When Li Shuqing saw that the shares transferred were not from the photolithography machine, but from the bearing company.


"Junior, you are actually the chairman of Conor!" Li Shuqing said in disbelief.


“I acquired this last year when the company was almost going out of business.”

Liu Cong spoke very lightly, while Li Shuqing was no longer calm.

"I really didn't expect that!"

"I didn't expect that!"

"How many things are you hiding from me?"

"I heard from the principal that you are going to develop controllable nuclear fusion recently?"

Li Shuqing's face was full of curiosity now, and he didn't mention the shares at all.


"I don't know if it will succeed."

"But I want to give it a try."

Afterwards, the two chatted about nuclear fusion, and then shifted the topic to shares.

"Junior, if you transfer these fifteen shares to me, our company will never suffer any loss."

"Looking at the whole of China, your company is the only one with high-precision bearing technology."

"Maybe, your company can hit the top 500 companies in the world in the future."

"You really thought about it."

Liu Cong looked at Li Shuqing and nodded without hesitation.

"If there weren't some special circumstances, I wouldn't sell my shares!"

Afterwards, Liu Cong told Li Shuqing the whole story.

Li Shuqing was very surprised after hearing Liu Cong's words.

"Junior, you actually gave up 15% of the company's shares for your girlfriend!"

"I have been in the business circle for so many years, and you are the first person I have ever met."

Li Shuqing is nothing but surprised now.

This is nine billion!

Liu Cong gave it to him as soon as he said he would. How courageous this must be.

"Senior, it's nothing."

"After all, I plan to spend the rest of my life with her."

"Money is just a number to me. I don't love money."

As soon as he said this, Li Shuqing almost sprayed the hot American on Liu Cong's face.


"Are you as Versailles-like as you?"

"If you don't like money, just give it to me and I'll help you spend it."

Hearing Li Shuqing's teasing, Liu Cong touched his nose in embarrassment.

"Senior, you are the general manager of a Fortune 500 listed company, so please stop teasing me."

Soon, the two stopped talking about this topic.

"Are you really planning to sell this share?" Li Shuqing confirmed to Liu Cong again.

Liu Cong nodded firmly.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Li Shuqing didn't say anything, just made a phone call and asked his assistant to draw up a contract.

"Senior, it's so refreshing to make a deal with you!"

"I don't even need to make a contract."

Li Shuqing laughed.

"Isn't it because junior fellow student is busy with business?"

"Don't worry, for these two people, I will transfer the money to the account you sent."

"I promise I won't make you wait until next month, the beginning of the month."

Liu Cong was completely relieved with Li Shuqing's guarantee.

After all, this matter cannot be delayed.

If it is delayed until next month, the court will enforce it.

"Senior, I want to ask you something?" Liu Cong said.

Li Shuqing raised his head and glanced at Liu Cong, then said, "What's the matter, you tell me?"

When Liu Cong saw this, he didn't show off.

"Senior, do you know the company Xinkaisheng?"

Hearing Liu Cong ask this, Li Shuqing nodded.

"I know!"

"His IGBTs and integrated chips on artificial intelligence robots are purchased from our company."

"What's the reason for asking this?" Li Shuqing asked.

Liu Cong nodded and said, "There is indeed something."

"I offended their company's CEO and son."

"I guess they are checking my details at this moment."

Liu Cong smiled helplessly, very innocently.

Next, Liu Cong briefly stated what happened last night to Li Shuqing.

When Li Shuqing heard what Ma Wei had done, he couldn't help but frown.

“I really don’t understand any of this, I just know.”

"Ma Wei doesn't have a very good reputation in Shanglu."

"But I can't stand the fact that he has a rich father!"

Liu Cong did admit this.

With a father like this, anyone else would be in trouble.

"It turns out that their company is also cooperating with your company!"

"I'm just asking, I don't have any other ideas."

In fact, when Liu Cong said it, Li Shuqing had a plan in mind.

"Junior, don't worry about this."

"The father and son will never come to trouble you. Just do your research in school."

"I'll take care of the rest for you."

Liu Cong didn't actually mean that. He just wanted to know more about the other party's identity.

In order to know ourselves and our enemies, we can fight a hundred battles without danger.

Liu Cong wanted to refuse Li Shuqing's help.

However, it was directly rejected by Li Shuqing.

"Don't say anything more."

"Originally, I took advantage of you by taking your shares this time."

"This is a small favor for you, it's nothing."

"Just don't refuse."

Seeing how determined Li Shuqing was, Liu Cong did not refuse.

It would not necessarily be convenient if I had to handle this matter myself.

After all, he doesn't have much power in Peiping.

As for this small matter, Liu Cong was too embarrassed to alarm the senior officials.

"Senior, thank you."

Liu Cong stood up and shook hands with Li Shuqing politely.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while and then left.


Peking, inside a high-end club.

Ma Wei and a young man beside him, on the other hand a hot girl.

"Chen Yang, you girls in Peiping are really wild!"

As he spoke, his hands continued to roam around the body of the woman in red.

"The necessary Viagra."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that you were coming so that I could receive you earlier?"

Chen Yang looked at Ma Wei with a smile on his face.

Ma Wei paused and then said, "Some things delayed me last night."

"Stop talking. The more you talk, the angrier I get."

Thinking of this, the girl next to Ma Wei suddenly felt bad.

"What? Someone else dares to make my Brother Ma angry!"

"Who is it? Tell me your name!"

"I'm familiar with Peiping. I'll use my connections to find this person every minute."

Chen Yang assured Ma Wei swornly.

Ma Wei was overjoyed when he heard Chen Yang's words.

"My brother is still reliable, I want to make that kid walk around without food!"

"That kid's name is~~"


"I'll go! I forgot to ask my name!"

Only then did Ma Wei react.

"Well, Brother Ma, if I don't have a name, it will be really difficult for me."

"Besides, Beiping is such a big place, and there are still people with repeated names."

This time, it was Ma Wei's turn to be in trouble.

"No, I have to ask that guy Chen Mingcheng to find out."

Ma Weiniu stopped touching and chatted, and ran outside.

Seeing this, Chen Yang hurriedly followed.

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