On the same day, Liu Cong signed a contract with this research institute.

While the original staff of the institute remained unchanged, Liu Cong successfully obtained 90% of the shares.

There was still 10% of the shares, so Liu Cong entrusted Anna to help him manage the company.

Even Anna didn't expect that the little boy she was talking about cooperation with just now.

Now he has become his boss.

Moreover, he did not take back his original 10% share.

Even she herself didn't know that she would make more money than she could spend in several lifetimes because of this man.

"Sister Anna, I will send you a confidential document in the form of a document."

"Then you distribute these confidential documents and have these developers sign them."

"Don't worry, I will never let you suffer in the future."

"Everyone at the institute will have their salary doubled based on their original salary."

"Including the uncles and aunts who sweep the floor, and the security guards at the door."

Anna looked embarrassed when she heard what Liu Cong said.

"Boss, is this too high?"

"Now our company..."

Liu Cong also knew what Anna was thinking about, so Liu Cong waved his hand on the spot.

"You don't have to worry about salary. The most important thing about me is money."

"Starting from today, all original drug research and development will be stopped."

"From now on, we will specialize in my medicine."

Now that Liu Cong is the boss, Anna will definitely listen to him.

"Boss, are you really not going to develop these drugs?"

"Actually, some drugs can still make money."

Even though Anna said this, Liu Cong still shook his head firmly.

"No, once our anti-cancer drug is developed, even if you earn one yuan per box of the drug, it will be very profitable."

"It can even monopolize the pharmaceutical industry."

"Believe me!"

Now that Liu Cong has said so, Anna on the side has nothing to say.

Now I can only carry out the boss's orders.

"Okay, boss."

"I will carry out your order."

After leaving the outlet pharmaceutical laboratory, Liu Cong went to the local patent office.

Then he submitted all the information he had prepared.

No matter what, registering the patent first is the first choice.

When the staff saw Liu Cong's original patent, they looked at the young man in front of them in disbelief.

However, staff members quickly recovered from their shock due to confidentiality concerns.

After leaving the patent office, we drove home.

Since my mother complained last time, I have gone back often on weekends.

Before going back, Liu Cong also called Chen Qiong.

Let her come over for dinner tonight.

But to Liu Cong's surprise, Chen Qiong is now at his home.

Since the last formal meeting with her parents, Chen Qiong has been to her home more frequently than herself.

After arriving home, Chen Qiong and Zhang Guimei lay on the sofa.

At this time, his father was busy working in the kitchen wearing an apron.

"Mom, don't worry about my dad cooking in the kitchen alone?"

"Can he eat the food he cooks?"

Liu Yang, who was busy in the kitchen, felt as if he had grasped a life-saving straw when he saw Liu Cong coming back.

He quickly came out of the kitchen.

"came back."

Liu Cong nodded and said, "I'm back."

Zhang Guimei, who saw Liu Cong coming back, also got up from the sofa and came to Liu Cong's side.

"You still know how to come back."

"You can't imitate Xiaoqiong. He often runs home now."

"Forget it if you don't come back, I won't even give Xiaoqiong a regular phone call."

After hearing what his mother said, Liu Cong thought about it for a moment.

It's true that I don't usually look for Chen Qiong.

"Mom, she didn't look for me either."

"I'm usually busy, aren't I?"


Before Liu Cong could finish his next sentence, Zhang Guimei slapped him.

Fortunately, Liu Cong hid quickly.

"Mom, how come you got started."

Liu Cong said a little aggrieved.

"You still said that!"

"You are a man and if you don't take the initiative, let a woman take the initiative."

"The fact that Xiaoqiong likes you is a blessing that you have cultivated for eight lifetimes."

"You're still reasonable."

Seeing Zhang Guimei standing up for him, Chen Qiong hid next to Zhang Guimei and snickered while covering her mouth.

By the way, he playfully stuck out his tongue at Liu Cong.

"Why don't you go cook for me!"

After Zhang Guimei gave the order, Liu Cong dropped his head and went to the kitchen with his father to cook.

After the meal, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong went out together.

"Brother, are you going back to school tonight?"

Chen Qiong asked in the elevator.

Liu Cong nodded, "Yes!"

"I have something to do tomorrow morning."

Seeing Liu Cong say this, Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong pitifully.

"Brother, we haven't been together much for a month."

"Just stay with me tonight!"

Chen Qiong took Liu Cong's hand and started acting coquettishly.

"Is that possible?"

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong's expectant eyes.

Thinking about it, it had indeed been a long time since he had been with Chen Qiong.

Immediately, he nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go!"



The next day,

Liu Cong looked at the sleeping Chen Qiong and slowly removed her from his arms.


"Brother, you pressed my hair."

Liu Cong originally wanted Chen Qiong to sleep a little longer, but unexpectedly he woke Chen Qiong up.

"Where are you going!"

Chen Qiong held Liu Cong's arm and prevented Liu Cong from getting out of bed.

"I'm going to buy you breakfast!"

"No need to buy it, you just have breakfast!"

The next second, Chen Qiong took the initiative to ride on Liu Cong.




At 9:30 in the morning, Liu Cong came to the Outlet Research Institute.

"Boss, these are confidentiality agreements signed by researchers at the institute."

Anna today is still the same as yesterday, wearing professional attire.

The two white breasts on her chest are looming, and even the black stockings have been replaced by white stockings.

Fortunately, I am still in a cooling-off period, otherwise I would be restless again.

No adult male can withstand such a figure.

Liu Cong coughed lightly, then took the confidentiality agreement from Anna's hand, and looked at it carefully.

After confirming that it was correct, Liu Cong put the confidentiality agreement aside.

"Now that the confidentiality agreement has been signed, it's time to get down to business."

"Sister Anna, please go and call everyone in the institute to the conference room."

"There is a very important meeting to be held today."

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