When Liu Cong arrived at the laboratory,

He found that ten pounds of liquid lithium had been delivered to the door of his laboratory.

Liu Cong looked around and saw no one else.

It is estimated that these people left in a hurry after delivering the materials.

With the materials in hand, Liu Cong can devote himself wholeheartedly to his experiments.

Liu Cong moved the ten kilograms of liquid lithium into the nuclear reactor laboratory.

Then, Liu Cong started the nuclear reactor according to the procedure.

Before the experiment started, Liu Cong recalled the specific process of yesterday's experiment.

After thinking for a long time, Liu Cong found nothing unusual.

He followed the experimental procedure exactly.

However, for some reason, Liu Cong couldn't find out the problem.

At the moment, Liu Cong chose to continue repeating yesterday's experimental process.

This time, Liu Cong was very serious about the experiment, for fear that something might go wrong in one link.

However, this experiment did not go as Liu Cong expected.

It still ended in failure.


"I have obviously followed the procedures in the information."

Liu Cong was puzzled.

Liu Cong did not give up and started the next experiment.

Fifteen minutes later, the experiment failed again.

This made Liu Cong, who was usually very patient, gradually become impatient.

So Liu Cong began to think about why this situation occurred.

Obviously what he took was neutrons, and then he bombarded the liquid lithium.

Liu Cong did nothing wrong in these routine experiments.

Why does it fail so often.

Liu Cong fell into an endless loop.

So much so that in the next week, Liu Cong spent all his time on this.

The liquid lithium used was not 200 kilograms, but 150 kilograms.

They say that you need to be patient when doing scientific research.

However, after this happened to him, Liu Cong was completely impatient.

Liu Cong slumped down on the floor of the laboratory, looking at the liquid lithium that would be consumed again today, feeling slightly dazed.

"There must be no problem with my experimental process. Is there something wrong with this reactor?"

Liu Cong set his sights on this small nuclear reactor.

At that moment, Liu Cong had a bold idea.

That is to dismantle this small nuclear reactor to find out.

If anyone knew about this bold idea, they would definitely say that Liu Cong was a lunatic.

Because normal people would never be able to do such a thing.

Nuclear leakage is definitely no joke. If you are not careful, life may be ruined.

Then again, as long as you don't touch the radioactive materials in the nuclear reactor, there is basically no danger.

After all, when this kind of reactor was manufactured, its strength must be beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Moreover, Liu Cong did not intend to dismantle the inside.

Therefore, Liu Cong relied on the professional knowledge in his mind.

It took me a whole morning to remove the outer laser emission protective cover.

But just like this, Liu Cong discovered the problem instantly.

When he saw this scene, Liu Congfei was about to explode with anger.

"Fuck, I've been busy all week, so this is the problem!"

"After working on it for a long time, there is something wrong with the equipment sent by the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Because, the secret laser tube responsible for neutron emission actually had a small piece of damage.

Just because of this small damage, the experiment cannot continue.

Because once the laser tube enters the air, the physical reaction cannot continue.

This is fatal to scientific researchers.

This means that all these days of hard work have been in vain.

Moreover, these two hundred kilograms of materials were wasted.

At that moment, Liu Cong dialed the principal's phone number.

After hanging up the phone, the principal called the Chinese Academy of Sciences again.

About an hour passed,

As soon as Liu Cong finished his meal and entered the laboratory, professionals from the Chinese Academy of Sciences came over with maintenance equipment and materials.

When the repairman saw Liu Cong dismantling the equipment, he was extremely surprised.

They looked at Liu Cong like a monster.

If this was a normal person, he would never do such a stupid thing.

"Did you dismantle this?"

The people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences looked at the reactor and said.

Liu Cong raised his eyebrows.

"How else would I find out that the laser transmitter of this reactor is broken."

People here at the Chinese Academy of Sciences were even more puzzled when they heard what Liu Cong said.

"What tools did you use to dismantle it?"

"Don't you know how dangerous it is to take this thing apart?"

Liu Cong looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and remained silent.

How can he care about this?

If it delays the progress of your own experiment, that's not possible.

Besides, they might not be as professional as Liu Cong.

Since Liu Cong can study controllable nuclear fusion, it is easy for him to dismantle a small reactor.

If there weren't any replacement materials, Liu Cong wouldn't even have to call them over.

Just go it alone.

Next, Liu Cong did not argue with the people at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

They didn't bother Liu Cong anymore.

After replacing the parts, they repeatedly told Liu Cong not to do this.

Liu Cong also nodded, indicating that he would not dismantle the equipment again.

If the equipment was good, he wouldn't be so aggressive.

After the people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences left, Liu Cong opened the nuclear reactor.

Then put in what little liquid lithium there is, and then bombard the liquid lithium with neutrons.

This time, it was as Liu Cong wished.

He succeeded.

After more than a week of experiments, he produced gaseous tritium. ,

Although the last thing we want is liquid tritium.

However, this is all a trivial matter in front of Liu Cong.

Just use special equipment to pressurize and compress it.

At this moment, he felt very happy.



"It's been going on for more than a week, and I can't eat well or sleep well."

"Now, I finally got you out."

Liu Cong stretched.

Seeing that I have used up all the liquid tritium today.

Therefore, I am afraid that today's experiment will not progress.

Seeing that it was already dusk outside, Liu Cong's stomach growled.

After a simple dinner, Liu Cong returned to the apartment.

After returning home, Liu Cong turned on the computer.

At this time, Liu Cong suddenly thought of the game proficiency skills the system gave him that day.

At this moment, Liu Cong wanted to try the next game to see if it was useful.

However, Liu Cong doesn't play games.

For a moment, Liu Cong couldn't figure out what to play to verify the reliability of this skill.

Liu Cong tried hard to recall the games he had played in his mind.

Either it's a snake, or it's pushing a box.

These cannot reflect the special features of this game skill.

The next second, Liu Cong suddenly thought of a game.

And the kind that can participate in world competitions every year.

When he was in college, his roommate Chen Pingan played the game every day.

That's lol.

Liu Cong opened the official website and spent ten minutes.

Opened the interface of this game.

When Liu Cong entered the alliance page, he found that he still had to complete the novice task.

Dema, Ice, is a must-play hero for every novice.

Of course Liu Cong is no exception.

It took him an hour to become familiar with the rules of the game.

When he saw his 36-0 record, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"It's not that difficult!"

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