Liu Cong is about one kilometer away from the hospital.

Liu Cong found a private research institute with the name Outlet Drug Research Institute on it.

This laboratory is not big, with about three floors, located at the junction of Lanhua Road and Jianghai Road in Peiping City.

At the moment, Liu Cong did not hesitate.

After all, there is a lot of traffic at the intersection, and the traffic cannot be blocked in the middle of the road.

Turning into the fork in the road, Liu Cong came to the gate of this drug laboratory.

"Hey, what are you here for?"

Obviously, Liu Cong couldn't do what he wanted. He was stopped by the security guard before he entered the gate.

"Well, security brother, I'm here to discuss something with your boss."

"See if you can inform your boss."

Liu Cong, who had been stopped many times by security guards, also learned the lesson. He took out two packages of 95 coins from the car and gave one package to each of the two security guards.

In other words, if you have smoke, it will be easier to do things.

Obviously, the security guard's attitude is much better than before.

"Young man, why did you come to our boss?" the security guard asked with a smile.

Liu Cong also smiled after seeing that the two security guards were willing to discuss with him.

"Security brother, that's it."

"I plan to collaborate with your institute to produce a drug."


As soon as the security guard heard that business was coming, he looked at Liu Cong's car again.

I believed him immediately.

At that moment, the security guard immediately called his superior at the research institute and then released Liu Cong.

After a while, the security guard took Liu Cong to the waiting room on the first floor.

A few more minutes passed,

A young woman in her thirties, wearing black stockings, came to the room where Liu Cong was waiting.

"Little brother, are you the one who comes to discuss cooperation with us?"

This little brother sound was so soft and coy that Liu Cong almost cried out.

Liu Cong looked at the young woman in black professional attire in front of him, and then at the black stockings on her legs.

Liu Cong couldn't help but swallowed.

"Yes, I am."

"My name is Liu Cong."

Upon seeing this, Liu Cong introduced himself calmly.

After all, he has a girlfriend at home who is even more beautiful than the woman in front of him.

She didn't have the intention to think about anything else.

"Hello, my name is Anna."

"He is the deputy general manager of this company."

"sit down!"

After the two sat down, the vice president named Anna never took his eyes off Liu Cong.

A pair of beautiful legs were swinging back and forth in front of Liu Cong's eyes.

It should be said that a woman is like a wolf at thirty and a tiger at forty.

This is not a wolf, this is completely a tiger.

Which cadre can withstand such a test?

"Brother, why are you here to cooperate with us?"

"We can only produce and develop drugs here." Anna reminded.

Liu Cong knew what Anna wanted to express.

At that moment, he made his intention of coming this time clear.

"Actually, I'm not here to cooperate with you."

"I'm here to spend money on your company."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Anna, who was still smiling, was instantly filled with doubts.

"You're not wrong about buying our research institute, brother."

"Do you know how much profit our institute can create in a year?"

"Just buy it out!"

It can be seen that the woman in front of her does not believe that Liu Cong has such strength.

Moreover, even with such strength, people may not sell this research institute to Liu Cong.

"Sister, I'm not kidding."

"Everything I say is true."

"I urgently need a research institute to develop drugs."

"Besides, you just said that your research institute has a complete drug production line."

"This is more in line with my expectations."

Liu Cong was completely immersed in his plan at this time, but he did not notice that Anna in front of him was already a little impatient.

"Brother, you said you wanted to buy our private research institute."

"Do you have that much money?"

"Besides, we may not buy it if you have so many!" Anna said.

Liu Cong looked at the woman in front of him and said calmly: "What I just said may be a little imprecise."

"I want to invest in your company."

"I also bought your company in disguise."

"Because, now I want to develop an anti-cancer drug."

“So, I wanted to find a research institute that echoed my expectations.”

After Liu Cong finished speaking, Anna couldn't help laughing.

"You want to develop anti-cancer drugs?"

"With us?"

Liu Cong nodded and said, "Yes!"

"I can spend 500 million to invest in your research institute."

"If it doesn't work, just 700 million."

This is the maximum that Liu Cong can bear.

If the other party disagrees, Liu Cong will immediately turn around and find the next one.

If Liu Cong hadn't been in a hurry, the money would have been enough to build a good laboratory by himself.

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Liu Cong took out his rice phone with a broken screen.

Click on the balance of the SMS bank, and then hand it to Anna in front of you to see.

When the other party confirmed that the balance was real, his eyes widened.

"Are you serious?"

The balance of several hundred million in Liu Cong's bank card is no joke.

"Yeah, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here."

"Sister, let me tell you the truth."

"I now have a drug that needs to be developed."

"It's certainly not realistic to rebuild the institute."

"Besides, I can't find so many R\u0026D teams at the same time."

"That's why I thought of this method."

"Say yes now, we can print the contract on the spot."

When speaking of this, Anna hesitated in front of her.

Because the competition in the drug market has been too great in recent years.

Their research institute is no longer as profitable as it used to be, and even suffers losses when the market is bad.

Now there is a scapegoat who spends 700 million to take over, and they are definitely willing to do so.

Just like that, Anna contacted his boss on the spot.

Not long after, a middle-aged man with a beer belly appeared. They came to the conference room where Liu Cong and Anna were.

"Hello, my name is Wang Zhaoyang, and I am the CEO of this research institute."

"Hello, my name is Liu Cong."

Liu Cong shook hands with the other party enthusiastically.

"I just heard Anna say that you want to buy out our company's shares?"

The middle-aged man in front of him asked Liu Cong politely.

Liu Cong smiled and nodded, "Yes, Mr. Wang."

"I think Sister Anna told you the specific situation on the phone just now."

"If you think it's reasonable, we can sign the contract now."

Wang Zhaoyang was stunned when he heard what Liu Cong said.

He has been in society for so many years and has never seen such a generous person.

"Sign, sign!"

"It's just that seven hundred million is a bit too little..."

"I'm afraid this won't work!"

When Liu Cong saw that the other party wanted more, it was impossible.

His limit is only so much, and he can't take out any more now.

After all, we also need to save some money for subsequent research and development.

"Then forget it."

"I really can't afford more."

Liu Cong is so efficient in doing things. As long as he disagrees, he will immediately move the battlefield and never stay.


"Mr. Liu, it's settled."

"Sign, sign!"

"I'll transfer all my shares to you!"

After hearing what Wang Zhaoyang said, Liu Cong showed his workplace fake smile again.

"Okay, that's settled."

"Print the contract now and sign it now."

"I'll send you the money in a minute."

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