After Chen Mingcheng saw his two big benefactors leaving, he looked at the door absentmindedly.

Chen Qiong in his arms secretly breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the two of them leaving.

"It's okay, I won't let you marry that ugly, fat bald man." Liu Cong patted Chen Qiong's back and comforted her.

Chen Mingcheng on the side looked at his daughter in Liu Cong's arms with a very painful expression.

"Forgive Dad, I really have no choice."

"If I don't advance this money, all my assets and properties under my name will be frozen."

"I have to blame myself for borrowing so much money from the bank."

"I thought I could repay the money, but I was careless."

From Chen Mingcheng's eyes, Chen Qiong felt his deep regret.

So much so that Chen Qiong's hatred for her father just now dissipated a bit.

"Dad, actually I understand you."

"But you can't let me marry such a person!"

"If I marry such a person, I might as well die!"

As he spoke, two more tears fell from the corners of Chen Qiong's eyes.

"It's all over. As for the money, I will transfer it to your family's account as quickly as possible." Liu Cong said decisively.

It was normal for Chen Qiong to hear Liu Cong say this.

She had already thought about it, even if Liu Cong couldn't afford the money, the man in front of her was the one she wanted to stay with for the rest of her life.

It doesn't matter about age, she only cares about Liu Cong.

Ever since I was young, I have never lived a good life for myself.

This time, no matter what, Chen Qiong would not give in to her father and marry someone she didn't love.

"Is what you just said true?"

"Can you really take that much money?"

"I can tell you, you ruined my good deeds."

"If you want to lie to me, I will make you walk around without food."

Chen Mingcheng looked at Liu Cong with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to eat him.

Because he simply didn't believe that a young man in his twenties could come up with so much money at once.

Just like what the Ma family and his son said just now, what kind of company shares can be sold for 9 billion.

"Dad, no matter what happens this time, I will not give in!"

Chen Qiong said very firmly.

Chen Mingcheng on the side saw Chen Qiong so excited and said nothing.

He just sighed slightly and went out.

At the scene, only Liu Cong and Chen Qiong were left in this box.

Seeing that all the important people were gone, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong did not stay here any longer.

Instead, he drove directly back to Chen Qiong's residence.

Since Liu Cong saw that Chen Qiong was in very unstable mood tonight, he planned to stay with Chen Qiong all night.

As for the laboratory, let's put it aside for now. After all, this matter is more important.

At night, when Liu Cong was lying on the sofa watching TV.

The electronic sound of the system surrounded Liu Cong's mind.

【Ding! The popularity of the hesitant host China has reached level 20]

[Reward host game proficiency skills]

【Ding! System Upgrade】

[Unlock world popularity, the current popularity level is level two]

[Reward host world language proficiency]

【Ding! Since the host won a great victory in this football match, the host is specially rewarded with physical strengthening skills]

Liu Cong was surprised by the sudden sound of the system.

If Chen Qiong hadn't been lying in his arms, Liu Cong would have jumped with joy when facing so many rewards.

Later, Liu Cong entered the system mall with his mind.

I found that the reputation value of my system was as high as 12 million.

This was something Liu Cong never dared to think about before.

When Liu Cong clicked on the mall, he found an option for a technology mall next to it.

When you click on it, you will see all kinds of high-tech information inside.

There are everything from lithium battery technology with one million reputation points to antimatter spacecraft with 100 million reputation points.

Liu Cong also specifically looked at the reputation value of the information on controllable nuclear fusion.

This sight shocked Liu Cong.

Controlled nuclear fusion actually requires 80 million reputation points.

If Liu Cong were to save this little by little, it would probably take many years.

Liu Cong exited the system space with joy.

When he exited, he found that his body was full of strength.

He had never felt so comfortable as he did now.

Liu Cong knew that this was the body's strengthening skills taking effect.


"Brother, let's go back to sleep, okay?"

Chen Qiong snuggled into Liu Cong's arms, then rubbed her head against Liu Cong's belly.

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong's half-shouldered appearance, and suddenly felt a fire welling up in his heart.

Without saying a word, Liu Cong picked up Chen Qiong and walked towards the room.




The next day,

When a ray of morning light fell on Liu Cong's face, he opened his eyes naturally.

Looking at Chen Qiong who was still sleeping soundly, Liu Cong stood up from the bed quietly.

Then wash up and make breakfast.

When Liu Cong prepared breakfast and asked Chen Qiong to get up, Chen Qiong was already awake.

Looking at Chen Qiong sitting on the bed, holding her lower abdomen, there was a hint of pain in her expression.

Liu Cong hurriedly stepped forward to ask about the situation.

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong with a shy look.

"It's not because of you!"

"Brother is really getting more and more fierce!"

Chen Qiong's words made Liu Cong a little embarrassed.

I might have gone too far last night.

But last night he really couldn't bear it anymore and felt that his whole body had endless strength.


"I've made breakfast. If you feel uncomfortable, I'll bring it to you."

This time, Liu Cong directly brought breakfast to the room without asking Chen Qiong's consent.

Then he fed Chen Qiong one bite at a time. It can be said that this scene was extremely heartwarming.

After breakfast, Liu Cong planned to negotiate with his senior Li Shuqing.

After all, the matter with Chen Qiong's father has not been resolved yet.

Seeing that next month is only a few days away, Liu Cong wants to implement this matter quickly.

"Sister, I have something to do today."

"If you feel uncomfortable, just stay at home."

"I really can't help myself last night."

"I promise to do it again next time!"

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong playfully, and went out before she could react.

After Chen Qiong reacted, her face became even more rosy.

"Brother, I'm not afraid!"


Thirty minutes later, Liu Cong drove to a cafe in the center of Peiping.

Liu Cong followed the specific location posted on Li Shuqing's phone and went in.

When Liu Cong sat opposite Li Shuqing, he smiled apologetically at Li Shuqing.

"Sorry, senior."

"I'm late today."

Li Shuqing waved his hand and said, "Brother, I just arrived."

Later, Liu Cong and Li Shuqing both ordered two cups of hot Americano.

After all, the weather in Peking in April and May is quite cold.

"By the way, why do you suddenly ask me to borrow so much money?"

"I have money, but you have to exchange it for something of equal value."

"Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to explain to those people on the board of directors."

Liu Cong nodded, and he also understood that the more than nine billion funds were not a small amount.

It is still difficult for Li Shuqing to make a decision alone.

Later, Liu Cong took out the paper information that he had prepared in advance last night from his bag.

Then, he handed it to Li Shuqing.

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