Upon seeing this, Liu Cong immediately stepped forward and opened the door.

I saw Chen Qiong holding both hands full of gifts and looking at the room with a somewhat unnatural expression.

Liu Cong gave Chen Qiong a don't be nervous look.

Then, he took the gift from Chen Qiong's hand, took Chen Qiong's hand and led her home.

Chen Qiong was dressed very formally today.

Wearing a white bear logo T-shirt on the upper body, light blue jeans on the lower body, and white flat shoes on the feet.

Even her makeup was very light today.

It seemed that he was specially prepared to meet his grandparents.

When the family saw Chen Qiong coming in, the first person who reacted was Zhang Guimei.

After the last exchange, Zhang Guimei greeted Chen Qiong warmly when she saw Chen Qiong coming.


"You're here, Auntie misses you so much!"

With that said, Zhang Guimei took Chen Qiong's hand from Liu Cong's.

Facing Zhang Guimei's enthusiasm, Chen Qiong was a little overwhelmed.

"You're here, why don't you bring any gifts?"

After seeing Chen Qiong arrive, Liu Yang also stood up from his seat to greet him.

"Uncle, I came here in a hurry this time and didn't bring anything with me."

"I just brought some nutritional supplements to my grandparents."

When Liu Jianguo met Chen Qiong, he didn't look serious towards Liu Cong at all. Instead, he was extremely enthusiastic.


"This little girl is so pretty."

Liu Jianguo looked at Chen Qiong more and more like him.

It can be said that the whole family has a good impression of Chen Qiong.

Regarding Chen Qiong's arrival, Liu Cong standing aside seemed so redundant at this time.

Soon, the family and Chen Qiong finished their lunch.

After lunch, Li Xiulan directly led Chen Qiong to the sofa in the living room.

Liu Jianguo also followed closely.

After chatting with the two for a period of time, Chen Qiong seemed much more relaxed now.

When Liu Jianguo learned that Chen Qiong was studying abroad as a graduate student, he became even more satisfied with Chen Qiong.

Soon, the old couple asked about Chen Qiong's age.

When Chen Qiong mentioned that she was six years older than Liu Cong, Liu Jianguo and Li Xiulan were stunned for a moment.

At this time, Liu Cong felt something was wrong in the atmosphere.

He quickly stepped forward to explain.

"Grandpa, grandma, she and I really like her."

In fact, Liu Cong was overly worried.

"Girl, I really can't tell."

"You look younger than my eldest grandson."

"Six years older is not a problem. Now there are more siblings."

"Maybe my eldest grandson will still be ahead of you."

Liu Jianguo smiled at Chen Qiong and said.

Li Xiulan on the side also nodded quickly.

Zhang Guimei and Liu Yang, on the other hand, couldn't get a word in at all.

"Grandpa, why do you talk like that!"

"Why should I walk in front of her? You are clearly cursing me."

"You are partial!"

Although Liu Cong looked aggrieved on the surface, he was still very happy on the inside.

The reason why the old couple said this was because they accepted Chen Qiong.

"Girl, when are you planning to get married?"

When Liu Jianguo asked about this topic, Chen Qiong, who was still smiling, instantly blushed.

"That, Grandpa."

"It all depends on Liu Cong's plan, I can't make the decision!"

Speaking of this, Liu Jianguo pointed the finger at Liu Cong again.

"Did you hear me!"

"You boy, please be more prompt and don't keep such an outstanding girl waiting."

"You will marry me after graduation!"

Liu Jianguo pointed at Liu Cong and ordered.

Liu Cong looked bitter.

"Grandpa, then you have to ask for his permission!"

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong beside him.

"Girl, are you willing to marry this useless grandson of mine?"

Liu Jianguo looked at Chen Qiong seriously.

At this time, Li Xiulan on the side pulled Liu Jianguo.

"Old man, let young people decide on young people's affairs."

"What are you doing here?"

"Did you say that they will get married tomorrow?"

At this time, Liu Yang on the side also followed Li Xiulan in agreement.

"Dad, don't get too involved in this matter."

"Just let these young people do whatever they want."

Liu Jianguo looked at Liu Cong and then at Chen Qiong.


"Let young people decide on their own matters!"

"Boy, let me tell you, if you bully the girl, I won't forgive you!"

"Did you hear that?"

Facing Liu Jianguo's order, Liu Cong had no choice but to nod.

Chen Qiong, who was standing by, saw Liu Cong's appearance and snickered secretly.

"I got it, Grandpa."

Chen Qiong looked at this harmonious family and was already looking forward to the scene of living with this family in the future.

In the afternoon, Liu Jiangu and Li Xiulan bought high-speed rail tickets at 3 p.m.

So, the old couple are now rushing to the train station.

This time, Liu Cong took the initiative to ask for help.

He took Chen Qiong to send his grandparents to the train station in person.

It will soon be time to say goodbye,

Li Xiulan held Chen Qiong's hand with some reluctance.

"Girl, you must get along well with our eldest grandson."

"If he wants to bully you, just call me."

"I'm going to teach this kid a lesson!"

Speaking of this, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong looked at each other and smiled.

"I know, grandma, no way."

After Liu Jianguo and Li Xiulan entered the station, Liu Cong took Chen back to the community.

"Brother, I won't go up."

"I have some things to do at the company this afternoon."

Liu Cong nodded, "Well, go ahead."

After Chen Qiong left, Liu Cong went upstairs.


The happy weekend ended like this, and Liu Cong returned to school.

On the way to the laboratory on a weekend night, a phone call came in.

Liu Cong picked up the phone and saw that it was Jiang Wanying calling.

After answering the phone, Jiang Wanying's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, Liu Cong, I have good news, do you want to hear it?"

It could be heard that Jiang Wanying's tone on the other end was slightly excited.

Later, Liu Cong asked: "What's going on? Why do you feel a little excited?"

"Liu Cong, our company has received a big order!"

"Big order? Liu Cong asked.

"Yes, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union came to our company just now."

"He said he wanted to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with our company."

"This is a lot of income!"

Hearing what Jiang Wanying said, Liu Cong was also a little surprised.

It has only been a short time since the development of the browser kernel, and foreign business has come in.


"There are 4.5 billion Internet users in Su State, which is a huge amount of income this year!"

"Taking advantage of the current bad relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States, let's quickly win this big deal."

Of course Jiang Wanying understood what Liu Cong said.

As a shareholder of the company, of course I hope that the company will get better and better.

"I know that."

"I want to ask you if you will go to this negotiation?"

After all, Liu Cong is the director of this company. Of course, Liu Cong should make the decision before doing anything.

"No, I won't go."

"From now on, you can attend all the company's meetings on my behalf."

"If you don't have time, let other small shareholders of the company do it."

Liu Cong is best at doing things like letting go of the shopkeeper.

After all, the core technology is in your own hands, and even if someone tries to do something wrong, you can't make any waves.

Liu Cong and Jiang Wanying discussed the future development of the company on the phone, and then hung up.

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