Japan, Japan Automobile Company.

In the conference room, there were about thirty people sitting in the conference room with serious eyes.

"Yamamoto, as of now, we have completely lost the Chinese market."

"Siling's engines can no longer be sold."

"Our local cars can no longer be exported."

"Even if we are willing to export now, they won't want it."

Sitting in the upper right corner of the conference table, a middle-aged man with gray hair on his temples has a serious look in his eyes.

This meeting was jointly held by four senior executives of Siling, Benta, Toyota, and Japan Motor Corporation.

Yamamoto, who was sitting opposite the middle-aged man, also punched the table angrily.


"Those American guys don't know if they have something wrong with them!"

"First it was bearings, then machine tools, and now we have completely lost even the engine market."

"I think they are not targeting China, but us!"

"Do they really think of us as his dogs!?"

After hearing what Yamamoto said, the faces of everyone in the plenary meeting room were not very good.

Anger was written on everyone's face.

In the past, China always begged its own country to import various manufacturing goods for them.

However, in less than a year, this situation has undergone earth-shaking changes.

And they attribute all of this to the United States.

However, there was nothing they could do about this situation.

Japan's fish and meat are the same as those in the United States.

The reason why they held this emergency meeting today is that China's engines have been fully integrated with domestic ones.

And all the factories they opened in China were forced to withdraw their capital just yesterday, July 28th.

Including all car stores in China, there is also a comprehensive ban on sales.

In other words, in the days to come, China will not see a new car produced in Japan.

Unless you are extremely rich, go import.

Of course, no one should do this now.

The reason is that the engine developed by Liu Cong consumes half the fuel of the original engine.

The kinetic energy is 1.5 times that of the original four-cylinder engine.

More importantly, the price is even lower.

Anyone who is normal knows how to choose.

Thinking of this, Yamamoto became even more angry.

If it weren't for the United States, their engine sales of Siling Company would have been very stable.

Now, only a few of their company's dozen or so factories have been closed.

Moreover, the advent of Huaxia Engine has also seized their market in the Middle East and parts of the West.

"We may have really lost the big market in China!"

"The situation has changed!" Someone in the conference room sighed.

Perhaps they didn't wake up until now.

Perhaps, they should not have listened to the United States in the first place.


China, Chery engine production line.

Liu Cong and Mr. Jiang walked side by side, visiting the production line as they walked.

Liu Cong observed these fully automated robotic arms.

He couldn't help but sigh: "As expected of Chery!"

"Even the production line is so high-end."

"It seems that my original choice was right!"

Mr. Jiang laughed loudly when he heard what Liu Cong said.

"Mr. Liu, it is our honor to be chosen by you."

"If you hadn't come to the rescue in time, perhaps our Chinese automobile market would have no available engines."

Mr. Jiang’s words are definitely not groundless.

As far as the current level of China's machinery industry is concerned, it is impossible to catch up with Japan, the United States and other countries.

Even if many of them can be manufactured, patents are still tightly stuck.

It can be seen from the original chip how difficult China is.

However, in this environment, Liu Cong broke through the foreign blockade.

Let our country also have an independently developed engine, and its performance is better than that of foreign engines.

Liu Cong smiled and then shook his head.

"Mr. Jiang, if it weren't for national enterprises like you."

"Perhaps, the matter of domestically produced engines has not been settled yet."

"So, you don't have to be so polite."

"Everyone contributes to the country and benefits the people."

"So, to be polite, we don't have to say anything."

Liu Cong's words opened up the situation instantly.

After Mr. Jiang heard Liu Cong's words, the admiration in his eyes became even stronger.

"Mr. Liu, I really admire what you said."

"If young people are as enlightened as you, then it is inevitable for China to rise to prominence."

Mr. Jiang clenched his fists and said with firm eyes.

Today, the purpose of Liu Cong's visit was to sign agreements with many domestic automobile manufacturers.

After the agreement was signed, Liu Cong realized that his boss had never visited the engine production line.

That's how the current scene happened.

"Mr. Liu, maybe gasoline cars will be replaced in the near future."

"Now new energy vehicles have captured 20% of the automobile market."

"In less than twenty years, gasoline cars will become history!"

Mr. Jiang looked at this huge factory and couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, Mr. Jiang's concerns are not unreasonable.

As far as the current world situation is concerned, everyone is promoting environmental protection and reducing carbon emissions.

In this regard, China is currently at the forefront of the world.

However, this is still not enough.

First, hydrogen energy vehicles cannot be popularized.

Second, the battery life and charging of lithium battery vehicles are also a big problem.

Moreover, lithium batteries will also be affected by changes in temperature.

Especially in winter, the battery life of lithium batteries is reduced by more than one-third.

Therefore, a large part of the reason why current new energy vehicles cannot be popularized is because of this.

But, ten years from now, fifteen years from now, it won’t necessarily be the case.

By that time, as long as there is a breakthrough in lithium batteries, the country will definitely make new energy vehicles the first choice.

At that time, oil trucks will be slowly replaced like incandescent lamps.

"Mr. Jiang, you are right!"

"So, this time we have to get ahead of Western countries and completely dominate the new energy market."

"In this way, we in China no longer have to act based on their opinions."

Mr. Jiang didn't know what Liu Cong said.

However, it is too difficult to achieve this goal.

In terms of photovoltaic cells, it is already difficult to break through, let alone develop in the future.

Since the last century, the world has been studying how to improve battery life.

However, the result is that it does not improve much.

The only thing is that the battery capacity has become larger.

As for the rest, they are basically unchanged.

Therefore, there is still a long way to go before success.

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