In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 214: Don’t worry about insufficient funds. If it doesn’t work, I’ll sell the school.

It was already dark outside, and he had used up the liquid lithium provided by the principal.


"Obviously I followed the information provided by the system, so why couldn't I succeed?"

Liu Cong was very confused at this time.

I thought this experiment would be simple.

However, the difficulty of controllable nuclear fusion has exceeded Liu Cong's imagination.

"Why exactly?"

"Is there something wrong with my operation?"

Liu Cong thought about it and was still puzzled.

However, my belly has already made an oath to myself.

If he doesn't eat anymore, his brain will shut down.

"Forget it, it will take a long time, and it won't be short of this moment."

With that said, Liu Cong disposed of the waste liquid from these experiments, turned off the equipment and went out to eat.

Liu Cong is walking on the Huaqing campus. Whenever there are people, everyone will take pictures with their mobile phones when they see Liu Cong.

Liu Cong is now famous in both the football and entertainment circles.

After eating, Liu Cong went back to the apartment, washed up and went to bed.

The next day,

When a ray of sunshine hit the balcony, Liu Cong knew it was time to get up.

After a simple wash, Liu Cong went to the cafeteria to have breakfast.

Then, he hurried to the principal's office and asked the principal for some materials for the experiment.

When the principal learned that Liu Cong's experiment to extract tritium yesterday was unsuccessful.

He smiled and comforted Liu Cong, "Classmate Liu Cong, don't be discouraged."

"None of us doing scientific research has failed hundreds of times."

"I'll call right away and ask the School of Chemistry to send you another few dozen kilograms of liquid lithium."

"You can just do the experiments with peace of mind. If you don't want to go to class, you don't have to go."

This shows that the principal is very tolerant of Liu Cong.

If ordinary students were absent from class casually, they would probably have been expelled from school long ago.

"Hey, principal, you'd better be nice to me." Liu Cong said with a smile.

"Haha, you are the treasure of our school, I can't treat you badly."

"If word of my mistreatment of you reaches the ears of those old guys at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I will definitely be laughed to death by them."

With that said, the principal immediately pressed the office phone number.


"Director Yan~"

"Send fifty pounds of Ye Taili to the Nuclear Physics Laboratory immediately." The principal said loudly to Director Yan on the other end.

After a while, the principal's originally smiling face suddenly darkened.

"I don't care, you must send me these fifty pounds of liquid lithium today."

"Otherwise you have to bear the consequences."

Seeing the principal's majestic look, Liu Cong hurried forward and whispered to dissuade him.

"Principal, you don't need so much. Ten pounds is enough."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, the principal gave up.

"Let's do this, I'll give you as much as you have today."

"If the progress of the experiment is delayed, I will question you."

After the principal hung up the phone, he stared at Liu Cong and said, "You can go back and do experiments with peace of mind. Just tell me what materials you want."

"If you can create controllable nuclear fusion, I will sell the school to you for experiments!"

The principal waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

Liu Cong was very touched by the unconditional support given by the principal.

After leaving the principal's office, Liu Cong walked towards the laboratory.

Passing by a pavilion in the middle, Liu Cong discovered that Jiang Wanying was sitting in the pavilion, working inside with a computer.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Liu Cong's sudden voice startled Jiang Wanying, and she almost threw the computer in her hand.

Jiang Wanying raised her head and looked at Liu Cong with some resentment.

"Can you please not show up suddenly like this every time? People with weak hearts can easily be frightened into having a heart attack."

Jiang Wanying caressed her chest, looking shocked.


"I'm sorry, who knew you were so timid."

Liu Cong pretended to be innocent.

"You! Believe it or not, I will strangle you to death right now!"

Jiang Wanying's face turned red.


"You have to think carefully. If you strangle me to death, you won't get any shares." Liu Cong said confidently.

"Tch! I don't care."



Jiang Wanying said it very categorically.

"That's a pity. It seems that someone doesn't want this 15% share."

"Forget it, I'll keep it for myself."

"Hey! How come you don't keep your words?"

Jiang Wanying became anxious when she heard that Liu Cong was going to confiscate her shares.

"Didn't someone say they don't care?"

"I'm not saying not to give someone shares."

Liu Cong raised his head and looked at the sky, looking nonchalant.

"That's not because you scared me!"

"I won't talk to you anymore."

Seeing that Jiang Wanying was serious, Liu Cong hurriedly said: "Hey, my aunt!"

"How dare I not give you shares? The company still expects you to operate."

"It's wrong, it's really wrong."

After hearing Liu Cong's apology, Jiang Wanying's expression softened slightly.

"Seeing how sincere you are, then you can give me one."

"I'll forgive you if you knock me."

Liu Cong looked embarrassed, "I'm a big man."

"I won't do it!"

Liu Cong turned his head away, looking very arrogant.

"Hey! Someone can't take a joke."

"Forget it, I won't tease you anymore."

"You happened to be here today, so I'll discuss something with you."

As soon as Liu Cong heard that they were going to discuss something, he immediately turned his head and looked at Jiang Wanying.

"What's going on?" Liu Cong asked.

Jiang Wanying paused, then opened a computer file.

"Look, this is the underlying code made by people in our company."

"It's already 30 percent complete."

Liu Cong was surprised when Jiang Wanying said this.

"Why so fast!"

"Logically speaking, it can't be so fast!"

Jiang Wanying looked at Liu Cong's appearance and smiled.

"I know you are not short of money, so I found another thousand senior programmers."

Indeed, as Jiang Wanying said, he is really not short of money.

As long as the amount is not too large, Liu Cong can afford it.

The balance in his bank card account alone is enough for Liu Cong to pay his salary for a long time.

"as you like."

"Isn't it just a salary?"

"When I can't pay my wages, I'll sell you. Maybe I can get some money together."

"What do you think?"

Liu Cong raised his eyebrows at Jiang Wanying.

"screw you!"

"Sell you, you have a lot of meat, you are valuable!"

The two of them were teasing each other in the pavilion.

Passers-by who didn't know better thought the two were lovers.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore."

"I'm tired, I won't tell you anymore."

"Go, go, go! I still have tasks to complete, so let's go."

Liu Cong spread his hands, "Hey! Someone, if you can't tell me, don't tell me."

"You fart!"

"This princess doesn't bother to quarrel with you!"

Seeing Jiang Wanying's angry look, Liu Cong felt quite cute.

"Okay, okay!"


"You go about your business. I'm also busy with something. If you need anything, call me."

Then, he waved goodbye to Jiang Wanying and went to the laboratory to conduct his own experiments.

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