It's June, and there are already many people on campus wearing short-sleeved shirts.

The girls also put on dresses.

It can be said that the air on campus is filled with hormones.

Liu Cong was still in the laboratory doing controlled nuclear fusion experiments as usual.

He has been doing this experiment for almost two months.

The funds spent have already exceeded 50 million.

All of this money is supported by the school.

Liu Cong had to sigh that the school was really willing.

Liu Cong saw that it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Take another look at your own tokamak device.

"Hey! Do it again."

This was the last experiment he did tonight, and he had done such repeated experiments no less than a hundred times.

In the past two months, Liu Cong was either extracting materials or doing experiments.

If I have time when I go back in the evening, I’ll play some LOL

Liu Cong introduced all liquid deuterium and tritium into the device.

Then start adjusting the parameter values ​​on the device.

Liu Cong did this step very carefully.

If one link goes wrong, the entire experiment will fail.

This experiment requires a lot of power consumption

For this reason, the principal also spent a lot of money to build a substation for Liu Cong next to the laboratory.

Because this experiment consumes too much power.

And the school's lines can't be brought up.

Liu Cong's first experiment caused the entire experimental building to lose power.

It looks like all the parameters on the instrument table have been adjusted.

The next second, Liu Cong pressed the starting device.

Then, a white light that was more dazzling than the sun burst out from the Tolamak device.

After many experiences, Liu Cong put on sunglasses early.

The white light used in this experiment is no exaggeration.

Through the laboratory window, half of Huaqing campus can see.

At this time, the principal was preparing to go back from school.

When passing under the experimental building, I saw a white light appearing, and I knew that Liu Cong must be conducting experiments again.

At that moment, I picked up my phone, turned on the timer, and started counting.

One minute!

Two minutes!


At five minutes, the white light in the laboratory gradually dimmed.

In other words, this experiment lasted for more than three hundred seconds.


"It's not enough!"

"If it continues to develop at this level, how much money will I have to spend?"

Liu Cong stood next to the tokamak device and muttered to himself, with a hint of pain on his expression.

As everyone knows, the principal is watching this scene downstairs in the laboratory at this time.

I couldn't help but sigh, "If this trend continues."

"Controllable nuclear fusion will definitely be achieved by this kid in the future!"

"When the time comes, we at Huaqing will create myths again!"

When the principal said this, his eyes were full of excitement.

"No! Let's create a myth now."

"If those old guys from the Chinese Academy of Sciences saw this, they would go crazy."

Afterwards, the principal walked into the laboratory building in shock.

Not long after, Liu Cong walked out of the laboratory building very tiredly, carrying his schoolbag.


"I don't know if there is any food left in the cafeteria!"

With that said, Liu Cong carried his schoolbag and headed towards the cafeteria.

It’s still the same window, and it’s still spicy soup.

The aunt serving food in the cafeteria greeted Liu Cong warmly when she saw Liu Cong coming.

"Classmate, why are you so late tonight?"

"We knew you were coming back tonight, so I specially left a bowl for you. It's still hot!"

With that said, the cafeteria aunt brought a large bowl of spicy soup to Liu Cong from the thermal container.

Liu Cong thanked you with a smile on his face: "Auntie, thank you!"

"Sorry, I delayed your get off work."

"If I don't come at this time next time, don't leave any soup for me."

Liu Cong felt very sorry to see his aunt waiting for so long for him.

"It's okay, I know you study hard."

"You are taking the postgraduate entrance examination!"

"My son is about the same age as you and is also taking the postgraduate entrance examination.".

"He is studying at the university in our hometown and is preparing to take the exam at Huaqing University this year!"

Speaking of this, the aunt's eyes were full of pride.

Liu Cong smiled and said: "Auntie, your son can definitely do it!"

Afterwards, Liu Cong said a few words of encouragement to the aunt at the cafeteria window, then walked to the table in the cafeteria with spicy soup and sat down.

After eating, Liu Cong returned to the apartment.

After he washed up, he turned on the computer and prepared to play a few games before going to bed.

After so many days, Liu Cong has completely raised his number from Bronze to Master.

This is even when he is busy. .

During this period of time, he only had about 100 ranked players in his account. .

When Liu Cong opened LOL, a piece of news that surprised him but made sense instantly popped up on the interface next to the computer.

After clicking on it, I discovered that this was urgent news.

The release time was five minutes ago, and it was the Huaxia Daily.

The above accurately describes that in just one week, the United States will completely block the core of China’s browser. .

In other words, the high-rise buildings that China built based on the American browser kernel will all collapse in the near future.

As soon as this news comes out, how many people will lose sleep tonight.

This news instantly alarmed China's top brass.

An emergency meeting was held late at night.

Because, unlike the previous technological blockade, China can still fill the vacancies with its own.

It's just a little behind, but it's not unusable.

However, the browser core is completely different.

In this field, China is completely blank, it can be said that it has no experience at all.

Warwick Company, which is leading the way in this field, is still a long way from successful development.

In other words, if within a week, China will not have a kernel browser replacement.

Then, all Internet users in China will not be able to use browsers to access the Internet.

This is equivalent to a large-scale paralysis of the network.

The huge consequences of this cannot be underestimated.

China’s network prevention and control center,

Many people were sitting sleepily at the conference room table.

"Guorong, would you like to express your opinion on this matter?".

A middle-aged man at the main conference table pointed to the middle-aged man next to him and said.

At this time, the middle-aged man named Guorong had messy hair and sandals on his feet.

This shows how urgent this matter is for them.

Guorong cleared his throat, looking a little unhappy.

"In the United States, he just bullies people too much!".

"He was afraid that we would take away his position as the world's hegemon, so he tried every means to suppress us."

Let us, like other countries, surrender to them!"

"Hmph! They really blew the trumpet on the plane, they thought too high!".

This middle-aged man named Guorong's words are filled with dissatisfaction.


"Now is not the time to talk about this."

"Let's think about how to solve this problem!"

"Now that things have happened, what does Warwick Company say?"

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