In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 223: Nuclear fusion reaction breaks through twenty minutes for the first time

After arriving at the laboratory, Liu Cong spent an hour or two extracting the experimental materials to be used today.

Then, as usual, the tokamak was first installed with an internal circular magnetic field and cleaned with special cleaning equipment.

Then maintain a vacuum environment inside.

The machine starts to preheat after five minutes.

Liu Cong poured the deuterium and tritium liquids to be used into the inside of the reaction device.

Then quickly adjusted the parameters of the device.

Powered directly.

In just a few seconds, the inside of the tokamak device instantly becomes transparent.

A huge white light enveloped the entire room in the laboratory.

And Liu Cong also had to stand about ten meters away from this decoration.

After all, the huge heat released by the reaction of this device was beyond Liu Cong's ability to withstand.

Inside the magnetic field of the optical tokamak device, there is an ultra-high temperature of 100 million degrees during the reaction.

Because, only at a certain temperature.

Only tritium and deuterium can react.

Controllable nuclear fusion is commonly known as artificial sun.

The principle is also the same as the reaction principle in the sun.

You know, the reason why the sun can react for 4.5 billion years without going out.

It completely relies on the continuous reaction of controllable nuclear fusion.

It's just that one is in the universe and the other is in the magnetic field of the vacuum.

However, the principles behind the two chemical reactions are exactly the same.

This time, the experimental device lasted for twenty minutes, and then the entire white light gradually dimmed.

Liu Cong shook his head feeling a little disappointed, seemingly dissatisfied with the result.

However, the time of this nuclear fusion reaction has broken the world record.

You know, the longest-lasting controllable nuclear fusion device in the world only lasted a little over a thousand seconds.

Liu Cong's experiment, in the eyes of others, is enough to go down in history.

"No, it's still a matter of proportion."

"My current ratio of deuterium to tritium is a little over 4:3."

"What would happen if I added tritium to the original ratio of 0.01."

Speaking of which, Liu Cong immediately wanted to try it out.

He put both tritium and deuterium into a secret instrument.

Because deuterium and tritium cannot be exposed to air.

Therefore, Liu Cong used a special measuring instrument to measure the ratio of deuterium and tritium.

Then, he quickly introduced the two substances into the tokamak device.

This time, it was exactly what Liu Cong thought.

This time it lasted about ten seconds longer than last time.

This means that Liu Cong's idea is correct.

As long as the reaction ratio between the two is accurately found, the reaction time can be extended.

"It seems that my idea is right."

"As long as the proportions are correct, the response time can be extended."

"I still have a long way to go!"

"I'm still too wet." Liu Cong looked at the tokamak device and said to himself.

Fortunately, this sentence was not heard by outsiders, if it were heard by the old guys at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Don't be so angry!

The controllable nuclear fusion they had been studying for decades was actually broken through by a young man in just two or three months.

Moreover, he still works alone.

It is no exaggeration to say that Liu Cong's current professional level has surpassed most people in the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

At night, Liu Cong dragged his tired body out of the laboratory.

He switched his phone's airplane mode to data mode.

I found that my mother Zhang Guimei had already called me five or six times.

Liu Cong didn't hesitate and dialed the phone right away.

The next second after getting through, Zhang Guimei's urgent voice came directly from the other end of the phone.

"You little brat!"

"Where have you gone! I called five or six times and you didn't answer."

"You scared me to death!"

At this time, I faced my mother’s scolding and blame.

Liu Cong felt a little guilty for a moment.

I haven't been back to school a few times in the past few months.

Even phone calls are rarely made.

"Mom, I'm sorry."

"I just came out of the lab and my phone was on silent."

Liu Cong kept apologizing to Zhang Guimei on the other end of the phone.

Hearing that Liu Cong was studying in school, Zhang Guimei's mood became calmer.

"Are you free to come back tomorrow over the weekend?"

"Your grandpa and grandma will come back from Shanglu tomorrow."

Hearing what his mother said, Liu Cong agreed without thinking.

After all, no matter how busy you are with your studies, you still have to take time to spend with your family.

"I know, Mom, I'll go back tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Cong returned to the apartment from the laboratory.

Early the next morning, Liu Cong drove downstairs to his community.

Liu Cong looked at the tall building and thought of his parents who were getting older.

Liu Cong suddenly wanted to change his parents to a larger residence.

Three minutes later,

Liu Cong came to the door of his home.

Then he pressed the doorbell gently.

After a while, Zhang Guimei opened the door.

After seeing her son back, Zhang Guimei also looked happy.

"Son, I'm back!"

"Quick, come in!"

Zhang Guimei greeted Liu Cong like a guest.


"It's not anyone else, there's no need to be so polite." Liu Cong looked at Zhang Guimei and said casually.

"You also know it's not someone else!"

"Then why didn't you come back during these few months at school?"

Zhang Guimei's tone was full of blame.

Liu Cong scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Mom, am I busy?"

"As you saw on TV, I have participated in many competitions in the past few months."

Speaking of this, Zhang Guimei admitted it.

As long as there is any news about Liu Cong on the Internet, Liu Yang and she will pay attention.

After all, he is his son.

"Liu Cong!"

"came back!"

At this time, Liu Yang walked out of the house and looked at Liu Cong with a smile on his face.

Then he naturally put his arm on Liu Cong's shoulders.

"Boy, if your mother doesn't call you, you won't come back."

"Your mother has often talked about how well you did in school these past few months."

"It's good for you, kid. You've been missing for several months. You've never been homesick."

Although Liu Yang's tone was full of blame, he was still very happy to see Liu Cong back.

Faced with the questioning from his parents, Liu Cong smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, stop being stuck and come in quickly!"

"Did you have breakfast this morning?"

"There are two eggs on the table, why don't you put them on a cushion first?"

"Your grandpa and grandma will probably arrive at the station soon."

Liu Cong shook his head, "Mom, I ate it this morning."

"When will grandparents and grandparents arrive?"

"I'll drive to pick them up." Liu Cong asked.

At this time, Liu Yang came over from behind.

"No, just rest at home."

"I'll just go."

"So, I'll lend you your car."

Liu Yang smiled at Liu Cong.

Liu Cong was not stingy and took out the car keys directly from his pocket.

"Liu Yang, I think you want to drive your son's car!"

Liu Yang's thoughts were quickly discovered by Zhang Guimei.

At this time, Liu Cong next to him saw his father like this and said: "Dad, you are not without money."

"This car is not expensive, and you can't afford it."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Liu Yang quickly shook his head.

"That's not okay. If I spend my money recklessly, what will happen to your house?"

“Do you know how expensive housing prices are in Peking?”

"No, no."

With that said, Liu Yang took Liu Cong's car keys and prepared to go downstairs.

"The car is parked downstairs."


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