After visiting the factory in the morning, Liu Cong had lunch with the company's senior executives.

Then Liu Cong drove back to school.

As night fell, Liu Cong turned on the computer again.

Galloping in the canyon of the Alliance until early in the morning, Liu Cong gradually fell asleep.

The next day,

Liu Cong came to the laboratory as usual.

When Liu Cong passed by the downstairs of the laboratory, he took the initiative to say hello to the soldiers guarding the door.

Entering the laboratory, Liu Cong felt a little awkward facing these two academicians who were decades older than him.

The reason is that they both admire themselves so much that he can only communicate with them on academic matters.

"Academician Liu, you are here!"

When the two academicians saw Liu Cong coming, they immediately came to greet him.

Liu Cong was also very polite, "Good morning, seniors!"

After the three of them greeted each other, they quickly got down to business.

"Academician Liu, I have a question that I didn't understand yesterday."

"That is, how do you solve the problem of the static curve of controllable nuclear fusion energy release?"

This question made Liu Cong a little stunned for a while.

"Static curve?"

"This is simple."

"You can try to use the Grans-Bronmin statistical equation, eliminate the scalars and then perform quasi-variation."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, the academician in front of him suddenly understood.

"Academician Liu, you are so amazing!!"

"Why didn't I think of using this method to verify it?"

"Sure enough, there are differences between people."

When Liu Cong heard this sentence, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Lao Gao, I also think what you said makes sense."

"The gap between us and Academician Liu is not just a little bit."

“I feel like I’ve learned more by staying here for a while than I have in the decades I spent in the institute.” Academician Li said on the side.


"Academician Liu is really my idol."

"In all my life, I have never admired anyone from the bottom of my heart."

"Academician Liu is the first person I admire." Academician Li said excitedly.

If others had said these words, Liu Cong might not believe them.

If you hear this from the mouths of these scientific research geeks, it is definitely not flattery.

Because, with their status, there is no need to tell lies.

"By the way, Academician Liu, I also have a question to ask you."

Academician Li looked at Liu Cong again with admiring eyes.

"Academician Li, if you have any questions, just ask them directly."

"As long as I know, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Academician Li was overjoyed, "I have a question that I haven't figured out yet."

"When the particles are heated to a high temperature, how can your material withstand it?"

Of course, Academician Li’s question was not difficult for Liu Cong.

Later, Liu Cong immediately gave a corresponding explanation.

"Is such that."

"This uses the state of fluid to lay multiple layers."

"The higher the temperature, the more dispersed the ions are, which means the density will be smaller."

"Until the end, it completely turned into a gas..."

Liu Cong and Academician Li explained at length.

After listening to Liu Cong's explanation, Academician Li suddenly understood.

"Academician Liu, you are really tall!"

"I have thought about similar ideas before, but they were never as bold as yours."

"High, really high!"

"No, I have to verify it."

With that said, Academician Li ran excitedly to the device and started the experiment.

Upon seeing this, Academician Gao also briefly greeted Liu Cong.

Then he started to work on his own affairs.

Seeing the two academicians so busy, Liu Cong also began to calculate the parameters for the next test.


Time moves forward,

In a dimly lit internet café.

There were five young people sitting on the sofa.

Opposite them, there were also five young people of the same age as the people here.

Beside them, the audience had gathered, and they were looking at the ten people sitting at the computer desk with excited eyes.

"I make it official."

"The knockout round of LoL in the Beiping Division has officially begun."

"Next, let's look forward to the exciting games that the Huaqing University team and Beiping Vocational and Technical College of Commerce will bring to us."

The next second, warm applause erupted from the scene.

The knockout round is the knockout round, and even the competition environment is not that formal.

The only good thing is that Internet cafes will definitely keep the Internet open.

And before the game, both teams' computers will be checked to see if there are any plug-ins.

"Qiangzi, do you think we can beat the other side?"

At this time, a young man who was perming Morgan asked the Qiangzi next to him with some anxiety.

Qiangzi thought for a while, and then said confidently: "Be confident."

"We can't learn from others, so can we not beat others in games?"

"I don't believe there are almighty people in this world."

Hearing what Qiangzi said, the young people on the side were instantly full of confidence.

"Qiangzi, I think you are right."

"The five of us are all masters of Denyi."

"The other side might not even have diamonds. They're just here for a formality."

Before the game started, the two sides exchanged friendly handshakes.

When Liu Cong saw this group of people, he felt so friendly.

From them, he found the feeling of being with his roommates.

Soon, it was time to ban heroes.

Both sides entered five heroes each, and then came the next selection process.

Liu Cong chose top laner Nuo Shou, jungler Wei, mid laner Jiao Yue, ADC Verus, and assistant Luo.

The opposite top laner is Gnar, the jungler is the male gunner, the mid laner is the fishman, the ADC Obama, and the assistant Lulu.

Judging from the lineup, there is no difference between the two teams.

After all, the lineups selected by both sides are relatively strong lineups this season.

The game started soon, and Liu Cong controlled Verus and came to the line.

Five minutes ago, both sides were developing steadily.

Until six and a half minutes,

Wei combined with Verus and Lulu and got a double kill in the bottom lane.

ten minutes,

The mid laner Xiao Yuren was killed twice by Jiao Yue.

fifteen minutes,

All three trade routes collapsed.

twenty minutes,

The Huaqing team retreated directly to the opponent Crystal.

In the next game, the team led by Liu Cong defeated the opponent with a score of 3:0.

After the game,

The five people across from them stared at the computer in despair.

"Qiangzi, do you think there is really no way out for us college students?"

"I can't learn how to do it, and I can't even play games."

"Hey! My life has really been in vain." said a thin young man at the side.

As the captain, of course he cannot spread negative energy.

Then he said: "Don't lose heart."

"This time when we go back, we will upgrade to a bachelor's degree."

"We have been in ignorance for so many years, and we have to prove ourselves."

“We junior college students are no worse than anyone else!!”

As he spoke, Qiangzi clenched his fists and looked at the computer screen firmly.

"Yes, this time when I go back I will apply for an institution that offers a bachelor's degree or a bachelor's degree."

“Next year I will take the junior college-to-undergraduate exam!”

(Thanks to Xueyangzi, qny1997, wind blowing, and Weixin for the gift from the future, thank you!!)

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