The birthday party is in full swing.

Liu Cong and Chen Qiong were sitting alone on the seats nearby eating.

"You said, if we didn't support our family with this money in the first place."

"I guess my dad is having a hard time on his birthday this year?"

"And I might also be forced to marry that old, ugly man."

Having said this, looking at this birthday venue, I suddenly felt a little sad.

Although, in the eyes of others, he lived a glamorous life.

But many times she can't help herself.

Not everyone is like Liu Cong, who can spend so much money to help his family tide over difficulties, and he doesn't ask for anything in return.

Maybe, only Liu Cong would do this.

It's not that Liu Cong is stupid, it's that Liu Cong thinks she is worth it, so he does this.

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong standing aside and smiled: "Sooner or later we will all be one family anyway, why should we be so clearly distinguished, don't you think?"

"You hate it!"

Chen Qiong gently hit Liu Cong on the chest with her fist.

Zhou Lei and Shen Changjian both saw this scene.

Especially Zhou Lei, when he saw the two of them so close, he felt panicked.

However, there was nothing he could do about Liu Cong.

After the party, Chen Qiong sent Liu Cong to the gate of Huaqing University.

Liu Cong returned to the apartment, washed up and went to bed.

The next day,

When a ray of sunlight shone on the balcony, Liu Cong opened his eyes.

After washing, Liu Cong picked up the mobile phone on the bedside.

When Liu Cong opened the short video, the first one was about the kernel browser.

This video was posted by the official media. In just three hours, it has already received more than 10 million likes.

"good news!!!"

"The domestic browser was launched at 4:33 a.m. on June 27, Beijing time."

"The download channel has been fully opened."

“The majority of netizens can download it as long as they enter the app store or the web page.”

As soon as this news came out, Chinese netizens went crazy.

In just a few hours, it has been downloaded more than 100 million times.

This does not include netizens who are sleeping in.

This download volume is extremely terrifying.

And the United States is far away across the ocean.

When people in the United States saw this gossip, they were shocked! !

In their eyes, China has always been a country that cannot even build aircraft and cannons.

How could there suddenly be such high-tech stuff now?

This piece of gossip was quickly blocked by relevant departments in the United States.

And tell the crowd this is fake news.

However, when ordinary people saw this official statement, they actually believed it.

No one believes that China will rise.

However, in fact, China is gradually catching up with the United States in many fields.

However, the U.S. government has been instilling an idea into the people of the world.

That is, the United States is the most powerful country in the world.

Anyone who goes against him will never end well.


The sun never sets on the empire,

AAC World Times published this news early in the morning.

But soon, the news disappeared.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows who is behind this.

However, there is no doubt about the rise of China.

No matter what, everyone has to admit this fact.

at present,

China is already self-sufficient in high-end fields such as semiconductors, machine tools, and engines.

Even now, China's semiconductor and high-end bearing business has extended to overseas markets.

And, it has become irreplaceable.

Soon, China's high-end machine tools will compete with Japan to capture the world market.

Because, China's high-end machine tools are half cheaper than Japanese machine tools.

And it is much easier to use than Japanese machine tools.

Who would say no?

And all these parent companies have Liu Cong's shares behind them.

Some companies even account for more than half.

At half past eleven noon,

All netizens in China are going crazy.

Because everyone was so enthusiastic, it almost paralyzed the domestic network.

The emergence of Jingwei browser core means that China also has a certain say in the global Internet market.

As of now, only the United States and China now have independently developed browser kernels.

The reason why the United States is so afraid is not because it is the only country in this field.

He is afraid that China will seize his market.

He fears that one day he will lose his dominant voice in the world.

And this day will come sooner or later! ! !

at this time,

Liu Cong sat alone in the corner of the cafeteria, constantly reading the reviews of netizens on the use of this browser.

To Liu Cong's surprise, he saw almost no bad reviews.

They all say that it runs smoother and more concisely than previous browsers.

In Liu Cong's eyes, these are inevitable.

Blink, Trident and Gecko in the United States.

That browser kernel does not have more than ten to twenty gigabytes of memory.

And the code is also extremely cumbersome.

The reason why it can run smoothly depends entirely on the powerful core processor.

But now it's different, the browser kernel designed by Liu Cong.

As long as your computer is not too old, you can run the browser completely.

You can even open dozens of browser pages without getting stuck.

This would have been completely impossible in previous browsers without a better processor.

However, as long as it is an ordinary computer, it is not too old.

As long as you install the browser developed by Liu Cong's company, you can open dozens of web pages at once without any lag.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is completely impossible to do.

However, now China has realized it.

After Liu Cong finished his meal, he walked out of the canteen alone.

"Hey! Are you using China's newly developed browser?"

"I'll go! It's really useful!"

"The browser kernel developed by China this time is simply several steps ahead of the United States!"

"Even when I play an action movie and click on a web page, it's much faster."

"What's even more exaggerated is that all spam ads are automatically blocked for me!"

At this time, a fat boy with gold-rimmed glasses was discussing the topic of browsers with his brother next to him.


"It is said that the vice president of this company is still a student of our school."

"what do you say that is……"

"Oh, right!"

"Jiang Wanying!"

The boy on the side said to the fat man with gold-rimmed glasses.

"Yes, yes! It's her!"

At this time, Liu Cong happened to pass by them.

And the two of them had no idea that the big boss was right in front of them, and they just missed it.

After exiting the cafeteria door, Liu Cong came to the school's nuclear physics laboratory.

Liu Cong has been studying here for more than two months.

However, progress is still relatively slow.

Although the time has improved, it is completely unable to reach Liu Cong's ideal state.

Therefore, during this period of time, Liu Cong has been experimenting with methods.

He thought it would be easy with the information provided by the system.

However, he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

Some experimental steps are not feasible based on data alone and must be done by yourself.

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