Afterwards, Liu Cong played a few more rounds of matching.

And these policemen are without exception.

They are all super gods and have not even died once.

Liu Cong knew that this was because everyone was a novice.

That’s why it’s so easy to play by yourself.

At that moment, Liu Cong rented a game account from the rental software.

Liu Cong rented the Diamond Boat for one night, which cost him a hundred yuan.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Cong clicked on the qualifying match.

When Liu Cong entered the screen, he was confused by this unfamiliar interface.

"what is this?"

"Why are you letting people pretend to be heroes? How is this different from the match just now?"

Because the original game owner focused on the shooter position.

This time, Liu Cong was assigned to the fifth floor.

After everyone had made their selections, only one shooter was left.

Liu Cong can only play the hero Han Bing.

Therefore, after Liu Cong saw Han Bing, he chose it without hesitation.

However, his actions were questioned by his teammates.

First Floor: Why do you want to play with ice?

Second floor: This is Dian Yi. Brother, do you know how weak the ice is now?

Third floor: How can I help you with a Broron? It’s hard for me to do this.

Fourth floor:…………

Faced with everyone's doubts, Liu Cong didn't care at all.

After all, this is because I am also a novice. I really don’t know which hero is strong and which hero is weak.

Seeing that the choices were all made, the teammates were helpless.

They all agreed that Liu Cong was the actor hired by the other party.

Soon, Liu Cong entered the game interface.

Liu Cong followed the recommended outfit, enough to buy a small sword, and then went out directly with the assistant.

What Liu Cong fulfilled was the lineup of Draven and Thresh.

This lineup can be said to be relatively strong.

And Liu Cong's Bulunga Hanbing is not very coordinated no matter how you look at it.

Just like that, the game began.

In just a few minutes, Liu Cong showed his extraordinary gaming talent.

His reaction speed can be said to be top-notch.

Every time, he can accurately predict how his opponent will move next.

Even if the people on the opposite side come to arrest someone, Liu Cong can predict it a few seconds in advance.

During the game, Liu Cong's brain was running rapidly.

The movements of the characters on the mini-map cannot escape his discernment.

It can be said that Liu Cong has operated the game to the extreme.

In the first ten minutes, Liu Cong didn't draw a single sword.

This made Bronn look stupid.

Obviously this season's ice is so weak, so it's just like being abused by the spring.

Why did he become so powerful in Liu Cong's hands?

Teammate Bron didn't understand.

At eleven minutes, a small team battle broke out on the top lane.

Our blind monks and the opponent's men and horses all came up to support.

The mages from both sides also arrived at the scene in time.

Liu Cong found the right moment and then released a big one.

Then, the ultimate move accurately hit the mage on the opposite side.

Then, the blind monk found an opportunity and directly executed the mage opposite him on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the opposite jungler and top laner were also sent back to the spring by Liu Cong's teammates.

It can be said that Liu Cong's big move is very critical.

If Liu Cong hadn't been as big as Liu Cong, the clockwork on the opposite side would have directly opened the blind monk.

So, they will definitely lose this wave of team battles.

Fifteen minutes later,

Liu Cong matched Bron's strength and added his own strength.

He directly hit Draven and sent spring water to Draven and Thresh on the spot.

Unknowingly, under Liu Cong's operation.

He directly has more than 2,000 more gold than his opponent, which is a large piece of equipment.

No matter how weak this hero is.

In the face of economic crushing, he could not make any trouble.

Gradually, the disdain of his teammates at the beginning turned into admiration.

First floor: Damn it, brother, you are really strong! How did you get to play with ice to this extent?

Later, several other teammates also echoed.

Seeing his teammates slowly admiring him, Liu Cong's lips raised uncontrollably.

"It turns out that playing games can be so fun."

After a brief moment of happiness, Liu Cong typed three words in the chat box.

"Because I'm handsome!"

At this time, no one in the team suddenly spoke.

Maybe I think Liu Cong is too narcissistic.

It's not easy for everyone to expose him. After all, it's not easy for everyone to reach this level.

Wouldn't it be a big loss if Liu Cong gave up and stopped playing?

In this way, the game was declared over at twenty-one minutes.

Liu Cong also got the first place in this game as he wished.

In the past, his roommate said that playing games would be addictive, but Liu Cong never took it to heart.

It wasn't until he started operating it that he realized that what his roommate said was true.

In this way, Liu Cong sat at the computer from seven or eight o'clock in the evening until two thirty in the morning.

During this period, Liu Cong has been playing ranked.

Moreover, the handles used are all ice, and the handles are also MVP.

During this period, it is inevitable that you will also take photos of your former teammates or opponents.

When everyone found out it was them, they all felt confident.

Obviously, Liu Cong did not disappoint everyone.

In this way, Liu Cong went directly from the diamond to the master in one night.

The next day, when the person who rented the account saw the rank, everyone was dumbfounded.

I obviously rented an account, but I didn't get a high score.

How come in just one night, my account went from diamond to master.

When he clicked on the record column, he was even more stunned.

After playing more than ten qualifying games, every game was covered with ice.

The handles are all amazing.

This makes the person who rented the account immediately stupid.

He even doubted whether the person who rented his account was a professional player.

However, even if you are a professional player, the national server is Hanbing.

It's not like he can be super awesome in the electric diamond game.


The next day, Liu Cong dragged his tired body out of bed.

After breakfast, Liu Cong started experiments in the laboratory.

In today's day's experiment, he collected all the raw materials he needed for the experiment.

In other words, Liu Cong only needs to debug the equipment now and can directly conduct experiments.

Tonight, Liu Cong went back very early.

He just wanted to play more games.

Tonight, he was looking for the account owner from last night.

This time, he did not accept Liu Cong's money. Instead, he wanted to return the hundred yuan that Liu Cong had given him last night.

But Liu Cong didn't ask for it.

Liu Cong turned on the computer and entered the interface.

Then, I was attracted by a large advertising page.

The above is about the summer split of lol.

As long as you can win the national championship, you can directly enter the world championship.

Doesn't this hit Liu Cong's gun?

It can be said that the popularity of lol is not much lower than that of football.

If he can win the World Championship, he will be famous in the gaming field.

At that moment, he had an idea.

That is to find teammates to compete.

(Hello, dear book friends. Since the author’s performance of this book is not very satisfactory, he has been updating new books during this period. This book has changed from the original three chapters to the current two chapters. The author is a Students, the usual courses are still very urgent. Now I can only update two chapters a day, sorry. Hold your fist!!!)

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