A little after ten o'clock in the morning,

Liu Cong was washing vegetables for Zhang Guimei in the kitchen.

A variety of meats and vegetables were placed on the table, with more than a dozen varieties in large and small sizes.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open.

Liu Yang came in quickly with large and small bags of things in his hands.

Later, Liu Cong's grandparents also came in carrying a bag of things.

Upon seeing this, Liu Cong and Zhang Guimei hurriedly put down their work to greet the two people who had come from afar.

"Dad, Mom, you're already here, why don't you bring anything else?"

"Son, hurry up and get some water for your grandparents."

Liu Cong on the side received the order from his mother and immediately ran over to get the water.

"Hey, boy!"

"You put these things in the refrigerator first."

"These are dumplings made by your grandma. The weather is too hot and they will spoil quickly if they are not kept in the refrigerator."

Hearing this, Liu Cong smiled slightly.

"Okay, Grandpa."

Later, Liu Cong took the things from Liu Jianguo and Li Xiulan's hands.

After everything was settled, Zhang Guimei ran to the kitchen to cook again.

Liu Cong originally wanted to help, but Liu Jianguo asked him to play chess.

"Boy, come on, play two."

"Let me see if you've made any progress."

Liu Jianguo laid out the chessboard and waited for Liu Cong to choose Othello.

"Old man, let me tell you!"

"You'd better not put in that effort, you can't scare your eldest grandson."

"Dasun, let me tell you."

"Ever since you won the Singers Award and participated in the World Cup, your grandpa has been in high spirits at school. See you..."

Li Xiulan wanted to continue talking, but Liu Jianguo covered her mouth.

"Old woman, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"This kid is still far from good."

"I don't think about how to study hard every day, I just think about doing these fancy things."

"You are already in your twenties, and I have never seen you date a girlfriend."

"Are you anxious to death about your parents and grandparents?"

Liu Jianguo successfully changed the topic.

Liu Cong didn't say anything, but kept his gun.

"That, grandpa~"

"What do you want to say?"

"Are you saying you're still young?"

"Let me tell you, your grandma and I helped you find a girl. She is very beautiful."

With that said, Liu Jianguo took out his mobile phone and opened the photo album.

Then a pure face appeared in front of Liu Cong.

Judging from the photo, this girl is about the same age as Liu Cong.

A pair of willow-leaf eyebrows with double eyelids, a straight bridge of nose and a small cherry mouth.

It can be said that in terms of appearance, she is definitely at the school beauty level.

"How about it?"

"This is our campus beauty from Jiaotong University."

Speaking of this, Liu Jianguo looked excited.

"That, Grandpa."

"Why do you suddenly want me to find someone?"

Before Liu Jianguo could answer, Li Xiulan spoke again.

"Is such that."

"Your grandfather's colleague, Grandpa Zhang."

"His grandson got married some time ago, and his grandson-in-law is a top student at Yenching University."

"They have been competing for a lifetime."

"That Grandpa Zhang of yours keeps talking behind your grandfather's ear every day about how wonderful his grandson-in-law is."

"Isn't he feeling very sorry?"

Hearing what his grandma said, Liu Cong also had a general understanding.

At this time, Liu Jianguo was not happy.

"You old woman, do you dislike me?"

"He is 22 today, 23 tomorrow, and will be 30 in a few years."

"If you don't find it now, then you'll find it later!"

As for being a master of debating, it belongs to Liu Jianguo.

Liu Yang, who was busy on the side, smiled from ear to ear when he saw this scene.

"Dad, you don't have to worry about your girlfriend."

Zhang Guimei, wearing an apron, poked her head out of the kitchen and looked at the three people sitting on the sofa with a smile.

When Liu Jianguo heard what Zhang Guimei said, he didn't react for a while.

After a while, Liu Jianguo finally came to his senses.

"Guimei, you mean this guy has a girlfriend?"

"Impossible, he is so stupid, no girl can fall in love with him."

Liu Jianguo looked disbelieving.

"Then you have to ask your grandson about this."

With that said, Zhang Guimei went into the kitchen to do her own thing again.

Seeing the gossipy looks in the two old men's eyes, Liu Cong felt that there was nothing to hide.

After all, everyone will know about this sooner or later.

"Well, I have a girlfriend."

"So I won't bother you to worry about it."

Even though his words were unfounded, Liu Jianguo still didn't believe that Liu Cong had a girlfriend.

"Let your grandpa take a look at what he looks like."

By the way, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong have known each other for so long, but his mobile phone does not even have a photo or group photo of Chen Qiong.

At the moment, Liu Cong wanted to go to Moments and found that Chen Qiong had set it up to be visible for three days.

This made Liu Cong very worried.

Facing the expectant looks in the eyes of the two old men, Liu Cong had no choice but to send a message asking Chen Qiong for it.

After waiting for a while, there was no reply from there. It seemed that he was probably busy.

"Boy, where are the photos?"

"You didn't lie to me with your mother, right?"

Liu Jianguo stared at Liu Cong who was looking at his mobile phone.

Liu Cong raised his head and smiled reluctantly.

"I don't care. If you don't have one, I will introduce you to this school beauty."

"If nothing else happens, you can get married next year, and I can have my grandson the year after that."

When Liu Cong heard his grandfather's words, his eyes widened.

"Grandpa, didn't you let me take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Why have you changed your mind now?"

Liu Jianguo snorted coldly.

"Is it important that I hold my great-grandson?"

"If you really have a girlfriend, ask her to come see me now."

Liu Cong was a little embarrassed for Liu Jianguo's unreasonable demands.

But considering that his grandfather was an elder, Liu Cong couldn't say anything.

After all, his grandfather's attitude towards him is no longer the same as before, and he can't contradict his grandfather like this.

Liu Cong picked up the mobile phone in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and dialed Chen Qiong's number on the spot.

After about fifteen seconds, Chen Qiong's lazy voice came from the other end of the phone.

I sent messages for a long time but didn’t reply because I was sleeping.

When Liu Cong said that his grandparents wanted to see him, he instantly lost his sleepiness.

He got up from the bed all of a sudden.


"Your grandparents want to see me!"

"at your home!"

Chen Qiong on the other end of the phone was a little surprised.

"Why are you so good? Why do your family want to see me?"

"I'm not prepared for anything!"

Liu Cong could hear Chen Qiong's panic from his tone.

But in front of his family, Liu Cong couldn't say anything else.

"It's just a simple matter of coming home for a meal."

"You can just come empty-handed."

Chen Qiong hesitated for more than ten seconds, and finally agreed to Liu Cong's request.

Forty minutes later,

The doorbell at home rang.

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