Time moved forward a few days,

"Liu Cong, the last time you told me about forming a team, I already asked someone to handle it!"

On the phone, a sweet female voice came.

"Really! So fast!"

Liu Cong was a little surprised.

Seeing that the auditions were about to start in a few days, and not all people had been found yet, Liu Cong was about to give up.

Unexpectedly, there is such an unexpected surprise.


"They are all students from Huaqing Campus."

"The lowest level is the rank of the Extraordinary Master of Telecom District 1!"

The extraordinary master of District 1 has no doubt about his gold content.

"Jiang Wanying, you really helped me with a big thing this time."

"I'll treat you to dinner next time." Liu Cong said cheerfully.

"Is it still the beef brisket rice from the cafeteria?"

"Liu Cong, I would say you are still really stingy."

"You are a boss. Every time I help you with something, you treat me to the canteen."

"You are so worthless!"

Jiang Wanying on the other end of the phone kept complaining about Liu Cong.

"Miss, I'm very busy every day."

"Yeah, busy playing games."

"There's not even time to eat."

Liu Cong didn't know how to explain to Jiang Wanying.

"By the way, why do you want to form a team?" Jiang Wanying asked curiously.

"Of course it's to compete in the World Championships and become famous!"

"I want to develop into an all-round entertainer."

Jiang Wanying could still accept Liu Cong's explanation.

Liu Cong himself is a public figure, so it makes sense for him to participate in auditions for fame.

"All right."

"I've found the people for you, and I've roped a few of them into the group."

"Why don't you find a time to meet and discuss the upcoming auditions?" Jiang Wanying said on the other end of the phone.

After saying this, Liu Cong hung up the phone.

Today is the weekend, and Liu Cong doesn't plan to go to the laboratory.

Now, there are several academicians doing experiments in the laboratory, and Liu Cong no longer needs to do some experiments.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Liu Cong is still free.

Today I was invited by Li Zhihua to visit the new factory.

So, after calling Jiang Wanying, Liu Cong took the car keys and went out.

This time the new factory is still in the industrial park.

Liu Cong drove for nearly forty minutes before arriving at the target location.

When Liu Cong arrived at the gate of the factory, Li Rui had already been guarding the gate.

After seeing Liu Cong coming, he quickly asked someone to arrange to open the door.

"Boss! Boss!"

"You're finally here."

"I haven't seen you for months and I really miss you."

If there wasn't a car door blocking him, Li Rui would have pounced on him.


"I haven't seen you in a few months and you've gained weight."

"It seems like you have a good meal now!"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Li Rui puffed up his stomach.

"you do not say!"

"Boss, I am now the workshop director and factory director of three workshops."

The current Li Rui and the previous Li Rui are in completely different mental states.

In the past, he was lazy and did not want to make progress.

Now, I feel like I no longer have that arrogant attitude, and I have become more energetic.

Especially with such a pair of glasses, he looks more like a leader.

"Haha, it seems that you have been working hard during these times when I was away!"

Hearing Liu Cong's compliment, Li Rui patted his chest.

"Of course, I am the one who wants to catch up with the boss."

"You work so hard, I don't want to lose to you."

"Don't tell me, you kicked the ball really well last time."

"I'm so excited to see you!"


Seeing that Li Rui was getting more and more unreasonable, Liu Cong immediately stopped the topic.

After all, I came here to visit the new factory.

"Get in the car!"

"We'll talk about this later when we have time."

With that said, Liu Cong drove Li Rui to his destination.

This factory is very large, almost as big as some universities.

A minute later, Liu Cong parked the car at the entrance of an office building.

Looking at this magnificent building, Liu Cong couldn't help but take a breath.

"How about it, boss."


Li Rui pointed excitedly at the building in front of him.

Liu Cong gave Li Rui a thumbs up.


"Go, go, go!"

I will take you to see my dad now. He is still waiting for you in the office.

After coming in, Liu Cong looked at the exquisite decoration style and the majestic potted plants, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Boss, be cool!"

"Our company is making money now, and our orders have been placed overseas!"

"These are just the tip of the iceberg. I will take you to visit them later."

After entering the office building, Li Rui never stopped talking.

Until, Li Rui knocked on the office door.

At this time, Li Zhihua was talking about something with several people Liu Cong looked at.

Li Zhihua's face was rosy and his tone was full of passion.

Seeing Li Rui pushing open the door and entering, Li Zhihua and several others were stunned for a moment.

When Li Zhihua saw Liu Cong standing next to Li Rui, he smiled again.

"Boss, you are finally here!"

"Sit down, sit down!"

"Xiao Zhang, make tea for Mr. Liu!"

Li Zhihua said to the secretary beside him.

Liu Cong looked around this office. It can be said that it is not ordinary.

"Boss Li, it's okay!"

"Now the secretary has been arranged."

Liu Cong stared at the secretary next to him meaningfully, and then joked.

Seeing this, Li Zhihua quickly explained: "Boss, you don't know."

"The company is very busy now. If I don't hire a secretary, I really can't do it by myself."

Li Rui on the side couldn't help laughing when he saw his father trying his best to explain.

"You brat, why are you laughing?"

"Be careful, I'll whip you with my belt."

"Hey, boss, don't get me wrong!"

"I'm a serious person."

Li Zhihua was afraid that Liu Cong would misunderstand, so he explained specifically.

"Boss, let me introduce you to the new members of the company."

"This is our company's new director, Wang Kaisheng."

"This is the deputy director of our company, Jiang Huan."

"This is…………"

Li Zhihua introduced the new members of the company to Liu Cong.

These people were very polite to Liu Cong when they heard that Liu Cong was the CEO. After all, he was his boss, so he must be polite.

Afterwards, Liu Cong, Li Zhihua and others chatted for a while in the conference room.

Then Li Zhihua took Liu Cong to visit the new factory.

This factory is three or four times larger than the original one.

Moreover, in terms of facilities, all are of the best quality.

Entering Workshop No. 1, Liu Cong saw rows of brand-new machine tools and equipment.

There is a fire cabinet next to each machine.

These may seem luxurious to outsiders, but to Liu Cong they are really good.

The new company's workshops have been upgraded from the original five to twenty.

Moreover, the land was government-funded, and the factory buildings were originally built and useless.

After hearing Li Zhihua's introduction, Liu Cong felt that he had gotten a big advantage.

The problem is, some people want to take advantage of this bargain, but they really can’t.

After all, not every company has mastered high-precision bearing technology, and not every company can break through foreign blockades like Conor.

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