After returning to school, Liu Cong came to the laboratory immediately.

There seemed to be more soldiers guarding the place outside the laboratory than before.

There are many more surveillance cameras and alarms around the laboratory than in the previous two days.

This shows how much the superiors attach great importance to this experiment.

If it weren't for Liu Cong's unwillingness to go to the research institute.

This experiment has long been classified as a secret research.

Of course, from the perspective of outsiders, no one knows what is being studied inside.

People would not think that controllable nuclear fusion is being studied in this experimental building.

When the soldiers saw Liu Cong coming, they immediately and respectfully let him go.

After entering the laboratory, Liu Cong saw Academician Li, Academician Gao, and several other researchers repeating previous experiments.

There are professionals nearby who are recording the data.

Watching the experiment in progress, Liu Cong quietly walked up to Academician Gao.

"Academician Gao, how far is the experiment now?"

Academician Gao, who was carefully observing the reaction of the experiment, was startled by Liu Cong's sudden voice.

Academician Gao was overjoyed when he saw Liu Cong coming over.

"Report to Liu Yuan."

"We strictly followed the experimental steps you gave us."

"The experiment has lasted for more than fifty minutes now, and it will be almost an hour soon."

It can be seen that Academician Gao is still very satisfied with this experimental data.

At this time, Academician Li opposite also saw Liu Cong's arrival.

He also came over immediately.

"Academician Liu, you are here."

"Come and take a look, there seems to be something wrong with the experimental data this time."

Hearing what Academician Li said, Academician Gao's heart tightened.

"Lao Li, what are you doing?"

"What experimental data is wrong?"

Afterwards, the three people hurriedly came to the tokamak device.

Liu Cong looked at the data displayed on the display next to the tokamak.

This is completely unlike the data that has been sent for more than fifty minutes.

"Lao Li, did you secretly put reaction materials in it?"

"How come the tritium and deuterium content here hasn't been reduced much?"

"Logically speaking, we should have almost finished the reaction now. Why is there still half of it now?"

Academician Gao asked Academician Li in surprise.

Academician Li also looked completely ignorant.

"I strictly followed Academician Liu's experimental procedures."

"How dare I add materials during the reaction?"

"You wouldn't think so if you thought about it with your toes."

Having said this, everyone thought of a possibility.

That is, the reaction occurs in a cycle.

You know, the reason why the sun has reacted for billions of years without showing any signs of weakening.

The reason is that cyclic reactions can occur inside, and the materials inside can be used repeatedly.

"Academician Liu, are we going to succeed?"

Academician Li looked at Liu Cong and clenched his fists excitedly.

At this time, all the auxiliary R\u0026D personnel in the laboratory gathered next to the tokamak device.

Looking at this dazzling light, everyone was also very excited.

Liu Cong stared at the reaction data on the dashboard.

One thing is certain, that is, they seem to be not far from success.

He believed that as long as they continued at this pace, their success would be inevitable.

Deuterium and tritium react in tokamak reactors for as long as they can overcome.

The artificial sun was waving to them.

Liu Cong looked back at Academician Li, and then said, "I don't know either."

"But judging from the level of reaction now, my guess is correct."

"Just control the critical point where output power/input power \u003e 1."

"Actually, it's considered a success."

"So far, we have actually succeeded."

"But in my eyes, these are far from enough."

“If you want to achieve energy freedom, you have to make the response time longer.”

In fact, Liu Cong's experiment has long been considered a success.

In the scientific community, controllable nuclear fusion only needs to persist for 101 seconds, which is actually considered a success.

The reason why the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion is so difficult is that the research properties of plasma are very unclear.

Plasma is inherently a very complex thing and has the characteristics of a fluid.

It can also interact with electromagnetic fields.

This causes the plasma to become more uncontrollable and unstable at high temperatures.

After Liu Cong's countless experiments and countless verifications.

Make the plasma reaction more stable.

During the reaction, less and less energy is lost.

This also means that energy utilization is getting higher and higher.

Therefore, the reaction time will be longer and longer.

After hearing what Liu Cong said, the two academicians nodded and agreed very much with Liu Cong's idea.

"Academician Liu, we have created a miracle now. "

"If this were exposed, it would definitely be a worldwide sensation."

"Looking at the entire Blue Star, no one has been able to achieve controllable nuclear fusion for one hour!"

Academician Gao's face flushed with excitement.

Controlled nuclear fusion may be a simple experiment in Liu Cong's eyes.

However, in the eyes of these scientific researchers, it is their lifelong efforts.

A goal to strive for throughout your life.

"Academician Gao, where are we now? We still need to work hard."

"Strive to put it into use as soon as possible."

"This way our country can generate electricity with completely clean energy in the future."

“At that time, electricity prices for ordinary people will also be reduced.”

"Isn't this what we do scientific research for?" Liu Cong said to everyone with a smile.

At this time, during the exchange between Liu Cong and two academicians.

The light in the tokamak reaction device also gradually dimmed.

The entire experiment lasted one hour and eight minutes.

It can be said that this is the highest record since the beginning of the experiment.

After the experiment, Academician Gao strictly recorded the various data of the experiment in his notebook.

Afterwards, the recorded records were placed in the lockbox.

This is top-secret information, and there is no room for error.

"Academician Liu, what should we do in the next experiment?" Academician Li said from the side.

Academician Li's question made Liu Cong, who was originally thinking, fall into deep thought again.

Liu Cong paused and then said: "Based on the current experiments."

"Preliminary proof that my idea was correct."

"Next, let's follow the experimental steps step by step."

"Then we improve step by step during the experiment."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Academician Gao and Academician Li both nodded at the same time.

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