July, hot summer.

At noon, there were only a few scattered students on the Huaqing campus, carrying schoolbags and heading to the library.

Liu Cong walked hurriedly on the avenue of Huaqing Campus, mumbling something.


"It must be a problem with the laser accelerator, which causes the ions to be insufficiently accelerated."

"If I improve the speed of the laser accelerator, can I solve the problem of insufficient response time?"

In fact, after these few months of experiments, Liu Cong has improved his reaction time from a few minutes to more than 20 minutes now.

From the perspective of outsiders, this is almost impossible.

If someone above him knew about it, Liu Cong's entire laboratory would be surrounded by the military.

And the students in the school also know that nuclear reaction experiments are being done inside.

However, no one knew it would be so powerful.

Only the principal knew the entire process of this experiment.

Huaqing University President’s Office,

Academician Jia and the principal sat opposite each other at the conference table.

"Lao Zhu, let me tell you something!"

"Do not get angry."

Lao Jia had an apologetic smile on his face, and Principal Zhu could vaguely guess why Academician Jia came this time.

"Lao Jia, are you doing this because of the reactor?"

After hearing the principal's words, Academician Jia nodded.

"The reactor has been at your disposal for several months."

"Recently, our Chinese Academy of Sciences is also developing controllable nuclear fusion, but the equipment is really not enough."

Seeing the embarrassment on Academician Jia's face, the principal froze in his seat for a few seconds.

Then he said: "Okay!"

"Before that, I want to take you to see his experiments in person."

After hearing what the principal said, Academician Jia thought for a while and nodded.

"Well, I'm not busy today anyway, so let's go take a look."

"After all, I really feel sorry for him. I hope he can understand."

"If he comes to our nuclear physics laboratory at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I will let him do whatever he wants."

Having said this, Academician Jia shook his head, knowing that this was impossible.

"Let's go then. I guess he should be doing experiments in the laboratory right now."

"Maybe we can catch up if we go there now."

Academician Jia nodded gently.


"lead the way!"


In the laboratory, Liu Cong put the freshly extracted materials from the reactor into special containers for later use.

Looking at this tokamak device, Liu Cong took a deep breath.

"Whether the reaction time can be improved this time depends on whether my guess is correct."

Liu Cong clenched his fists and looked firmly at the reaction device in front of him.

As everyone knows, both the principal and Academician Jia saw this scene.

Because no one usually comes in this experimental building, and the defense is relatively strict.

Therefore, Liu Cong never closes the door every time he does experiments.

Just in case something goes wrong, I can't run away.

After the device was warmed up, Liu Cong started the operation.

First, he quickly poured the raw materials into the reaction device.

Academician Jia from behind saw Liu Cong being so rude and almost couldn't help shouting.

However, he still held back.

After all, everyone does experiments differently.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Cong quickly aimed the laser accelerator at the reactive material in the tokamak.

"咻~~" a small voice.

The ions in the laser accelerator are emitted at the speed of light.

The next second, the tokamak device emitted a bright light.

This bright light instantly filled the entire laboratory.

Seeing this scene, Academician Jia was dumbfounded.

What he didn't expect was that the young man in front of him could actually conduct this experiment by himself.

The principal on the side was much calmer.

After all, he had seen Liu Cong conduct many experiments outside.

I was shocked at first, but then I gradually got used to it.

Now he believes that this is how controllable nuclear fusion should be developed.

Little did he know that when such a thing appeared in front of Academician Jia, he was shocked.

Maybe the principal has always regarded Liu Cong as a genius, so he has always had great expectations for Liu Cong.

Time passed by second by minute.

five minutes later,

Academician Jia could no longer contain his excitement.

"Lao Zhu, excuse me."

"I have to make a phone call!"



"China is going to change!"

Before Principal Zhu could react, Academician Jia ran away.

"Lao Xu, hurry up!!!"

“Come to Huaqing University!!”

"with the fastest speed!"

"There is a helicopter in the yard. You can just have someone drive it over."

"By the way, call the troops over here!"

Regarding what Academician Jia said, Lao Xu was confused on the other end of the phone.

I have no idea what Academician Jia on the other end of the phone is talking about.

Until Academician Jia briefly described the matter to Lao Xu.


"Someone at Huaqing University is working on controlled nuclear fusion!"

"It's been six minutes!"

Having said this, Academician Jia hurried back.

At this time, the controllable nuclear fusion reaction had lasted for more than seven minutes.

This reaction time was enough to shock Academician Jia.

Their institute has been developing this since the 1970s and 1980s.

So far, it has not exceeded one thousand seconds.

At present, the best place to conduct this experiment is the Science Island of Huaxia University of Science and Technology in Lu City.

The reaction time of their artificial sun can already reach over a thousand seconds.

Of course, this reaction does not always last so long.

In the laboratory, Liu Cong was a little tired from standing, so he moved a small bench and sat calmly in front of the tokamak device.

This scene seemed a bit funny to Academician Jia.

It is estimated that the person who can be so relaxed and conduct controlled nuclear fusion experiments is none other than Liu Cong.

The experiment time came to ten minutes, which meant that the reaction had lasted for six hundred seconds.

However, this experimental result may be something that is not worth mentioning to Liu Cong.

After all, Liu Cong could complete the experiment in ten minutes two months ago.

However, this is different in the eyes of Academician Jia.

"Lao Zhu, why didn't you tell me this earlier!"

"As a scientific researcher, you know this."

"Ten minutes! Do you know what that means?"

“This is enough electricity for Huaqing University for a year!!”

The principal nodded calmly at this time, and he knew what this meant.

However, compared to this, he respects Liu Cong's choice more.

Because he chose Huaqing University in the first place.

Today, if Academician Jia hadn't come to ask for equipment, the principal wouldn't have let him come to see the experiment.

Academician Jia was so excited that his face turned red.

"Good seedling!"

"This is definitely a good seedling!"

"In my whole life, Jia Jun, I have never seen anyone who can complete all the experiments of controllable nuclear fusion by himself!!"

"This is definitely a good seedling!"

"God bless me China!!"

Academician Jia was almost crazy at this time.

At this time, Liu Cong, who was doing experiments in the laboratory, had no idea that the Huaqing campus had been surrounded by the military...

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