked Ma Wei with his arm.

Ma Wei, who was blocked by Liu Cong, was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Liu Cong very unhappy.

"Who the hell are you! How dare you stand in my way!"

Seeing this, Chen Mingcheng hurried forward to explain.

"Master Ma, this is my daughter's cousin. Please forgive me if I offend you."

When Ma Wei heard what Chen Mingcheng said, there was a cold light in his eyes.

"Oh, it turns out he's my cousin."

"Get out of the way! I want to be intimate with my wife."

Liu Cong was a little angry. He had never seen such a shameless person.

"Chen Qiong is my girlfriend, I'm not his cousin."

"So, you can't touch him!"

Chen Mingcheng on the side was anxious.

"What nonsense are you talking about! You are obviously my cousin, please stop talking."

At this time, when Chen Qiong heard her father say this, her heart felt as painful as lightning.

She never imagined that her father could force her to marry an ugly and bald man for the sake of his career.

"Boy, if I tell you more kindly, get out of the way!"

"Otherwise, I don't care who you are, I will make you walk around without food!"

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