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Chapter 227: Industry leaders gather at the Nuclear Physics Laboratory of Huaqing University

The light in the laboratory is getting stronger and stronger.

Even Liu Cong felt the heat even though he was ten meters away from the tokamak device.

The two central air conditioners in the laboratory are completely inoperable.


The sound of five or six helicopter propellers made every student at Huaqing University unable to help but stop in their tracks.

Soon after, the helicopter stopped at the laboratory square not far from Liu Cong.

Then, a dozen soldiers wearing dark green clothes ran out of the helicopter.

"Please ask any irrelevant personnel to leave the scene immediately!"

“Again, please ask irrelevant personnel to leave the scene immediately!!”

A soldier kept shouting in the middle of the square with a loudspeaker.

Some unreasonable students wanted to take pictures with their mobile phones, but were immediately stopped by these people.

Seeing that each of these people were armed with live ammunition, everyone quickly left the scene.

Soon after, the entire area was cordoned off.

Within a few kilometers, the Internet was also cut off.

Everyone is confused, both wireless and wired networks are unavailable at this time.

Mr. Wang, this is the site of the experiment.

A middle-aged man in formal clothes pointed to the inside of the building and said.

This person is Lao Xu who just spoke to Academician Jia.

He also came directly after receiving the order.

Dozens of people were already standing in the square.

Everyone looked at the glowing windows with shocked eyes.

The controllable fusion reaction has been going on for fifteen minutes now.

The light in the laboratory still did not lighten at all, but became even more intense.

The light within the reaction has changed from the yellow light at the beginning to white light.

This means that the temperature inside the tokamak device has increased again at this time.

Academician Jia and the principal both saw this scene.

When Liu Cong saw this scene, he also smiled.

This also means that my reaction this time will definitely take longer than the last time.

Because, the higher the temperature, the longer the reaction life will be.

Take the sun for example.

Currently, the sun is in its prime.

The light emitted by the sun is yellow.

And above him, there are white light, blue light and purple light.

They represent respectively, yellow giant, white giant, blue giant and purple giant.

The higher the temperature, the longer the reaction life.

Looking at it now, the temperature inside the tokamak device is at least over 100 million degrees.

Even higher.

Liu Cong looked excited. This experiment meant that his idea was correct.

"Good guy!!"

"It turns out that my previous thinking has been solidified."

"I only paid attention to the big aspects, but ignored some details."

"Such a low-level mistake shouldn't happen to me!"

"Fortunately, my delay was not too long!!"

Fortunately, Liu Cong's words were not heard by Academician Jia outside, otherwise he would have vomited blood on the spot.

They have been researching for decades without any major breakthrough.

In just a few months, he was overtaken by a college student alone.

Isn't this just naked irony?

Gradually, people gathered outside the laboratory.

At this time, the principal was completely stunned by this scene.

These old monsters, who had never been seen before, were all present in person.

This shows how much attention the above attaches to this experiment.


"This is really amazing!"

"How long does the experiment last now?"

At this time, an old man on crutches asked Academician Jia next to him in a shocked tone.

His hands were trembling.

"Back to Mr. Shu, the experiment has lasted for fifteen minutes now!!"

boom! !

After hearing this, the dozen or so people standing in the corridor were shocked into silence.

With the current progress of the experiment, it can definitely take more than twenty minutes.

When Mr. Shu in front of him heard what Academician Jia said, he almost lost his grip on his crutches.

When the people next to him saw this, they hurried up to help Shu Lao.

Shu Lao is over eighty years old, almost ninety years old.

I don't have heart disease. It would be bad if I did.

The few people standing on the side are all Chinese physics experts.

Everyone just watched the reaction in the laboratory quietly.

For so long, Liu Cong didn't notice anyone outside.

First, the sound insulation here is so good.

Second, noise will inevitably occur during the experiment, and these noises will cover up the human voice.

At this time, Liu Cong was already sweating profusely.

However, he could not suppress his inner excitement at all.

The longer the reaction lasts, it means that it is a big step closer to success.

The time came to twenty minutes.

The people outside all had their eyes widened, and it was no exaggeration to say that some shed tears excitedly on the spot.

Controllable nuclear fusion is of great significance to some people here.

Even beyond his own life.

Some people started here when they were young and studied for most of their lives without making much progress.

They just want to see such a scene in their lifetime.

This goal has now been achieved.

The time has come to thirty minutes, which is one thousand eight hundred seconds.

The reaction continues.

Liu Cong stared at the tokamak device with a timer in his hand.

"Not enough! It's far from enough!"

Liu Cong kept mumbling.

Everyone outside was completely numb at this time.

As long as Liu Cong completes this experiment, he will probably be protected immediately.

This is no longer a matter of simple experimentation.

This is an energy issue that affects China and even the world.

Coal and gasoline will eventually run out.

Wind and solar energy are not always available.

But controllable nuclear fusion is different. It is completely inexhaustible energy.

The content in seawater alone can be used by humans for tens of billions of years.

By that time, humans may no longer be on Blue Star.

The successful development of controllable nuclear fusion can even allow human civilization to rise directly to first-level civilization in a short period of time.

This is a very scary thing.

Mastering the energy issue means that people can use this energy to do many things.

You can even travel between galaxies without any supplies.

In this way, it is not impossible for humans to move to other galaxies in the future.

The reaction came at forty-three minutes,

The bright light inside the tokamak device slowly dimmed.

This means that this experiment ends here.


“It’s only such a small amount of time, but it’s still far from enough!!”

When Liu Cong's words reached the ears of the people present, everyone took a deep breath.

Liu Cong recorded the time of the experiment in his notebook, then put down the notebook and prepared to go to the toilet.

When he turned his head, he was startled by the scene outside the door.

(Thank you Tomato Mixed Tomato Scrambled Egg for sending the reminder and power generation for love, thank you for the inspiration capsule for your visit, thank you Sui An An and user 28583394 for sending the balance flowers, thank the owner of Yaochi Fairy Castle for sending you Love to generate electricity. Thank you!)

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